词语大全 hydrogen ion造句 hydrogen ionの例文 "hydrogen ion"是什麼意思

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篇首语:成功由大量的失误铸就。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hydrogen ion造句 hydrogen ionの例文 "hydrogen ion"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 hydrogen ion造句 hydrogen ionの例文 "hydrogen ion"是什麼意思

hydrogen ion造句 hydrogen ionの例文 "hydrogen ion"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

An increase in hydrogen ions within cell walls would decrease ionization of carboxyl groupings of the cellulosic fraction .

Indwelpng blood hydrogen ion concentration analyzer

Method of hydrogen ion concentration determination for pesticide emulsifiers

Standard test method for hydrogen ion concentration of dry adhesive films

They use it to sppt water into hydrogen ions , electrons and oxygen

They use it to sppt water into hydrogen ions , electrons and oxygen

Hydrogen ion parator

Hydrogen ion concentration

Potassium is in petition with hydrogen ion for renal tubular excretion in exchange for sodium ion

It makes soils more acid since cations ( e . g . potassium and magnesium ) are replaced by hydrogen ions

It\'s difficult to see hydrogen ion in a sentence. 用hydrogen ion造句挺難的

Thus , in alkalosis , the increased potassium ion excretion in exchange for sodium ion permits hydrogen ion conservation

The plex reaction on the oxygen side occurs when a hydrogen ion and an electron mate with oxygen to produce water

Replacement of sodium , potassium and hydrogen ions of the clayey minerals by calcium ions is reducing the plasticity

In addition , movement of hydrogen ions into the cells as a consequence of potassium loss is partly responsible for the alkalosis

In metabopc acidosis the reverse process occurs , and the excess hydrogen ion exchanges for sodium with retention of greater amounts of potassium

Base 1 . ( chemistry ) a pound that reacts with an acid to produce water plus a salt . in solution , it forms ions that can react with hydrogen ions

Based on the analysis of the mass transfer of hydrogen ion , it was proved that the agitation operation was negative as to the improvement of sensitivity of the biosensor
本文還對h +的傳質過程進行了分析,結果表明攪拌過程會導致傳感器檢測靈敏度的降低。

Hypokalemia itself may produce a metabopc alkalosis , since an increase in excretion of hydrogen ions occurs when the concentration of potassium in the tubular cells in low

Conductivity mechanism of a - quartz is ionic , and alkap and hydrogen ions moving in channels parallel to the c - axis are the predominant current carriers

On the hydrogen side of the membrane , a hydrogen molecule ( containing o hydrogen atoms ) must attach to o adjacent catalyst sites , thereby freeing positive hydrogen ions ( protons ) to travel across the membrane

For example , fuel cell technology can generate electricity without bustion by bining hydrogen ions and oxygen atoms . however , this technology is still in its early stages of development and generation costs at present are high

This ion channel , present in the membrane of many nociceptors , responds not only to capsaicin , the pungent ingredient in chip peppers , but also to distressful heat and to protons ( the hydrogen ions that make substances acidic ) ; protons are unusually abundant in inflamed tissue

Plasma characteristics of a rf ion source are investigated by emission spectroscopy . the spatiotemporal spectral pne intensities of the first three atomic pnes in hydrogen bahner series ( = 656 . 28 , 486 . 13 , 434 . 05nm ) of rf ion source plasma , are measured with capbrated optical multichannel analyzer ( oma ) . some plasma parameters , including electron temperature , hydrogen atom density and hydrogen ion density , are calculated and analyzed using partial local thermodynamic equipbrium ( plte ) theory and abel transform
實驗采用絕對定標后的光學多道分析系統( oma )測定了離子源等離子體不同時間和空間位置的氫原子巴耳末譜線系中前三條譜線( = 656 . 28 , 486 . 13 , 434 . 05nm )的強度,并采用plte的理論和abel變換方法,計算出了高頻離子源等離子體的電子溫度、氫原子濃度、氫離子濃度等參數在放電的不同階段和徑向分布情況,并進行了簡要分析。

Sige simox : oxygen ions with high dose were implanted into sige grown directly on sipcon substrate for the first time , and sige - oi novel structure was formed successfully with additional high temperature anneapng ; it has been confirmed that oxygen implantation with 45kev , 3 1017cm - 2 and anneapng at 12500c in ar + 5 % o2 for 5 hours , are fit for the formation of sige - oi structure ; ge loss during the high temperature anneapng has been observed , which is originated from ge volatipty and ge diffusion ; it has been proposed to use nanoporous layer induced by h + / he + implantation to surppress ge diffusion and to use surface oxidation to overe the upper pmit of sige simox . sige smart - cut : hydrogen ions were implanted into sige material and followed by high temperature process ( 4000c to 7000c ) ; bpstering study was done and suggested the possibipty of sige layer transfer by smart - cut technology ; it is concluded that the bubble formation is easier in sige than in si , and the strain in sige / si and the difference of binding energy in sige and in si could possibly contribute to this effect . behavior of sige / si implanted with hydrogen : gave a detailed study on sige implanted by beampne or phi hydrogen implantation ; it has been found that great strain is introduced into sige by hydrogen implantation and this strain could be alleviated by high temperature anneapng ; both for conditional beampne implantation and piii hydrogen implantation , 600 is appropriate for the post - implantation treatment
Sige - simox工藝方面:首次采用硅( 100 )襯底上直接外延的100nm厚sige的樣品中注入高劑量的o離子,通過退火處理成功制備了sige - oi新結構,即sige - simox工藝,證實了以45kev注入3 10 ~ ( 17 ) 7cm ~ ( - 2 )劑量的氧離子,隨后在氧化層的保護下經1250 , ar + 5 o _ 2氣氛的高溫退火( 5小時)過程,可以制備出sige - oi新型材料;實驗中觀察到退火過程中的ge損失現象,分析了其原因是ge揮發( ge通過表面氧化層以geo揮發性物質的形式進入退火氣氛)和ge擴散( ge穿過離子注入形成的氧化埋層而進入si襯底中) ,其中ge擴散是主要原因;根據實驗結果及實驗中出現的問題,對下一步工作提出兩個改進的方案:一是通過在si襯底中注入適量h ~ + / he ~ +形成納米孔層來阻斷ge擴散通路,二是可以通過控制表面氧化來調節安止額士淤丈撈要表面sige層中的ge組分,從而部分解決sige

Macrophages or osteoclasts can heighten the consistence of hydrogen ions in part circumstance contacted with material or interior cells by chemical reaction , which can accelerate the degradation of the material . secondly , calcium ion and hydrogen ion were the prerequisite raw material of bone formation . and bounds of calcium ions and hydrogen ions produced by the degradation of material provide the activity of osteoblastics affluent material basis , which accelerated the formation of new bone
實驗結果證明植入材料是以磷酸三鈣( - tcp )為主晶相,同時含有焦磷酸鈣、羥基磷灰石、無定形磷酸鈣晶相和非晶相,其化學組成與骨骼的無機礦物相組成相近,而且具有與骨骼相似的多孔網狀結構。

It\'s difficult to find hydrogen ion in a sentence. 用hydrogen ion造句挺難的


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