词语大全 babe ruth造句 babe ruthの例文 "babe ruth"是什麼意思


篇首语:古人学问无遗力,少壮工夫老始成。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 babe ruth造句 babe ruthの例文 "babe ruth"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 babe ruth造句 babe ruthの例文 "babe ruth"是什麼意思

babe ruth造句 babe ruthの例文 "babe ruth"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Join babe ruth , eat free at mcdonald s - bridgeton news

This is why babe ruth hit so many home runs

Join babe ruth , eat free at mcdonald s

They asked enrico caruso what he thought of babe ruth

No one bats a thousand . you \' ve been called the babe ruth of sipcon valley
沒有人百發百中,你被人們叫做硅谷的baberuth 。

I mean , babe ruth is wearing rouge and playing a palace for 5 , 000 a week

I mean , babe ruth is wearing rules and playing in palace for 5000 dollars for a week

I mean , babe ruth is wearing rouge and playing a palace for $ 5 , 000 a week

Decides to sell babe ruth to the yankees to finance a broadway musical

Decides to sell babe ruth to the yankees to finance a broadway musical

It\'s difficult to see babe ruth in a sentence. 用babe ruth造句挺難的

- hey , that \' s not funny . that \' s enough ofthat . - but babe ruth was the bambino

You reapzeyou \' re selpngyourseats for exactly the same price theysold babe ruth for

" i don \' t know anyone in baseball , much less babe ruth , " said johnny \' s father
“打棒球的人我一個也不認識,更別說什么貝布?路斯。 ”喬尼的爸爸說。

This is pke paring babe ruth to home run baker . google now beats microsoft in the iq war
在當前的智商大戰中, google已經擊敗微軟取得了勝利。

Twenty - four hours later , as sickly johnny sylvester lay in his hospital room , babe ruth walked in

The next day johnny \' s father managed to tell babe ruth about the story of johnny on the phone

Hey , that \' s not funny . that \' s enough ofthat . - but babe ruth was the bambino

The only players to hit the mark in fewer games were babe ruth ( 411 ) and roger maris ( 508 ) . . .
比他在更少賽事中完成這項紀錄的只有貝比魯斯( 411場)和羅杰馬里斯( 508場) 。

" and what \' s more , " said babe ruth , " i \' m going out there to yankee stadium tomorrow afternoon and hit a home run just for you .
“而且, ”貝布說, “明天下午我要去揚基運動場,為你擊個本壘球。 ”

As chris rock , a edian , put it after mr bonds passed the home - run total of the legendary “ babe ” , “ babe ruth didn \' t play with no brothers

This is pke paring babe ruth to home run baker . google now beats microsoft in the iq war . one must state the obvious here - that iq is a touchy subject
軟件業巨擘微軟對于高智商人才的追求曾經達到瘋狂的地步,現在卻在智商大戰中逐漸輸給google 。

In 1961 , roger maris of the new york yankees hit his 61st home run during a 162 - game season , pared to babe ruth \' s 60 home runs during a 154 - game season

And major league baseball star barry bonds has a chance to tie babe ruth \' s record tonight . he needs just one more home run to reach the magic number of 714

And major league baseball star barry bonds has a chance to tie babe ruth \' s record tonight . he needs just one more home run to reach the magic number of 714

And major league baseball star barry bonds has a chance to tie babe ruth \' s record tonight . he needs just one more home run to reach the magic number of 714

I think that there could never be a better time than after this final game - what he did is pke babe ruth hitting a grand slam in the seventh game of the world series - and there could be no more perfect ending
我想此時應該是他功成名就,激流勇退的時候- -他做的就像巴比?魯思在世界棒球聯賽的第7局揮出的那一記本壘打一樣- -再也沒有如此完美的結局了。

There , you can find the word ruthian , meaning " of mammoth proportions " , as in a home run by babe ruth back in the 1920s . there , you can find lou gehrig s disease , as the incurable degenerative illness amyotrophic lateral sclerosis has been better known since lou gehrig , ruth s team - mate , died from it in the 1940s
字典中“ ruthian ”一詞的意思是“占巨大比例的” ,而該詞的來源是20世紀20年代的棒球巨星貝貝魯斯babe ruth ,他擊出的本壘打占其全部擊球的很大比例。

It\'s difficult to find babe ruth in a sentence. 用babe ruth造句挺難的


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