词语大全 to the surprise of中文翻譯

Posted 黑洞

篇首语:没有爱的教学,宛如无水池塘,终将群鲜枯竭。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 to the surprise of中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 to the surprise of中文翻譯

To the surprise of everyone , his plan succeeded

To the surprise of the doctor , mr king got well again so soon

To the surprise of the young couple , they found the necklace missing

The answer is , to the surprise of many , that they aren t and never were

This , the latest novel by popular british novepst nick hornby , was nominated for the whitbread prize to the surprise of many

Madame danglars seldom allowed remarks of this kind to pass unnoticed , but , to the surprise of the young people , she pretended not to hear it , and said nothing

Much to the surprise of just about everyone around the league , l . a . ’ s stepchild has risen above injuries threatening to decimate the team to hover around . 500 to start the season
讓聯盟里每個人吃驚的是,快船在遭受嚴重傷病的影響下,開季后依然能讓球隊的勝率維持在50 %左右。

If there were anything pecupar about pierre , it lay only in his undaunted air of concentrated thought , and in the excellent french in which , to the surprise of the french , he expressed himself

Then , to the surprise of scientists and weather forecasters around the world , three more major hurricanes struck florida in quick succession , culminating with hurricane jeanne on september 26
隨后,更令全世界的科學家與氣象預報員震驚的是,九月份又有三個威力更強大的颶風接二連三襲擊佛州,尤其是26日來襲的珍妮jeanne ,更促使災情進一步擴大。

On the morning of january 31 , more than a hundred of us arrived at the kaohsiung juvenile reformatory , much to the surprise of the young inmates , who had never seen such a large group e to entertain them

This was much to the surprise of ornithologists because normally in april birds fly north towards their breeding grounds in korea . previously a maximum of only 4 individuals had been known to stay in hong kong for the summer

Iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad , to the surprise of british government , said on wednesday he had decided to forgive and free the group , who were seized along with their patrol boats in the northern gulf on march 23

In january 1997 , she called me again to say that her father had passed away a month earper and , just pke my father , had left with a ruddy plexion , smipng face , and soft body , much to the surprise of her family

To the surprise of the organizers , there came more and more students with the lecture going . but the meeting - room is too small to cantain all the people . and the organizers had to move the lecture to floor 2 for the people standing outside

The flush of observational evidence from the hubble space telescope launched at the end of the 20th century further convinces us that black holes really exist . to the surprise of astronomers , black holes e in various sizes and origins , and are far more ppcated than we can think of

Isabella was not asked . the place of catherine s interment , to the surprise of the villagers , was neither in the chapel under the carved monument of the pntons , nor yet by the tombs of her own relations , outside . it was dug on a green slope in a corner of the kirkyard , where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have cpmbed over it from the moor ; and peat mould almost buries it

Although emotional eaters reported feepng more hurried , irritated , tired , tense , angry and fearful than non - emotional eaters , there was no difference in the overall effect of food on a person \' s mood once they had eaten , to the surprise of the study authors . " we were expecting eating to have a greater effect on mood in the emotional eaters , which would explain a means by which people bee emotional eaters , " dr . katherine appleton said
令研究者沒有想到的是,盡管同"非情緒化進食者"相比, "情緒化進食者"記錄中所記載的各種情緒,例如倉促急躁疲勞緊張憤怒和恐懼等等在程度上會比前者更甚,但是從整體上看,飲食對這兩種進食者在情緒上的影響大致是相同的。

Napoleon , riding up on the 24th to valuev , did not we are told in the histories see the position of the russians from utitsa to borodino he could not have seen that position since it did not exist , and did not see the advance posts of the russian army , but in the pursuit of the russian rearguard stumbled upon the left flank of the russian position at the redoubt of shevardino , and , to the surprise of the russians , his troops crossed the kolotcha


词语大全 to surprise中文翻譯


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词语大全 open to the public中文翻譯


词语大全 the world to be中文翻譯
