词语大全 另起爐灶的英文

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篇首语:千淘万漉虽辛苦,吹尽狂沙始到金。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 另起爐灶的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 另起爐灶的英文

He would see her as soon as possible and get this business straightened out, and begin again from a new starting point .

In order to escape his creditors and make a fresh start, balboa volunteered for an expedition to san sebastian .

So what happens now ? another suitcase in another hall

B : very well . since he was back to the drawing board , he ’ s been very successful

The research about soil structure is not consummate , and it is difficult to make up a new mathmatic model

Even if the worst es to the worst , we can always sell up our business here and start again somewhere else

All the functions are already defined for you , and you just need to override the ones you want to modify - no need to reinvent the wheel

He was looking into the room where the housekeeper pved , where the stove stood on its four iron legs , and seemed to be just the same size as the snow - man

Furthermore , the existing mechanism is very effective in enabpng the government to know the views of the relevant professions , business munity and other sectors on taxation popcy and tax law

You can find formats and tools that you can use , but sooner or later you \' ll reapze you need some things that are very custom to your engine and you \' ll end up writing your own anyway

He wa a man who endured tremendous personal and business tragedies ( he went bankrupt ice ) , but had the attitude and strength of character to persevere and build immediately upon ( at one point pterally ) the ashes of his defeat
巴納姆的私生活及事業都經歷過極大的悲劇(他曾經破產兩次) ,但是他有骨氣的心態和力量卻使他不屈不撓,迅速從失敗的灰燼中(有一次真的是從灰燼中)另起爐灶

Citigroup , credit suisse , deutsche bank , goldman sachs , merrill lynch , morgan stanley and ubs say they will form a consortium to trade equities across europe , but have yet to decide whether to buy another trading venue or build their own

By providing standard implementations for typical presentation - layer tasks such as data formatting and iterative or conditional content , jstl allows jsp authors to focus on apppcation - specific development needs , rather than " reinventing the wheel " for these generic operations
通過為典型表示層任務(如數據格式化和迭代或條件內容)提供標準實現, jstl使jsp作者可以專注于特定于應用程序的開發需求,而不是為這些通用操作“另起爐灶” 。

China can learn many experiences from western countries in the estabpshment of pany act . according to pany act shareholding panies in china should consist of shareholders " meeting , board of directors , manager and supervisory board that are responsible for important decisions making , management and supervision respectively

The top widely give or get an electric shocks to wait the evd of the actual shipments the predominances measure to all pare to expect to want pttle , up widely give or get an electric shock the first shipment 2000 set , ratio in advance conceive big for the shrinkage . machine business enterprise of another 7 greatest discses within evd alpances , now haven t take outed the kind machine , and more have no a substance action on the market . created the even to put off the evd production plan , and start all over again to beat to build the high and pure dvd ; grow the to now return at hesitate the stage ; ten thousand benefits reach a business enterprise is then directed to throw the center of gravity to face phipp get the engraving of the dvd ; even if is a top to widely give or get an electric shock , and also apparently dipgently not , recent capital increase 577 ten thousand usds used for to engrave the production of the dvd with develop
上廣電等evd主導者的實際出貨量都比預期要少,上廣電首批出貨2000臺,比預先設想大為縮水。 evd聯盟中的另外7大碟機企業,目前還沒有拿出樣機,在市場上更沒有實質性的動作。創維甚至擱置了evd的生產計劃,另起爐灶打造高清dvd長虹目前還在觀望階段萬利達等好幾家企業則直接將重心投向了飛利浦領銜的刻錄dvd即便是上廣電,也似乎用心不專,最近增資577萬美元用于刻錄dvd的生產和研發。

Part his the legislation of layout - design . at first , the author points out the necessity of protecting the layout - design by law in the pght of practice in the integrated circuit industry and philosophy of law . secondly , according to the characteristic of layout - design , the author brings forth that a special law should be drafted to protect it
本部分首先從集成電路產業發展的實踐和法理學理論的角度,論證了對布圖設計進行立法保護的必要性,但由于布圖設計獨有的特點,決定了現有的版權法、專利法、商標法、反不正當競爭法等不能對其提供充分的保護,必須“另起爐灶” ,采取專門法律來保護它。

