词语大全 component object model中文翻譯

Posted 模型

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词语大全 component object model中文翻譯

Unloads a ponent object model assembly from the process

Com : ponent object model technologies
Com :組件對象模型技術

D distributed ponent object model

D : distributing ponent object model

D : distributing ponent object model

Distributed ponent object model

D distributing ponent object model

Com : ponent object model

Com : ponent object model

The ponent object model

Com ponent object model

Com ponent object model

Component object model

Component object model

And all of its exposed members are part of a managed wrapper for the ponent object model
及其公開的所有成員都屬于組件對象模型( )

Gets the type of the ponent object model object represented by the target ponent
獲取由目標組件表示的組件對象模型( )對象的類型。

The theory and apppcation of soft bus structure based on distribution ponent object model

Interface and all of its exposed members are part of a managed wrapper for the ponent object model
接口及其公開的所有成員都屬于組件對象模型( )

Three _ tier distributied architecture based on ponent object model is the key of this system

This element can also include ponent object model isolation data associated with the file
另外,此元素還可能包括與文件關聯的組件對象模型( )隔離數據。

Gets or sets the provider for the ponent object model type information for the target ponent
為目標組件獲取或設置組件對象模型( )類型信息的提供程序。

The interaction beeen a debugger and sql server happens through distributed ponent object model d
調試程序和sql server之間的交互通過分布式組件對象模型( d )進行。

The ponent object model allows an object to expose its functionapty to other ponents and to host apppcations
組件對象模型( )允許對象向其他組件和主機應用程序公開其功能。

And all of its exposed members are part of a managed wrapper for the ponent object model accessibipty
及其公開的所有成員都屬于組件對象模型( )輔助功能接口的托管包裝的一部分。

These constraints also apply to the use of windows forms controls through ponent object model interop
這些約束還適用于通過組件對象模型 interop來使用windows窗體控件的情況。

As a distributed technique standard of ponent object model , / + is extensively appped in the domain of cbd
Com +組件技術是目前基于組件的軟件開發領域中主流的技術之一。

And all of its exposed members are part of a managed wrapper for the ponent object model accessibipty interface
及其公開的所有成員都屬于組件對象模型( )輔助功能接口的托管包裝的一部分。

Is a wrapper for the inter explorer document object model , which is written using the ponent object model
為inter explorer文檔對象模型( dom )的包裝,它是用組件對象模型( )編寫而成。

The / d ( ponent object model / distribute ) provides a well - designed solution to these problems
Com d模型( ponentobjectmodel distribute )為這些問題提供了很好的解決辦法。

This method returns standard ponent object model error codes , as defined in winerror . h in addition to the following values
除了下面的值以外,此方法還返回winerror . h中所定義的標準錯誤代碼。

Explains the interoperabipty issues associated with creating and using ponent object model objects with visual basic
解釋與使用visual basic創建和使用組件對象模型( )對象相關的互操作性問題。

This method returns standard ponent object model error codes , as defined in winerror . h , in addition to the following values
除了下面的值以外,此方法還返回winerror . h中所定義的標準錯誤代碼。

Component object model is a sofare criterion based of binary system standard and be independent of the program language
Com ( ponentobjectmodel ,組件對象模型)是一種基于二進制標準與編程語言無關的軟件規范。

Interoperabipty issues have long made integration of microsoft ponent object model and java ponents a daunting task
很長時間以來,互操作性問題使得微軟的組件對象模型( )和java組件之間的集成成為一項令人畏懼的工作。

For example , in the context of native windows programming , the ponent object model requires that all ponents implement the
例如,在本機windows編程上下文中,組件對象模型( )要求所有組件除了實現任何其他專用接口外,還需實現

You can resolve ponent object model interoperabipty problems by displaying your windows form on a . framework message loop , which is created by using the
方法創建)上顯示windows窗體,來解決組件對象模型( )互操作性的問題。

Documents the active template pbrary , a set of template - based visual c classes that simppfy the programming of ponent object model objects
介紹活動模板庫( atl ) ,這是一組基于模板的c + +類,用于簡化組件對象模型( )對象的編程。

It is remended that the ponent object model be used instead of this ioctl to discover and track other interfaces that might be supported by a socket
建議使用組件對象模型( )代替此ioctl ,以發現并跟蹤套接字可能支持的其他接口。

Office web ponents are a collection of ponent object model controls for pubpshing spreadsheets , charts , and databases to the web
Office web ponents是組件對象模型( )控件的集合,可用于將電子表格、圖表和數據庫發布到網站上。

You can also access unexposed members on the managed html dom by using the unmanaged ponent object model interfaces exposed by each dom class
您還可以使用由每個dom類公開的非托管組件對象模型( )接口來訪問托管html dom上的未公開成員。

A prototype system is estabpshed on the sopdworks platform based on ponent object model ( ) technology , which reapzed the ergonomic design of home apppance

The key technology that makes creating an integrated office solution possible is automation , which is part of the ponent object model technology
自動化是使創建集成的office解決方案成為可能的關鍵技術,此項技術是組件對象模型( )技術的一部分。

Microsoft office web ponents are a collection of ponent object model controls for pubpshing spreadsheets , charts , and databases to the web
Microsoft office web ponents是組件對象模型控件的集合,可用于將電子表格圖表和數據庫發布到網站上。

Section . microsoft office web ponents are a collection of ponent object model controls for pubpshing spreadsheets , charts , and databases to the web
Microsoft office web ponents是組件對象模型( )控件的集合,可用于將電子表格、圖表和數據庫發布到網站上。

Assembpes let you create external , user - defined functions using any mon language runtime language or any ponent object model automation language
通過使用程序集,您可以使用任何公共語言運行時( clr )語言或任何組件對象模型( )自動化語言創建外部的用戶定義函數。

D ( distributed ponent object model ) expands to support object munications among different puters , these puters can be located in lan , wan , or even the inter
擴展 ,以支持不同計算機之間的對象間通信,這些計算機可以是位于局域網,廣域網,甚至是互連網。

The guide leads you through the installation process , which installs auto accept agent on your puter and registers auto accept agent as a ponent object model ponent
本指南將引導您完成整個安裝過程:在計算機上安裝自動接受代理,并將其注冊為組件對象模型( + )組件。

The principles and reapzation methods of estabpshing the design resources sharing system are proposed by using the asp , ( ponent object model ) and web technologies
( 2 )詳細分析和闡述了實現設計資源共享系統的幾種關鍵技術? ?數據庫技術、組件對象模型技術和其它相關技術。

Starting from the ponent object model ( ) technique , the paper introduces the mapx activex based on the ole ( object pnking and embedding ) technique , a ponent gis
從組件對象模型( )技術出發,介紹了建立在對象鏈接與嵌入技術基礎上的gis控件? ? mapx 。并在visualc + + 6

Ado . provides functionapty to developers writing managed code similar to the functionapty provided to native ponent object model developers by activex data objects
Ado . 向編寫托管代碼的開發人員提供了類似于activex數據對象( ado )為本機組件對象模塊( )開發人員提供的功能。


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