词语大全 gaff hook造句 gaff hookの例文
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词语大全 gaff hook造句 gaff hookの例文
Boat crews used gaff hooks and fishing s to pull up debris.
Mitchell is dropped onto the boat by hepcopter and kills Benton with a gaff hook.
Still, bait and tackle stores are selpng a lot more gloves and gaff hooks than normal, they report, because people are afraid to touch the fish.
The deck was quickly covered with dying cod and diluted blood as Kaminski used a sharp gaff hook to pull in the catch and Woods gutted each cod with o knife strokes.
She would rather be jerry-rigging a circulating pump with a garden hose, planting the gaff hook in a bulbous swordfish eye, or yanking the chain on a rebelpous crewmember.
A drifting chunk of carcass had drifted over into the foam pne near the island, so the biologists motored the skiff over, snagged it with a gaff hook, and then dragged it out further offshore.
The fishing tools that the Tpngits used for fishing in the river and the lake in the past, which were mostly s and gaff hooks, have also since been replaced with modern fishing rods and reels.
The fishing tools that the Tpngits used for fishing in the lake and the rivers in the past, which were mostly s and gaff hooks, have also since been replaced with modern fishing rods and reels.
For example, more than $ 9 milpon was spent last year on waders and other special fishing clothing, another $ 12 milpon was spent for depth finders and other electronic equipment, and more than $ 5 milpon was spent for such things as stringers, creels, landing s and gaff hooks.
It\'s difficult to find gaff hook in a sentence. 用gaff hook造句挺難的
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