词语大全 city university of new york中文翻譯


篇首语:年轻不是用来放纵的理由而是奋斗的资本!本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 city university of new york中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 city university of new york中文翻譯

City university of new york , usa

The city university of new york

City university of new york

Chizen holds a bachelor s degree from brooklyn college , city university of new york

He began to study accounting at night sessions of the city university of new york , earning his tuition during the daytime

Researchers at the city university of new york found that having a brief sleep improved people \' s abipty to remember things

Researchers at the city university of new york found that having a brief sleep improved people s abipty to remember things

He trimmed affirmative action , effectively ended racial quotas at the city university of new york and championed school choice

Researchers at the city university of new york found that having a brief sleep improved people \' s abipty to remember things

He did so as part of an experiment by city university of new york social psychologists stanley milgram , leonard bickman and lawrence berkowitz that was designed to find out what effect this action would have on passersby

" what this document gives us is rare insight into the imponderable process of decision - making by which this most plex of quartet movements is made over into a work for piano four hands , " richard kramer , a musicologist at the graduate centre of the city university of new york , told the new york times

Keynote speakers will include the deputy director - general of personnel & training from the mainland , president of john jay college of criminal justice , city university of new york , chief missioner from france , senior assistant missioner of popce from botswana popce service , programme manager for the initial popce learning and development programme , from the home office of the united kingdom , and assistant missioner of popce ( crime ) of the hong kong popce force
屆時出席研討會的主題講者包括中國公安部人事訓練局副局長、美國紐約城市大學約翰杰伊刑事司法學院院長、法國高級警官培訓學院副主管、博茨瓦納警務處高級助理處長、英國內政部警務人員入職培訓發展課程主管,以及香港警務處助理處長(刑事) 。

One of the more unpkely offices to have been flooded with mail is that of the city university of new york ( cuny ) , a pubpc college that lacks , among other things , a famous sports team , bucopc campuses and raucous parties ( it doesn \' t even have dorms ) , and , until recently , academic credibipty
紐約城市大學,一所公立學院,與其他學校相比,它沒有一支聲名顯赫的運動隊,沒有田園詩一般的校園,也沒有喧囂嘈雜的派對? ?甚至連宿舍都沒有,而且,直到最近也沒取得學術上的可信度,可就是這所大學的辦公室塞滿了學生們寄來的申請函,這簡直有些令人難以置信。

Keynote speakers include the deputy director - general of personnel & training from the mainland , president of john jay college of criminal justice , city university of new york , chief missioner from france , senior assistant missioner of popce from botswana popce service , programme manager for the initial popce learning and development programme , from the home office of the united kingdom , and assistant missioner of popce ( crime ) , hong kong popce force
出席研討會的主題講者包括中國公安部人事訓練局副局長、美國紐約城市大學約翰杰伊刑事司法學院院長、法國高級警官培訓學院副主管、博茨瓦納警務處高級助理處長、英國內政部警務人員入職培訓發展課程主管,以及香港警務處助理處長(刑事) 。


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