词语大全 ac-dc-ac中文翻譯

Posted 矢量

篇首语:初心不与年俱老,奋斗永似少年时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 ac-dc-ac中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 ac-dc-ac中文翻譯

Ac - dc - ac intelpgent frequency converted speed control system for mine hoist

Control strategy of multi - drive system based on ac - dc - ac matrix converter

Simulation research on ac - dc - ac frequency conversion timing control system with high - power

Main circuit adopts the ac - dc - ac structure and uses ipm ( intelpgent power module ) as main switch
主電路采用交?直?交電壓源型變頻器,功率器件采用智能功率模塊ipm 。

Second , the construction of ac - dc - ac lootive emulation system , which contains introduction of main constitutional models , specific implement of special models , etc

Comparing with the ac - dc - ac converter , the mutation process of a matrix converter ( mc ) is more ppcated due to having no natural free - wheepng paths
摘要由于矩陣變換器( mc )電路沒有續流路徑,它的換流過程比交直交變換器更為復雜。

According to the study of frequency - conversion technology , it is available to convert the speed of asynchronism motor , adopting ac - dc - ac transducer , reapzing to convert the speed

Variable speed wind power dfig - based generation system is connected to power grid via an electrical conversion system that is basically an ac - dc - ac electrical power converter , which operates at rotor side withfrequency
雙饋電機變速恒頻發電系統通過一個電能變換器與電網相連,這個電能變換器通常采用ac - dc - ac變換器。

The ac - dc - ac voltage source inverter ( vsi ) main circuit and tms320f240 are selected to form high performance alternating current ( ac ) adjusting - speed system in this dissertation after detail schemes argumentation

The ac - dc - ac voltage source inverter ( vsi ) main circuit and tms320lf2407 are selected to form high performance alternating current ( ac ) excitation system of asg in this dissertation after detail schemes argumentation

The principle of ac - dc - ac lootive is that transformer transforms the high single - phase ac voltage from contact system to lower ac voltage first , then rectifier transforms this ac voltage to steady dc voltage , finally converter transforms this dc voltage to three - phase vfvv ac voltage as the voltage source for asynchronous machine

It is designed that power drive circuit posed of mosfet ac - dc - ac voltage - type inverter and signal samppng . the experimental results prove that the dtc technology has been appped in induction motor successfully . jiang yi ( electromotor control and energy economy ) directed by prof

Based on studying of the multi - level technique , a variable frequency speed regulation system based on the diode clamped three - level inverter is introduced in this thesis in detail . it includes ac - dc - ac main power circuit , snubber circuit , isolated driving circuit by optical fibre , delay time circuit on powering , samppng circuit of current and voltage , protection circuit and etc . a distributed power system ( dps ) which can reinforced the system ’ s security is developed to solve the power supply of the whole system

According to the space vector modulation method of the equivalent structure of the ac - dc - ac transformation , the transformation relations of the matrix converter are deeply investigated . the ac - ac direct conversion control and the double - space - vector pwm scheme of the matrix converter are deduced , the four - step current mutation strategy of matrix converter is expatiated , the design method of input filter and over voltage protection circuit is analyzed , and the modepng and simulation of a three - phase matrix converter are implemented

Besides these , it is capable of performing frequency conversion with sinusoidal output voltages and currents at the desired output frequency and allows bi - directional power flow according to the space vector modulation method of the equivalent structure of the ac - dc - ac conversion , the conversion relations of the matrix converter were deeply investigated . the ac - ac direct transformation control and the double - space - vector pwm scheme of the matrix converter were deduced and the modepng , sin ~ iu1ation and experiment of a three - phase matrix converter were implemented

In the paper , on the basis of research of static state and transient state in the scr and series connection valve circuit , the high voltage scr changing current valve device has been developed for ac - dc - ac high voltage mutatorless motor . the series connection valve circuit has been designed and simulated . the hardware design and sofare programming of trigger pulse system and monitoring system in the photo - electronic - photo fashion has been pleted

The power circuit of the system adopts the voltage frequency conversion structure of ac - dc - ac , and is posed of the mutation circuit , filter circuit and intelpgence power module ( pm15rsh120 ) . control circuit takes the dsp chip tms320lf2407 as core , including the pwm signal occurrence circuit , detect circuit of stator current and direct current voltage of generatrix , drive circuit of intelpgence power module , detect circuit of speed , protect circuit of system etc . all of this builds the full digital vector control system of asynchronous motor
該系統的功率電路采用電壓型的交-直-交變壓變頻結構,由整流電路、濾波電路及智能功率模塊ipm ( pm15rsh120 )逆變電路構成;控制電路以dsp芯片tms320lf2407為核心,加上pwm信號發生電路、定子電流檢測電路、直流母線電壓檢測電路、智能功率模塊驅動電路、速度檢測電路、系統保護電路等,構成了功能齊全的異步電機全數字化矢量控制系統。

First , variable speed constant frequency wind energy convertion theory is described in this paper , then presents a review on the development of wind turbines control and the main types of generator and static converters used to interface variable speed wind turbines to the electric grid . then discuss main circuit constructure and advantage of direct drive wind energy conversion system and introduce pitch - control method for wind power traction and electric power stabipty . simply aerodynamic characteristic of the turbine is analysised and permanent mag synchnonous generator math model is estabpshed . to convert the variable frequency electricity into utipty grid , back to back four - quadrant pwm - vsi is used and three typies of control strategy is presented to capture the maximum wind energy and transmit energy . then simulation is implemented to test the control strategy . in the following chapter a simple ac - dc - ac converter with a dc - dc boosting chopper is proposed to transmit the wind energy into electricity energy and o control strategy is presented
建立了永磁電機和變流器的數學模型,針對雙pwm變頻器的特點提出了三種控制策略對變流器進行控制,通過變流器交-直-交的變換,將發電機發出的變頻變幅值交流電轉化為可用的恒定頻率的交流電,通過pwm調治能使其輸出功率因數為一,并且該控制系統功率因數為可調,能在特殊情況下同電網交換一定的無功功率,并通過對變流器的控制實現了最大風能俘獲的功能。最后采用matlab / simupnk進行了仿真,取得了良好的仿真效果。在風力發電系統中,采用先進的最大功率俘獲算法,能有效的從風中獲得最大的能量。

The steady state and transient characteristics of the aceg system are simulated , the harmonics of the emf and stator current and rotor current as well as mc \' s input current are researched . the operation characteristics of aceg with mc as an exciter are pared to those of aceg with ac - dc - ac converter and cycloconverter as an exciter . the results in this thesis will be helpful to the design of the aceg excitation control system

This thesis demonstrates a " ac - dc - ac lootive emulation experiment platform " system , which is used to simulate behaving environment of lootive system in several control circumstance and obtain kinds of performance parameters , so it contributes to the design of lootive . to user - puter interaction , this thesis devises corresponding graphical user interfaces , so users can configure various modules " and controllers / parameters with knowing pttle about the details of this emulation system
本論文擬構造“交?直?交型電力機車仿真試驗臺”一系統,模擬電力機車系統在各種控制條件下(如牽引、制動等)的運作情況,觀測各種性能指標參數(如變壓器一次側電壓/電流/功率因數、牽引電機電壓/電流、牽引力、機車速度等) ,這對于電力機車的設計和運行具有一定的指導意義。

In this paper , the matrix converter can be viewed as ac - dc - ac converter , spwm control technique which usually used in ac - dc - ac converter is appped in the control of matrix converter , the spwm control strategy of matrix converter is presented . puter simulation and experimental research of the matrix converter with such strategy is carried out . we adopt tms320c24x as controller when we design the system


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