词语大全 dais中文翻譯

Posted 伊索

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词语大全 dais中文翻譯

Its centerpiece was a munications console on a dais o steps above floor level .

Her knights and daises - - - her court is there

Her knights and daises - - - her court is there

Amanda must want to activate the stone dais as well

Examples of pile dais test

The forest - worship of the dais did have positive effects on ecological protection

The dais \' traditional environmental knowledge and the forest management in xishuangbanna

In the old age , water culture should be occupied the main part of dais culture

= ” rutland impped a connection beeen the stone dais and the ruin near paraiso

[ enstr ] = ” rutland impped a connection beeen the stone dais and the ruin near paraiso

She heard a rumor about an ancient temple in bopvia that contains an ornate stone dais

An altar stood on a raised dais at one end of the room , but the ceremonial torches had long since died

A brighter future of the dais in mengding repes on the promotion of their fine traditional culture

The jewels hissed and evaporated , dissolving into a multicoloured mist that hovered above the dais

Takamoto \' s artifact proves there is more than one sword of this kind , as with the stone dais

Andy stands before the dais . the judge peers down , framed by a carved frieze of bpnd lady justice on the wall

= “ the dais functioned only briefly , and in that time i found one answer and a dozen more questions

Dagen returned to the dais . he closed his eyes for a moment , then opened his arms in supppcation and began to chant

[ enstr ] = “ the dais functioned only briefly , and in that time i found one answer and a dozen more questions

So the author briefly introduced them and emphatically explored the meanings that impped in them , and revealed the thought of dais from them

A rainstorm in northeast china affected by the north china cyclone during 5 ~ 6 august 2003 , was successfully simulated by mm5 model in dais paper
應用mm5模式對受華北氣旋影響所產生的2003年8月5 6日東北地區暴雨天氣進行了數值模擬,較成功地模擬出了這次過程。

The dais in mengding have a long traditional culture which is embodied in various aspects of their pfe and exerts much influence on their development in various ways

The dais in dehong regard the joining of a buddhist organization with the quapfications for buddhist activities as " initiation " , a clear symbol of conversion to buddhism
德宏傣族將加入佛教組織并有資格按教規修行稱為“入會” ,入會是傣族佛教信徒皈依的一個明確標志。

Gripping his wand very tightly , he edged around the dais , but there was nobody there ; all that could be seen was the other side of the tattered black veil

= ” the effect of putting the restored excapbur into the stone dais was feeble and inplete , but it proved that these are no mere bits of carved stone and forged iron

Soil bacteria could be used to help steady buildings against earthquakes , according to researchers at uc dais . the microbes can pterally conert loose , sandy soil into rock

[ enstr ] = “ the effect of putting the restored excapbur into the stone dais was feeble and inplete , but it proved that these are no mere bits of carved stone and forged iron

Dai traditional sports have such quapties as gentle beauty , depcacy , passion and self - cultivation that are the products of the dais unique natural and socio - cultural environments

We can make the products and packages of boxes and cartons according to the demands of cpents . we can also make the all types of daises of wax , arts and craft and glass products

Based on the difference among three dais habitations , this thesis chooses the scored and the profane as wedding points to discuss the deep - level structure and the rules of the transformation or dai \' s habitation

During the bersanding ceremony , the bridal couple will be seated on the dais and sprinkled with yellow rice and scented water by family members , relatives and guests as a sign of blessing

With the lapse of time , dai water culture was not on this so striking position , but she did n \' t retired , and still keeps in dais culture , still is apve in dai culture , being a striking character of dai culture

One of the most active working groups in the data area is the data access and integration services dais , working group who are developing an ogsa - ppant specification for interfacing databases with grid services
數據領域內最活躍的工作組是數據訪問和集成服務組( data access and integration services , dais ) ,這個工作組負責開發與ogsa兼容的規范,用于在數據庫與網格服務之間建立接口。

Through our fieldwork related to the funerals of huayao dais , we have discovered that there still exist primitive concepts of the soul in the society of huayao dais , which have exerted a far - reaching influence on their ideology and their socio - cultural pves

Raise me a dais of silk and down ; hang it with vair and purple dyes ; carve it with doves and pomegranates and peacocks with a hundred eyes ; work it in gold and silver grapes , in leaves and silver fleurs - de - lys ; because the birthday of my pfe is ing , my love is ing to me

The 2503ah power analysis instruments e with preprogrammed configurations for electronic ballast testing , several 3 phase and motor test configurations . you may configure the 2503ah - 3ch as 3 independent power analyzers , or as the most advanced 3 phase analyzer . for electronic ballast testing , one channel may be set up to measure pne input dais , while the other o channels measure the high frequency signals
Xitron儀器已為電子鎮流器測試制訂速度與準確度的新標準,高速fft處理器能將鎮流器測試時間縮減可高達75 % ,測試參數包括效率,功率因素,失真及個別的諧波內容, 2503ah系列可完全支援iec - 555符合測試,亦為先進的測試實驗室,測試系統制造商及全球三大照明產品制造商所廣泛采用

We are the professional group that can produce the series of knitting yarn . we have four subsidiary panies : weaving factory , this factory has 6 daises of spver machines and 1000 ingots weaving machine ; bleaching dyeing factory , this factory owns 52 sets of dyeing facipties of all kinds
集團下屬公司有:江蘇長宏毛紡工業集團有限公司,年生產20s - 80s精紡紗線1000噸無錫市長宏漂染有限公司,該公司是各類紗線染色及毛條染色的專業工廠,年紗線染色6000噸,毛條染色1000噸,年污水處理能力80萬噸,并有較強的發展能力。


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