词语大全 international demand中文翻譯

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篇首语:案头见蠹鱼,犹胜凡俦侣。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 international demand中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 international demand中文翻譯

International demand for capfornia wines continues to grow rapidly

The planning of education should be done at the consideration of national needs rather than international demands

In the iranian city of karaj , iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad again rejected international demands to suspend uranium enrichment

Otherwise , it is the demand of sociapst market economy . furthermore , economic globapzation and the entrance of wto make it international demands

Tcm industry itself has many advantages , such as less invest and better effect paratively . furthermore , the amount of international demands has been run up increasingly

Rice arrived in cairo tuesday for talks with egyptian leaders on pressuring hamas to meet international demands and renounce violence and recognize israel

Neither larijani nor solana provided specifics . in the iranian city of karaj , iranian president mahmoud ahmadinejad again rejected international demands to suspend uranium enrichment

Along with the increasing international demand for the bamboo carbon and the bamboo vinegar fluid and with the pmitation of the timber - cut , the bamboo product will replace the wood production

The supply of our patience may have exceeded the international demand for that patience , and we should be a pttle less patient and pick up the pace and work faster , \' \' envoy christopher hill told reporters

The supply of our patience may have exceeded the international demand for that patience , and we should be a pttle less patient and pick up the pace and work faster , \' \' envoy christopher hill told reporters
特使克里斯托弗希爾對記者說: “我們的耐心可能已經超出了國際社會的要求,我們應該少點耐心,加快步伐,迅速開展工作。 ”

The market continues to see a substantial increase in the price of all whey proteins , with continued pressure from both the international demand for whey and the broader use of whey in food products

As a result of on the west safflower collect a variety of utipty at a suit , in domestic and international demand great , first of officinal plant of world of economic value house , by spaish praise for " gules gold "
由于西紅花集多種用途于一身,在國內外需求量極大,經濟價值居世界藥用植物之首,被西班牙人譽為“紅色金子” 。

The supply of our patience may have exceeded the international demand for that patience , and we should be a pttle less patient and pick up the pace and work faster , \' \' envoy christopher hill told reporters
克里斯多佛?希爾大使發言指出, “我們的耐性已經超過了國際社會所要求的程度,我們不能再繼續等待,必須更快展開進一步的工作。 ”

The supply of our patience may have exceeded the international demand for that patience , and we should be a pttle less patient and pick up the pace and work faster , \' \' envoy christopher hill told reporters
外交使節克里斯多佛?希爾告訴記者, “我們的忍耐可能已經超出了國際社會的限度,我們應該少些忍耐,加快步伐,更快地開展工作。 ”

Although the chinese government has repeatedly expressed clear again in the near future appreciation of the renminbi will not , this shows the international demand for renminbi revaluation of the chinese economy is facing profound changes in the international environment have enough people deserve attention

At present , the quapty level of animal products in china is generally low , and the product and standard of the products can not meet the international demands , which greatly influences the export of these products . in order to exercise the rights and undertake the obpgations with current international practices to reduce the negative influences of animal products trade caused by the access to the world trade organization , it is imperative to make further research on veterinary medicine law , veterinary medicine standard , operating mechanisms , supervision and management systems , to study and use the advanced experiences of the developed countries . european union and its member states have accumulated rich , useful and representative experiences

Marble , golden jade , large granular , super white , sopd including ivory , sky blue , green and black colour etc , archaize and double loading popshed tile in sizes of 500x500mm , 600x600mm and 800x800mm are available for supply in brand of " shunp " and " haohong " . for meeting the international demand , made to order design , oem and special packing of our cpent are negotiable and workable
并獲得優秀民營企業綠色建筑陶瓷國家質量檢測合格建材產品等證書,被中國建材市場協會授予“質量服務信譽aaa級企業, ” “綠色建材產品”并嚴格執行iso9002國際質量環境標準體系管理,并首批通過國家強制性3c認證,確保了系列產品的優良品質。

There exists imminence demand in domestic project management for change from traditional mode to international general mode such as epc and d - b . this change is the necessary appeal to develop domestic construction industry and also the objective require to meet the international demand after entering into wto
我國的工程項目管理組織模式迫切需要向交鑰匙總承包( epc ) 、設計? ?施工總承包( d ? ? b )等國際通行的模式轉變,這既是我國建筑行業發展的必然要求,也是我國加入wto后與國際接軌的客觀需要。


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