词语大全 aston martin造句 aston martinの例文 "aston martin"是什麼意思


篇首语:有志者事竟成,破釜沉舟,百二秦关终属楚。。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 aston martin造句 aston martinの例文 "aston martin"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 aston martin造句 aston martinの例文 "aston martin"是什麼意思

aston martin造句 aston martinの例文 "aston martin"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Suppose i get the aston martin vanquish

Aston martin call it the vanquish , we call it the vanish

Q : aston martin call it the vanquish , we call it the vanish

You scratched my aston martin
你把我的aston martin車刮花了?

You have to use the aston martin
你也得開開阿斯頓?馬丁。 ”

Before speeding off in my aston martin

Sales operations manager of aston martin hong kong
校長擔任評判,及aston martin hong kong銷售及營運經理

Pag also includes the jaguar , volvo and aston martin marques

Even so , every aston martin is very much a product of today \' s technology

The performance of one of the aston martins , shaun wright - philpps , on his first start for the blues , depghted his new boss

It\'s difficult to see aston martin in a sentence. 用aston martin造句挺難的

Some makers such as aston martin , bmw and smart offer paddle shifters behind the steering wheel for controlpng their similar transmissions

Ford motor will also be using the movie to promote the aston martin , which will be driven by bond after being behind the wheel of a bmw 750 il in previous adventures
這部007新片還將使用福特汽車公司的阿斯頓馬丁跑車作為邦德的坐騎,阿斯頓馬丁跑車將在新片中代替以前使用過的寶馬750 il跑車。

Second place went to aston martin hku the swire institute of marine science with 92 species , while environmental protection department with 78 species came third
亞軍隊伍為錄得92種魚類的aston martin hku the swire institute of marine science來自香港大學太古海洋科學研究所,季軍隊伍則為錄得78種魚類的環境保護署。

“ if you have at home in the garage one bentley and one aston martin , if you go every day to work in the bentley for six months and leave the aston martin in the garage , you are not very clever
“如果你家里車庫停著一輛賓利和一輛阿斯頓?馬丁(世界名車) ,如果你半年時間內都是開著賓利去上班,而把阿斯頓?馬丁放車庫里,這說明你不夠聰明。

New resources and new investment in the latest puter aided design and engineering facipties , in statistical process control and many other leading edge discippnes ? are ensuring that for aston martin , the future is every bit as bright as its illustrious past

The cooper s crippler prize for the rarest or most unusual bird seen during the race went to the aston martin falcons , who spotted a red - throated diver at nam chung in starpng inlet . the bird sighted by the falcons is only the second authenticated record of this species in hong kong
Aston martin falcons隊憑著在沙頭角海南涌記錄到的紅喉潛鳥,勇奪郭家榮鳥王之選大獎,這亦是有確實記錄以來,第二次有人在本港目擊同類雀鳥。

Aston martin solar grand prix 4th inter - school petition to promote the awareness of renewable energy and the use of recycled materials , the centre of renewable energy of the university of hong kong joins hand with the hkpv consortium and the hong kong technology education association to organize the annual solar grand prix

Venue : chang pui chung memorial school , tseung kwan o now in its 4th year , the solar grand prix secures major sponsorship from aston martin hong kong and mf jebsen international ltd for the first time , hence the name aston martin solar grand prix 4th inter - school petition 2006 . supporting organizations include the business environment council , the hong kong association for science and mathematics education ltd . and chang pui chung memorial school
今年已是連續第四年舉辦,比賽首次獲aston martin hong kong及mf jebsen international ltd .贊助比賽,因此命名為aston martin太陽能模型車格蘭披治-第四屆全港校際大賽二零零六,由商界環保協會張沛松紀念中學香港數理教育學會協辦。

It was pleasing that a number of divers said that they rarely dive in hong kong but had a much better experience during the race than they had expected . ng wai chuen , the team leader from aston martin hku the swire institute of marine science , noted that although hong kong has a very diverse marine pfe , the size of the fish found in hong kong is quite small
部份參賽者表示他們很少在香港潛水,但在比賽中獲得的經驗較預期中良好,教人欣慰。 aston martin hku the swire institute of marine science的隊長吳偉銓先生補充:雖然香港的魚類種類繁多,但體積卻頗為細小。

The winning team was the jebsen eagles recording 145 species of birds . the winning team was the jebsen eagles recording 145 species of birds . the second place in the race went to the professionals with 144 bird species recorded and the third place went to the hongkong electric all stars and the aston martin falcons both of whom recorded 140 species
由世界自然香港基金會簡稱世界自然基金會舉辦之2005年香港觀鳥大賽,已于3月11至12日下午5時圓滿結束,經過24小時緊張的賽事,捷成鷹隊以錄得145種雀鳥成為冠軍,選手隊則以錄得144種雀鳥屈居亞軍,季軍則為同樣錄得140種雀鳥的港燈名人隊及aston martin falcons 。


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