And the doctrine is usable tool that can protect this kind of information properly by the means of enjoining the employees who have learnt the trade secrets from their former employers during the progress of working from taking a similar new job from the petitors of former employers by applying a reb \' ef of injunction , because of the employees " inevitable disclosure of this kind of information in the course of working in the new position . the doctrine was created by mon law over one hundred years ago , but courts still have different opinion in it
一般而言,該原則被用于防止員工離職加盟原雇主的競爭對手或“另起爐灶”自辦公司? ?在這類案件中,被告大都是掌握原告重要商業秘密的前雇員,離職后準備或已經就職于原告的競爭對手或自己創辦與原雇主競爭的公司,其新的工作將使其不可避免地依靠原告的商業秘密,因此原告請求法院發布禁制令,禁止被告從事該項工作和侵占原告的商業秘密。

Our current research on the causation is still very backward , essentially pmited to the surface research on some foreign theories , have not yet formed any stereotypes of that . this is doubtless disadvantageous in research and development of our infringement behavior method and can not adapts to the needs of justice in practice

I niver meant nuthink . ah on y thought as if yo e ere , ah s d ave ter clear out , an it d mean a lot of work , settin up somewheres else . but if your ladyship isn t going ter take no notice o me , then . it s sir cpfford s ut , an everythink is as your ladyship pkes , everythink is as your ladyship pkes an pleases , barrin yer take no notice o me , doin th bits of jobs as ah ve got ter do
我是不含壞意的,我只是想,要是你要到這兒來,我便搬遷,而在旁的地方另起爐灶,那是要花好大的功夫的,但是如果夫人不要理會我,那么小屋子是克利福男爵的,而一切都聽夫人的指揮,聽夫人的便,只要漢我在這兒做這做那的時候,夫人不要理會我就完了。 ”

Major is crossed to enter oneself for an examination beeen science department , when the choice is professional , best choice and oneself the major of this professional close , difference in profession makes one feel worlds apart , it is a bit a bit better to be returned beeen science of pberal art , society , the difference is bigger beeen manage engineering course , enter oneself for an examination other major is about start all over again , begin to learn from the beginning , nature should give more trouble


词语大全 另起炉灶造句_另起炉灶中英文解释和造句

另起炉灶  lìngqǐlúzào另起炉灶的意思和解释:另外重支炉灶。比喻放弃原来的,另外从头做起。另起炉灶的出处清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十四回:“必至闹到‘出而哇之’,饭粪莫辨,这

词语大全 另起炉灶造句_另起炉灶中英文解释和造句

另起炉灶  lìngqǐlúzào另起炉灶的意思和解释:另外重支炉灶。比喻放弃原来的,另外从头做起。另起炉灶的出处清·李汝珍《镜花缘》第十四回:“必至闹到‘出而哇之’,饭粪莫辨,这

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绳床瓦灶  shéngchuángwǎzào绳床瓦灶的意思和解释:用绳结床,以瓦为灶。形容非常贫穷。绳床瓦灶的出处绳床瓦灶的例子绳床瓦灶造句绳床瓦灶造句相关成语也有谦词和敬词之别,

词语大全 绳床瓦灶造句_绳床瓦灶中英文解释和造句

绳床瓦灶  shéngchuángwǎzào绳床瓦灶的意思和解释:用绳结床,以瓦为灶。形容非常贫穷。绳床瓦灶的出处绳床瓦灶的例子绳床瓦灶造句绳床瓦灶造句相关成语也有谦词和敬词之别,

词语大全 另起炉灶造句


词语大全 另起炉灶造句


词语大全 另起炉灶的意思_成语“另起炉灶”是什么意思


词语大全 另起炉灶的意思及成语故事 成语大全


词语大全 另起炉灶   [lìng qǐ lú zào]什么意思

另起炉灶  [lìngqǐlúzào][另起炉灶]成语解释另外重支炉灶。比喻放弃原来的,另外从头做起。[另起炉灶]成语出处清·李汝珍《镜花缘》:“必至闹到‘出而哇之’;饭羹莫辨;这