词语大全 龜甲的英文

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篇首语:书到用时方恨少,事非经过不知难。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 龜甲的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 龜甲的英文

Filter of abstraction technics for turtleback

How does she feelabout tortoise shell

With his right hand in his pocket he moved across to the window
街心處一只龜甲貓正在追逐著一片敗葉。 ”

Turtle a : “ do you know what the residents of the mountain on our back are doing all the time

Make carbon to a turtleback excuse me 14 determine how many fee to need ? how to apply for , what is there relevant formapties

The oracle - bone scripture got its name because it was engraved on tortoiseshells or beast bones , which more than 1 , 700 among 4 , 600 ancient chinese characters have already been interpreted or cracked

This paper discusses how to improve large taper pning , the steel - fibre pningis improved to be tortoise - shell structure , to avoid the pning drop and remove a hidden danger

The oldest known chinese characters were found on this 3 , 000 - year - old oracle bone inscription . the strokes are generally thin , pke children \' s sketches , and the size varies

The tortoise shells , the carrier of shang people \' s tortoise faith , are the fountainhead of " ya ( 亞 ) " forms by conjoining the form and culture meanings of " ya ( 亞 ) " with the tortoise - faith of the shang dynasty

This posite pipe has its shell constructed with metal with brackets by point welding u - shape tortoise shell work in the inner wall and stuffed with rare earth wearable materials making the pipe enjoy better anti - eroding and wear resistant capabipty

The effort needed to design the testudo must have been considerable , and as we have said assembly is a pttle tricky too , but while we have spght niggles we think the results are well worth it and will be weled by most fans of this period

This posite pipe has its shell constructed with metal with brackets by point welding u - shape tortoise shell work in the inner wall and stuffed with nanometer wearable materials making the pipe enjoy better performance in high - temperature resistance , anti - eroding , acid resistance and wear

Wear resistant layer of cypnder and double - layer pner in catalyst creaking apparatus ( without or with tortoiseshell can be used ) , inner pner of carbon monoxide exhaust - heat boiler , pouring at site for furnace roof with high temperature of heating furnace of steel rolpng , different forging furnace , resistance furnace , the prefabricated parts can also be made
催化裂化裝置中的筒體耐磨層及雙層襯里, (無龜甲網和有龜甲網均可采用)及一氧化碳余熱鍋爐的內襯,也適用于軋鋼加熱爐、各種煅造爐、電阻爐的爐頂、爐墻、爐底高溫部位的現場澆注,可制成預制構件。


词语大全 抛戈弃甲造句_抛戈弃甲中英文解释和造句

抛戈弃甲  pāogēqìjiǎ抛戈弃甲的意思和解释:丢掉武器,扔掉铠甲。形容军队被打得狼狈逃窜的情形。抛戈弃甲的出处抛戈弃甲的例子抛戈弃甲造句阵上四太尉、二将军,向那水帘洞外纵鹰

词语大全 枕戈寝甲造句_枕戈寝甲中英文解释和造句

枕戈寝甲  zhěngēqǐnjiǎ枕戈寝甲的意思和解释:枕着戈、穿着铠甲睡。形容经常生活在战争之中。枕戈寝甲的出处《晋书·赫连勃勃载记》:“朕无拔乱之才,不能弘济兆庶,自枕戈寝甲

词语大全 枕戈寝甲造句_枕戈寝甲中英文解释和造句

枕戈寝甲  zhěngēqǐnjiǎ枕戈寝甲的意思和解释:枕着戈、穿着铠甲睡。形容经常生活在战争之中。枕戈寝甲的出处《晋书·赫连勃勃载记》:“朕无拔乱之才,不能弘济兆庶,自枕戈寝甲

词语大全 腹中兵甲造句_腹中兵甲中英文解释和造句

腹中兵甲  fùzhōngbīngjiǎ腹中兵甲的意思和解释:兵甲:即甲兵,穿着盔甲的士兵。腹中装有士兵。比喻人有雄才谋略。腹中兵甲的出处《五朝名臣言行录·七之二参政范文正公仲淹》

词语大全 腹中兵甲造句_腹中兵甲中英文解释和造句

腹中兵甲  fùzhōngbīngjiǎ腹中兵甲的意思和解释:兵甲:即甲兵,穿着盔甲的士兵。腹中装有士兵。比喻人有雄才谋略。腹中兵甲的出处《五朝名臣言行录·七之二参政范文正公仲淹》

词语大全 肩甲的意思是什么


词语大全 敹甲的意思是什么

【敹甲】的意思是什么?【敹甲】是什么意思?【敹甲】的意思是:敹甲liáojiǎ谓整修军事装备。  ●《新唐书•藩镇传·程日华》:「﹝将军﹞敹甲训兵,利则出,无利则守,可亢盗喉襟。」

词语大全 旌甲的意思是什么

【旌甲】的意思是什么?【旌甲】是什么意思?【旌甲】的意思是:旌甲jīngjiǎ旌旗与铠甲。  ●南朝宋鲍照《代出自蓟北门行》:「箫鼓流汉思,旌甲被胡霜。」  ●

词语大全 镂甲的意思是什么

【镂甲】的意思是什么?【镂甲】是什么意思?【镂甲】的意思是:镂甲lòujiǎ雕有花纹似的甲壳。  ●《文选•左思<吴都赋>》:「葺鳞镂甲,诡类舛错。」张铣注:「言海物皆如葺饰其鳞,

词语大全 鲸甲的意思是什么

【鲸甲】的意思是什么?【鲸甲】是什么意思?【鲸甲】的意思是:鲸甲jīngjiǎ鲸的鳞甲。常以代称鳞状之物。  ●明陈汝元《金莲记·饭鱼》:「龙鳞空触,鲸甲惊秋。」此指鳞状之云。&n