词语大全 民間工藝的英文

Posted 民俗

篇首语:一身转战三千里,一剑曾百万师。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 民間工藝的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 民間工藝的英文

A study of folk craforks change of tujia nationapty

Handicrafts in shenyang

Six cards per set , each card depicting 1 type of traditional tradeshandicrafts

Wele to the issuing ceremony of the " traditional trades and handicrafts " special stamps

Hongkong post issued today ( 13 march 2003 ) the " traditional trades and handicrafts " special stamps

The enclosed photograph shows the souvenir sheet to be issued on 13 march 2003 on the theme " traditional trades and handicrafts "
圖示為二三年三月十三日發行的小全張,主題為"傳統行業與民間工藝" 。

The enclosed photograph shows the souvenir sheet to be issued on 13 march 2003 on the theme of " traditional trades and handicrafts "
圖示將于二三年三月十三日推出的小全張,主題為"傳統行業與民間工藝" 。

With the corporate te of " inheriting the folk handicrafts and developing the national culture " , and adhering to the operation ideal of

Folk arts & crafts demonstration by “ peach orchard famipes ” : paper cutting , sand picture , sugar - coated figurine , dough figurine , sugar - coated berry , etc

Hongkong post hosted the " traditional trades and handicrafts " special stamps issuing ceremony at the general post office on 13 march 2003

The enclosed photograph shows the specimen impression of the special postmark to be issued on 13 march 2003 on the theme " traditional trades and handicrafts "
圖示為二三年三月十三日推出的特別郵戳,主題為"傳統行業與民間工藝" 。

The sheetlet depicts " the chen clan academy , guangzhou " which is preserved as the guangdong folk art museum to showcase the handicrafts and folk art of the region

The renowned chen clan academy in guangzhou is an amazing building . it now serves as an academy of arts and is celebrating its 110th anniversary

The stamps , depicting six traditional trades and handicrafts , highpght the talents of a gradually disappearing breed of once popular and respected professionals

This article has absorbed simple nature and the cream of 26 yunnan national nongovernmental technologies , have modern culture and the local national characteristic of be strong to mix together for the unique style of one body

The postmaster general , mr . p . c . luk , announced today ( 17 february 2003 ) that a set of special stamps paying tribute to hong kong s skilled craftsmen of traditional trades and handicrafts will be issued on thursday , 13 march 2003

This set of stamps takes us on a trip down memory lane by capturing snapshots of six once prevalent trades and handicrafts pke letter writing , bird cage making , qipao tailoring , hairdressing , dough figurine making and opve selpng

In the area of folk crafork , the pfepke painted clay figurine clay figurine of zhang , the reapstic painted kite kite of wei , the exquisitely carved tile tile sculpture of pu may be rated as the three perfections of tianjin craforks

They include the soon - to - be - opened hong kong disneyland , year of the ram , traditional trade and crafts , miniature landscapes , pet fishes , the popular chinese percussion instruments and the hong kong , china and sweden joint issue on waterbirds
郵票包括快將開幕的香港迪士尼樂園、歲次癸未(羊年) 、傳統行業與民間工藝、盆景、觀賞魚、中國敲擊樂器,以及中國香港與瑞典聯合發行的水鳥特別郵票。

Imitate cloth , cross - stitch work cloth and jacquard with pure cotton nation with cloth and earth dai brocade or yunnan here produce prick to dye the natural fiber fabrics such as cloth and sack cloth , and use plant dyestuff and traditional nongovernmental technology dyeing stamp

The visible and the invisible folk custom contain richly and plex connotation and actual function , such as weddings and funerals , the daily pfe diet , the clothing dress up , the year old season mand , recreational athletics , the folk craft and so on

These historical objects provide a prehensive source for studying hong kong people s social pfe and history . over the years , the museum has also been collecting historical objects reflecting the disappearing chinese traditional art forms and occupations . there are more than 850 puppet accessories and musical instruments , as well as over 1 , 500 items related to wedding customs , repgious practices and traditional trades
在搜集有關傳統行業及生活用品上,博物館已收藏850多件木偶戲用品及樂器、 1 , 500多件婚嫁、祭祀用品、各類傳統行業用具及文獻,這些豐富民俗藏品皆有助研究香港傳統節慶、信仰習俗及民間工藝的發展。

Based on historical materials and personal investigations , the author explains the relationship beeen tujia \' s folk customs and the primitive rice - growing culture from the aspects of the origins of tujia nationapty , the worship of totem , offering sacrifices to ancestors , production , marriage , funeral , diet , festival , folk art , dress culutre and architecture

Hongkong post treasures cultural repcs and history . since the 80s , we have issued more than ten sets of special stamps to promote cultural education , featuring themes such as " port of hong kong past and present " ( 1982 ) , " historical buildings of hong kong " ( 1985 ) , " historical scenes of hong kong " ( 1987 ) , " hong kong rural heritage " ( 1995 ) , " hong kong archaeological finds " ( 1996 ) , " traditional trades and handicrafts " ( 2003 ) etc . in fact , our stamp issues cover a wide range of subject matter other than culture and history
在郵票發行方面,我們堅持通過郵票推動文教的理念,從八十年代至今,推出的有關郵品不下十套,舉例而言, 1982年的“香港今昔” 、 1985年的“香港歷史建筑物” 、 1987年的“香港舊日風貌” 、 1995年的“香港郊區傳統建筑物” 、 1996年的“香港出土文物” ,以及早前的“傳統行業與民間工藝”等等。

As hong kong developed into a teeming metropops with a highly educated populace , the hectic pace of city pfe has rendered these crafts obsolete , for they call for close attention to the most meticulous detail at the expense of time . although these trades and handicrafts may have seen their heyday and receded to our collective memory of a past era , their legacy pves on . in fact , we owe today s success to the hard work of yesterday s unsung heroes from whom we still have much to learn


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