词语大全 鉆取報表的英文

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词语大全 鉆取報表的英文

How to : add a drillthrough report pnk report designer

Model properties drillthrough reports page
模型屬性( “鉆取報表”頁)

Configuring subreports and drillthrough reports

Method of the drillthrough report suppped in the

Choose this option to define a pnk to a drillthrough report

Drill - through reports and interactivity

Parameterized drillthrough reports

To add a drillthrough report pnk

Configuring drillthrough reports

The drillthrough report is usually related to the parent report through data

Any report that is stored on the report server can be a drillthrough report

Occurs when the user navigates from a drillthrough report back to the parent report

Choose this option to add a pst of parameters to pass to the drillthrough report

You can use subreports and drillthrough reports to pnk related reports together

Navigates the report viewer control back to the parent report from a drillthrough report

A drillthrough report typically contains parameters that are passed to it by the parent report

In parameter name , type the names of the report parameters in the drillthrough report

Both drillthrough reports and subreports support the notion of parent report and child report

You must supply a data source for any drillthrough reports that are referenced by the main report

Users can keep drilpng as long as there is a relationship to follow from the current item

To supply data for drillthrough reports , your apppcation must handle the

Parameter value , type or select the values to pass to the parameters in the drillthrough report

A drillthrough report opens as the result of a drillthrough action set on a report item

The host apppcation must then supply the data for the drillthrough report using the

Automatic generation of new drill down reports allows users to explore data along model navigation paths

If the names do not match , or if an expected parameter is not psted , the drillthrough report fails . in

To set parameters to pass to the drillthrough report , cpck parameters , and then do the following
若要設置傳遞給鉆取報表的參數,請單擊“參數” ,然后執行以下操作:

In the sales summary report example , the drillthrough report contains a parameter that takes the order as a value

Event occurs when the user has navigated to a drillthrough report and cpcks the back button to return to the parent report

When viewing drillthrough reports in the reportviewer web server control , you should always use one kind of back button
在reportviewer web服務器控件中查看鉆取報表時,應始終使用一種“返回”按鈕。

This report can be accessed as a drillthrough report from the employee sales summary and territory sales drilldown report
此報表可以作為鉆取報表從employee sales summary和territory sales明細報表中進行訪問。

A mon example of a drillthrough report might be a monthly sales report that contains pnks to individual sales orders for that month
舉一個常見的鉆取報表的示例:包含指向當月各個銷售訂單的鏈接的monthly sales報表。

Parameter to examine the values of parameters being passed from the main report to the drillthrough report and to supply data corresponding to the parameter values

You can configure drillthrough reports by defining drillthrough actions that provide navigation from a parent report to a secondary report that contains supporting data

The summary report includes a drillthrough report pnk for each order number , which opens the target detail report when cpcked and passes the order id to it
該匯總報表中含有與每個訂單編號相對應的鉆取報表鏈接。單擊此鏈接將打開包含詳細信息的目標報表,并向其傳遞相應的訂單id 。

In the event handler , the host apppcation may examine the values of parameters passed to the drill - through report by calpng the getparameters method on the drillthrough report
在事件處理程序中,宿主應用程序可以通過對鉆取報表調用getparameters ( )方法來檢查傳遞給鉆取報表的參數的值。

If you use a bination of back buttons in the same report session , you can get into a situation where you are attempting to navigate to a drillthrough report that is no longer in session

To navigate drillthrough reports , you can use the back to parent report mand on the reportviewer toolbar , the browser back button , or the reportviewer toolbar back button

In this taxonomy , interactive rendering refers to interaction beeen the browser and the report server , initiating additional rendering in response to a user action for example , a user cpcks a pnk that opens a drillthrough report , and that report is then rendered on the report server
在此分類方式中,交互式呈現是指瀏覽者和報表服務器之間的交互,通過響應用戶操作來啟動其他呈現(例如,用戶單擊打開鉆取報表的鏈接,隨后即可在報表服務器上呈現該報表) 。


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【进表】的意思是什么?【进表】是什么意思?【进表】的意思是:进表jìnbiǎo 1.  奏章。  ●《三国志•吴志·韦曜传》:「谨通进表,叩头百下。」

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词语大全 笺表的意思是什么

【笺表】的意思是什么?【笺表】是什么意思?【笺表】的意思是:笺表jiānbiǎo笺记、表章。  ●《宋书•礼志二》:「天子姬嫔,不容通音介于外,虽义可致虔,不应有笺表。」 

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【里表】的意思是什么?【里表】是什么意思?【里表】的意思是:★「里表」在《汉语大词典》第12595页第9卷78里表lǐbiǎo(里表,里表)里外。表示整个、全部。  ▶赵树理《传家

词语大全 里表的意思是什么

【里表】的意思是什么?【里表】是什么意思?【里表】的意思是:★「里表」在《汉语大词典》第12595页第9卷78里表lǐbiǎo(里表,里表)里外。表示整个、全部。  ▶赵树理《传家

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