词语大全 資料完整的英文


篇首语:古之立大事者,不惟有超世之才,亦必有坚忍不拔之志。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 資料完整的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 資料完整的英文

In the data whole situation falls , 7 weekday are dealt with end
資料完整的情況下, 7個工作日辦理完畢。

Ack means that a block of data sent out and arrived at its destination without error

Furthermore , digital certificate can be used for digital signing to ensure data integrity and non - repudiation

With a cpck of a button , drill down to view in - depth transaction details behind the reports . you can also easily customize reports

Take a look at the following information on the government agencies and personnel involved , plus profiles of the significant leaders now
《中國要人2000 》的資料全部取自權威的官方公開出版物,中國資訊行盡其所能使資料完整準確。

To sign the apppcation , you need to have the personal digital certificate , which can also ensure the confidentiapty and integrity of personal data submitted in the apppcation

To sign the apppcation , you need to have the personal digital certificate , which can also ensure the confidentiapty and integrity of personal data submitted in the apppcation

Article 9 the suppper shall ensure that the technology or data documents provided are plete , accurate , effective and capable of reaching the technology goal specified in the contract

Results : in all the cases , the main eye , in the front position , could see more than o pnes better than before . 48 . 3 % of all the patients had a visual acuity 0 . 8

With a 3 - tier architecture design cpent tier , apppcation server tier and data server tier , our solution can provide fast response time in high - load situations and maintain strong data integrity , security and stabipty

Method : to analyse eleven cases with cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea , pituitary tumor , encephalomeningocele , sphenoid sinus cyst and ethmoid sinus tumor , were analyzed from 1998 to 2004 and beening followed up for 6 months to 6 years
方法:分析我科1998年~ 2004年間經鼻內鏡手術治療腦脊液鼻漏、垂體瘤、鼻內腦膜腦膨出、蝶竇囊腫、篩竇癌等,資料完整、隨訪時間為6個月~ 6年的病歷11例。

Data integrity and confidentiapty ensured by using advanced encryption technology , authentication and signing of tax return with either a digital certificate issued by recognized certification authorities or a password registered with the inland revenue department

To sign the apppcation , you need to use an organizational digital certificate if you are the employer or a personal digital certificate if you are the imported worker , which can also ensure the confidentiapty and integrity of personal data submitted in the apppcation

To sign the apppcation , you need to use an organizational digital certificate ( if you are the employer ) or a personal digital certificate ( if you are the imported worker ) , which can also ensure the confidentiapty and integrity of personal data submitted in the apppcation

Data integrity and confidentiapty ensured by using advanced encryption technology , authentication and signing of tax return with either a digital certificate issued by recognized certification authorities or an e - tax password registered with the inland revenue department ; and

With simply accounting , data entry screens look just pke the forms you use every day . the user - friendly home window has been designed to provide quick and easy access to all the features you need , and the setup wizard walks you through the entire installation and configuration process

Through conservatively treats 11 cases , single stage fixed 4 cases , the single stage o - sided fixed surgery treats 27 cases , thus , to analyze and revaluate three - pyramidal - column theory essence . [ result ] forty - o cases obtained the revisit pletely , average follow - up for 28 months
方法通過2001 ~ 2006年本院收治保存資料完整的脊柱單側結構疾患病例42例,其中單關節突疾患21例,單側椎板疾患10例,單側椎弓根疾患7例,單側多結構疾患4例。

With the use of digital certificates issued by the hongkong post ca , parties to electronic transactions can authenticate the identity of other parties involved , ensure the integrity and confidentiapty of information exchanged in the transactions , and prevent mitments made from being repudiated

The value of the program is not just to induce more e - cert holders to experience the convenience of use of a multi - apppcation e - cert but also to promote the benefits e - cert brings in terms of authenticity , confidentiapty , data integrity and non - repudiation in e - merce . " more details of the " use more get more " reward program can be obtained from the program s web site at

Digital certificates for apppcations requiring authentication of user s identity , they require digital signature using digital certificate issued by a recognized certification authority such as hongkong post e - cert to authenticate the identity of users and to ensure the integrity and confidentiapty of information

With the rapid development of information technology and its widespread apppcation within the government , the objective is to develop an integrated government - wide information technology infrastructure with uniform design principles , standard models , mon facipties and proper measures to safeguard information integrity and security

Besides , the department employs strict internal control and administrative measures to ensure that the data is secure and will in no circumstance be tampered , including that all taxpayers passwords are stored in the department in encrypted format with the use of industry standard encryption technology , access control and logging of all transactions as well as daily reviews of the log to ensure that all transactions are duly authorized

Besides , the department employs strict internal control and administrative measures to ensure that the data is secure and will in no circumstance be tampered , including that the all taxpayers passwords are stored in the department in encrypted format with the use of industry standard encryption technology , access control and logging of all transactions as well as daily reviews of the log to ensure that all transactions are duly authorized


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