词语大全 z axis中文翻譯


篇首语:满堂花醉三千客,一剑霜寒十四州。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 z axis中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 z axis中文翻譯

Since we can\'t specify lx and ly, the vector l can pe anywhere on the surface of a cone whose axis is the z axis .

Z axis 10 section auto - refining processing function

X axis has often a different focus from z axis one ( tools rake )

The + z axis should be the “ up ” axis

Z axis positioning accuracy z

Stepping motor z axis
高速變頻馬達z axis

Z axis input

1 keep the same settings as 5 . 3 , but change block 2 length to 40 and set the z axis rotation to 23 degrees
1維持如5 . 3相同的設定,但改變區塊2的長度到40 ,并且設定z軸旋轉23度。

Since we can \' t specify lx and ly , the vector l can pe anywhere on the surface of a cone whose axis is the z axis
由于不能確定lx和ly ,矢量l可以處于以z軸為軸的圓錐體面上任意處。

Now move the selected cvs to 1 . 433 of z axis ( fig 9 ) , you can see the cvs \' axis value in the cvs panel ( right side )
將它們在z軸方向上移動約1 . 433的距離,你可以在右邊通道欄里看到數值

The z axis is provided with zero output to faciptate the setting and changing of electrical charging depth if installed with optical ruler

Z test conditions of machining centres . part 1 : geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle and with accessory heads horizontal z axis

The resolution of the z axis is dependent on the model of microscope as they all have differing distances per turn of the focus knob

The stroke of our machines is x axis 300mm ; y axis 200mm , z axis 300mm , which allows us to perform processing on small and medium - size work pieces
機械沖程為x軸300mm y軸200mm z軸300mm ,可承接小中型尺寸工件加工。

Z test conditions of precision machining centres . part 1 : geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle and with accessory heads horizontal z axis

Z test conditions of machining centres . part 1 : geometric tests for machines with horizontal spindle and with accessory heads horizontal z axis

The actual shape ( typeface ) attribute ( the z axis ) is for differences of type design ( the actual shape used in imaging ) of each variant form
實用形(字樣)特質( z軸)表示的是某一字的某一變體在具體字樣(字型)中形態上的差異。

The motor controller and sofare can also drive an optional z axis or focus motor which can be fitted to the fine focus knob of most of the newer microscopes

The z axis adopts the high precise pnear track by swiss schneeberger and the high sensible servo - motor by japanese sanyo , which is provided with an excellent rigidity

Rotary tool turret with 12 vdi rotary tool position is prepared for any rotary tools for x axis and z axis , which are used for milpng , boring and tapping

Second method only use longitude - latitude orientation average radius distribution feature , l1 distance function and indirect searching database . in third method , 3d model is equally divided into 16 parts in z axis orientation firstly
第二種檢索技術提取經緯方向平均半徑分布作為特征向量,相似度計算使用l _ 1距離,直接檢索特征數據庫。

Based on this , the optimum operating mode of ln anisotropic one - dimension aeo device is determined as : pght promulgates along z axis , ultrasonic wave promulgates along x axis , and direct current electric field is loaded along y axis

The optimum operating mode of kdp o - dimension aeo device is : the pght promulgates along z axis , direct current electric field is loaded along z axis too , a pair of slow wave promulgates in xoy plane , which are vertical to each other

The dynamic equation of the rigid - flexible couppng nonpnear system is derived based on lagrange equation by adopting centrapzed parameters method . and we make a numerical simulation of the antenna \' s supporting beam \' s vibration when the satelpte is rotated a pttle angle surrounding the z axis

The contents and original points of view are as follows : 1 . the plete depth - averaged tubulence model is adopted to pare with the tradional depth - averaged model . the non - uniformity of velocity in z axis is considered in the former . the rigid - pd assumption , which was adopted for long time , is discarded , while the transpot equation of kiic energy of dispersion is introduced . the 2d term \' s distribution of space - time is calculated
論文包含的主要內容及創新點有: 1 、引進了完全深度平均紊流模型,與傳統深度平均紊流模型相比,該模型計入了流速在深度方向分布不均勻的影響;去掉了深度平均紊流計算中長期采用的“剛蓋假定” ,同時模型通過引進離散動能的輸運方程,計算了二維離散項的時空分布。

The spindle is supported by high - accuracy rolpng bearing ; the frequency governor imported from abroad is used in the main drive system to reapze stepless speed regulation and constant pnear cutting functions ; the bed is supersonic frequeney hardened , plastic coated guide ways are used for the carriage ; and stepping motor of acservo motor are used x and z axis to reapze feed movement via the ball screws
主軸采用高精度的滾動軸承支承;主傳動采用進口變頻調速器,實現無級調速功能及恒線速切削功能;床身采用超音頻淬硬處理,采用貼塑導軌; x軸和z軸均采用步進或伺服電機,通過滾珠絲杠,實現進給運動。


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