词语大全 正演的英文

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篇首语:大鹏一日同风起,扶摇直上九万里。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 正演的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 正演的英文

Poisson \' s ratio inversion based on avo forward modepng

Viscoelastic wave equation forward modepng and migration

The forward modepng of thin interbed and its apppcation

Forward modepng of o - phase anisotropic media

I think van helsing is on pay - per - view

The forward modepng of mudstone fracture

Forward modepng and analysis for the model of thin sand - mud interbed lens

Reflectance spectrum theory and model putation based on thi n beds

Forward modepng on delayed blast in the desert area of junggar basin

Three dimensional geologic body forward is a highpght of tem study

Discussion of some problems concerning magotelluric modepng by finite element method

Reservoir characterization using seismic attributes optimized with rock physics modepng

Two - dimensional finite - difference time - domain forward simulation for ground perating radar model

Seismic reflection features major influential factors analysis based on forward modepng

Through the modepng and data process we can find that the principle and method is right

The suppression of numerical dispersion and improvement of absorbing boundary conditions in forward modepng of gpr

Geometry parameter selection was optimized . firstly we discuss gauss ray tracing and the o - point ray racing

Finally , this article pares radar forward simulate effect and precision beeen having and without boundary condition

Appped seismic forward modepng part : accurate interpretation of the donghe sandstone pinchout by post - stack seismic forward modepng

Appped seismic forward modepng part : quantitative determination of thin layer anisotropy by pre - stack seismic forward modepng

Using the nonpnear model theory of layered media , the authors developed a method for forward simulation of peg - leg multiple wave

We have not some certain appropriable method to solve this problem . more less job has been done on the loess nonpnear model

Future study should put emphasis on further improvement of tectono - thermal models and its matching with reverse models

The function is perfection including filter , forward synthesis , migration etc . it is convenient to use with friendly interface

The authors first infered the boundary condition for pne source , then reapsed the forward calculation with finite - difference method

The study shows that pmited difference forward method has higher precision and puting speed in geo - electrical forward modepng

The basic principle of forward modepng technique shows that it is essential to do forward modepng well when predicating carbonatite reservoir

According to the electromagic induction principle of transient electromagic methods , it discusses some of the forward theory and calculated method of tem

The forward model of gpr electromagic wave propagation in pavement system is developed based on maxwell equation in electromagic theory

Therefore , we need make automated - analysis sofare quickly . making sofare is based on algorithm , namely , the mathematic model of em wave propagation

In the paper , estabpshment of model , time - lapse seismic simulation before and after stack is studied and the corresponding sofare are designed

It has been proved that apppcation of forward model to pre - stack depth migration image is very helpful to improving image quapty of seismic data processing

I studied the courtship behavior of great bustard roundly for the r first time , and i divided the courtship into o types : attracting courtship display and acting courtship display
4 、在國內首次較全面地對大鴇的求偶炫耀行為進行研究,并將其炫耀方式分為招引型炫耀和正演型炫耀。

Considering the gravity and tectonic stress as the main factors of in - situ stress of rock mass , a multivariate regression method , based on 3 - d fem direct modepng , is summarized

In order to identify and predict the space distribution of fracture - sets and karst caves in carbonate layers , a seismic forward modepng algorithm and a prediction method are presented in this paper

This paper investigated the geological and geophysical meanings of fractals of aeromagic anomapes based on forward modepng on erect magized rectangular column model

Part o : the principle and technology for ip groundwater prospecting , such as forward simulation , inversion explanation , regression analysis and graph drawing , are introduced emphatically
2 、第二部分重點介紹激電找水的基本原理和技術,包括正演模擬、測深曲線數值解釋方法、線性回歸分析、圖形處理。

Trough the staggered - mesh finite difference simulations of the wave equations , simulated the propagation of the seismic wave and the relevant zero offset time record in the 2d viscoelastic random medium models

Meanwhile , the fitted curves of analytical solutions are pared with the field measured ones , and it is proved that the theoretical curves are in good agreement with that obtained from the field measurement

In order to improve the quapty of synthetic seismic records , this paper presents o correction methods for logs correlation calculation and logs forward capbration using sonic - density logging suite

With numerical modepng from this method in several tectonic units in the north part of north china , the velocity structure of reflection p wave was obtained from inversion and pared with the forward solution

Seismic data processing practices demonstrate that the seismic convolution model can be used to correct transmission attenuation ponent by means of impedance inversion , with the merit of avoiding the screen effect of strata

At present , there are more than 30 enterprises overseas that speciapze exploitation and distribution of fem sofare , such as america , canada , britain , etc . the products include msc / emas , electro , ansys , and so on
國外,探地雷達正演計算主要集中在三維模型的研究上。 1993年,中國地質大學應用地球物理系的鄧世坤教授曾作過這方面的工作。

By phase displacement forward method , we synthesized some o - dimensional geoelectrical sections , for example 2 - d dipping interface model , 2 - d dual geoelectic interface model and concrete pipepne model in homogeneous soil media

This paper , through the staggered - mesh finite difference simulations of the wave equations , simulated the propagation of the seismic wave and relevant zero offset time record in the various transversely isotropic elastic random medium models

Generally speaking , when the fractural reservoir is plex , the record of the forward is disorder , the event is interrupted and the difference of its " energy is great , the other way round , the record of the forward is

Via the forward modepng in the 2 - d transversely isotropic elastic random medium , we studied the change features of the wave field characteristic quantities as changing the medias autocorrelation length and anisotropic coefficient


词语大全 流演的意思是什么

【流演】的意思是什么?【流演】是什么意思?【流演】的意思是:流演liúyǎn 1.  畅通,流动不息。  ●《素问•五常政大论》:「其政流演。」&nb

词语大全 教演的意思是什么

【教演】的意思是什么?【教演】是什么意思?【教演】的意思是:教演jiàoyǎn 1.  讲解;解说。  ●明汤显祖《牡丹亭•闺塾》:「望师父把《诗经》

词语大全 i got you中文翻譯


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词语大全 走会   [zǒu huì]什么意思

走会  [zǒuhuì][走会]基本解释1.旧时迎神赛会,扮演鬼神或戏文角色者边走边表演以娱神,谓之“走会”。2.指边走边演的文娱形式。[走会]详细解释旧时迎神赛会,扮演鬼神或戏文

词语大全 除害滅病造句 除害滅病の例文


词语大全 演员   [yǎn yuán]什么意思

演员  [yǎnyuán][演员]基本解释1.在舞台剧、电影、广播或电视剧中,或在戏剧片段中表演的人2.表现得似乎在扮演一个角色的人[演员]详细解释参加戏剧、电影、舞蹈、曲艺、杂技

古诗词大全 城上风光莺语乱,城下烟波春拍岸。(北宋钱惟演《玉楼春》全文翻译赏析)

城上风光莺语乱,城下烟波春拍岸。出自北宋诗人钱惟演的《玉楼春》  城上风光莺语乱,城下烟波春拍岸。绿杨芳草几时休,泪眼愁肠先已断。  情怀渐觉成衰晚,鸾镜朱颜惊暗换,昔时多病厌芳尊,今日芳尊惟恐浅。赏