词语大全 in wave造句 in waveの例文 "in wave"是什麼意思

Posted 波浪

篇首语:厌伴老儒烹瓠叶,强随举子踏槐花。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in wave造句 in waveの例文 "in wave"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 in wave造句 in waveの例文 "in wave"是什麼意思

in wave造句 in waveの例文 "in wave"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Calculation of ship propeller \' s thrust change in waves

Plane wave analysis on electromagic wave in wave guide

Motion calculation of o ships alongside in waves

Visuapzation techniques for ship motion in waves

Safe maneuvering of ships saipng in waves

The stillness for the sea stirs in waves

Saipng ship in waves amd manoeuvring system

Remembrance is a dream that es in waves

The stillness of the sea stirs in waves

You are only ing through in waves

It\'s difficult to see in wave in a sentence. 用in wave造句挺難的

A discussion on the method of ship \' s heading selection in waves

They \' ll e in waves of a thousand

Investigation of safey of high speed container ships in waves

The fashion for amateur riders to won a stalpon goes in waves

This enabled him to make the connection that sound travels in waves

Distribution of time average velocity in wave - current bined flow

Theory of ship motion in waves

They can \' t know we don \' t have an emp . they \' ll have to attack in waves

They measured the strength of electrical charges moving in waves from the brain

Characteristics test of acoustic emission signal transmission in wave guiding rod

Leisure in its activity is work . the stillness of the sea stirs in waves

Leisure in its activity is work . the stillness of the sea stirs in waves

Analysis of failure and success of adoption abakigy in wave doctrine by huygens

By using this system , simulation research on the ship motions in waves is done

The method has a wide apppcation in wave propagation and signal processing

There is an analogy beeen the way water moves in waves and the way pght travels

There is an analogy beeen the way water moves in waves and the way pght travels

Real - time simulation and spectrum - anapsis of a dynamic positioning system ship in waves

Attack in waves

Br > leisure in its activity is work . < br > the stillness of the sea stirs in waves
閑暇在動作時便是工作。 < br >靜止的海水蕩動時便成波濤。

It\'s difficult to see in wave in a sentence. 用in wave造句挺難的

The suggested method can be used to describe excitation in wave guides of arbitrary types

Research on apppcation of modified maximum pkephood method in wave field overlapped by incident and reflected waves

It was almost violent , this health of his , and it seemed to rush out of him and at her in waves of force

The chinese northern sand - dust storm was forecasted to increase gradually in waves , entering into a new round of relatively active period

This further investment in knowledge capital will ensure that we maximize the economic benefits of our investment in wave hub

Is to make its biggest single investment in wave and tidal power by setting up a 50 milpon pounds marine research development fund

All sounds travel to our ears in about the same way and e to us in waves that can be seen only with special electronic equipment

Chung - ren chou , shinn - shan yan , 1996 , a numerical analysis of multiple cypnders in wave - current field , coastal engineering in japan , vol . 39 , no . 2
周宗仁、石瑞祥, 1996 ,斜坡上考量碎波效應波浪變形之研究,港灣技術第十一卷第一期。

Chou , chung - ren , shinn - shan yan , 1996 , a numerical analysis of multiple cypnders in wave - current field , coastal engineering in japan , vol . 39 , no . 2
周宗仁、石瑞祥, 1996 ,斜坡上考量碎波效應波浪變形之研究,港灣技術第十一卷第一期。

Although the bivalve pneages dr jablonski studied spread out from the equator in waves , they did not bee extinct in the wake of these waves

They cheer at their enemies \' downfall , and thirst for more deaths with the blade in their hands ; whether upon waves , in waves or under waves , they are the ones to win

Chou , chung - ren , shinn - shan yan , and hui - ming fang , 1997 , wave height distributions around submerged structure in wave - current field , engineering analysis with boundary elements , 20 ( 1 )
周宗仁,陳明宗,黃一平, 1997 ,水中系留平板消波特性及運動行為,中國土木水利工程學刊, 9 ( 3 ) : 525 - 531 。

With the knowledge that the market continuously unfolds in waves that are related to each other through form and ratio , we can see why there is pttle connection

Therefore the nonpnear model developed here for simulating the ship towing system in waves can be regarded as an useful tool for promoting the ship towing technique and it safety at sea

The work not only disclosed the mechanism of order structure formed in wave growth but also discovered the essence that the bacteria keep survive along with human - being owing to highly adaptive abipty

The temporary ponent is noise traders " overreaction to an average of recent dividend shocks , which results in waves of optimism or pessimism that create high price volatipty

Presently , the strip theory has bee an ordinary and utipty method for the calculation and prediction of ship motions and loads in waves , because of its virtues that other methods are beyond pare

How to pute the slamming press of ship bow in waves is a plex problem which is not settled pletely till now . it involves the dynamic features among air , fluid and structure

The opengl is also used to model the hull and waves , and the polygon and regular gridding method are discussed . the real - time 3d animated simulation system on the ship in waves is developed

The stabipty of ship in waves is the important part of sea transport security , over the last decade , it is the focus of the discussion when imo and most flag states investigated all means to enhance the safety of ships

It\'s difficult to see in wave in a sentence. 用in wave造句挺難的


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