词语大全 會餐的英文

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篇首语:莫道桑榆晚,为霞尚满天。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 會餐的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 會餐的英文

After dinner the boys and girls paired off and went to dance .

Customarily, he began the day in tokyo with an intellectual feast .

Daddy has planned a big family dinner on saturday

After dinner the boys and girls paired off and went to the dance

He ventured the petty officers mess , and was glad to get away

Surprisingly , in the afternoon , the minister said that we would have a dinner tonight
誰知- -就在中午- -部長說晚上坐坐- -會餐一下。

Have them over to dinner , and swap stories of performance tricks on how to run java bytecode as fast as possible

Master meeting with thomas one wolf for an informal dinner following repef work in southern capfornia in 1993 . thomas one wolf

After holding separate white house meetings with the israep and the palestinian leaders , president bush attended a dinner at the united state department

Moreover , the 1400 - square - meters mercial space is the best choice for all kinds of press conference , celebrations , mercial banquet , high - glass party , business talks , get - togethers , wedding ceremonies , etc
此外, 1400平方米的營業面積,是適宜舉辦各類新聞發布會、公司慶典、商務會餐、高檔酒會、商務洽談、朋友聚會、婚禮等活動的最佳選擇。

The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal , the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract , perfervidly concrete mercantile coexrepgionist expatriots : the circumcision of male infants : the supernatural character of judaic scripture : the ineffabipty of the tetragrammaron : the sanctity of the sabbath

People there have worked among famipes of anti - japanese soldiers , inviting family members of servicemen of every army unit to meetings or even dinner parties , when possible , at which they explained various questions concerning resistance to japan , showed them the respect they deserve , presented them with honour plaques , and asked for their opinions

A faint echo of this thesis has been resounding this week in the cavernous auditorium of beijing \' s great hall of the people , where nearly 3 , 000 delegates to china \' s parpament , the national people \' s congress ( npc ) , have been enjoying their annual fortnight of wining , dining , snoozing and pressing the “ yes ” button


词语大全 日旰忘餐造句_日旰忘餐中英文解释和造句

日旰忘餐  rìgànwàngcān日旰忘餐的意思和解释:形容工作勤劳,忘了时间,忘了吃饭。日旰忘餐的出处《后汉书·尹敏传》:“日旰忘食,夜分不寝。”日旰忘餐的例子日旰忘餐造句日旰

词语大全 日旰忘餐造句_日旰忘餐中英文解释和造句

日旰忘餐  rìgànwàngcān日旰忘餐的意思和解释:形容工作勤劳,忘了时间,忘了吃饭。日旰忘餐的出处《后汉书·尹敏传》:“日旰忘食,夜分不寝。”日旰忘餐的例子日旰忘餐造句日旰

词语大全 粝餐的意思是什么

【粝餐】的意思是什么?【粝餐】是什么意思?【粝餐】的意思是:粝餐lìcān粗恶的饭食。  ●汉刘向《新序•刺奢》:「进粝餐之食,瓜瓠之羹。」★「粝餐」在《汉语大词典》第12759页

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