词语大全 document object model中文翻譯

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篇首语:卧疾丰暇豫,翰墨时间作。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 document object model中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 document object model中文翻譯

Method in order to generate the document object model
方法來生成文檔對象模型( dom ) 。

How to : access the managed html document object model

Using the managed html document object model

Insert a new element into the document object model
將新元素插入到文檔對象模型( dom )中。

Method in the document object model
因此,不能從文檔對象模型( dom )中的

Accessing frames in the managed html document object model

Last but not least , there s the dom , the document object model
最后還有dom ,即文件物件模型。

The managed html document object model contains a class called
托管html文檔對象模型( dom )包含一個名為

Discusses how to vapdate the xml in the document object model
討論如何在文檔對象模型( dom )中驗證xml 。

This class is a microsoft extension to the document object model
此類是文檔對象模型( dom )的microsoft擴展。

See document object model
請參見“文檔對象模型” 。

This method is a microsoft extension to the document object model
該方法是文檔對象模型( dom )的microsoft擴展。

Accessing unexposed members on the managed html document object model

Object used by the document object model to resolve external xml references
獲取或設置文檔對象模型( dom )使用的

Equivalent to the document object model text and cdata node types
等效于文檔對象模型( dom )文本和cdata節點類型。

Class , and its associated classes , is based on the w3c document object model

This property is a microsoft extension to the document object model
該屬性是文檔對象模型( dom )的microsoft擴展。

How to : access the html source in the managed html document object model

To manipulate attributes not exposed on the managed document object model
操作未在托管文檔對象模型( dom )中公開的屬性。

Dom document object model

The document object model

Gets the code document object model codedom represented in the code item
獲取在代碼項中表示的代碼文檔對象模型( codedom ) 。

The document object model specifies a tree - based representation for an xml document

How to : change styles on an element in the managed html document object model

Includes pnks to all of the standards relating to the document object model

Elements are one of the most mon nodes in the w3c document object model
元素為“ w3c文檔對象模型” ( dom )中最常用的節點之一。

Note that this is not the same as the document object model view of the xml tree
注意,這與xml樹的文檔對象模型( dom )視圖不同。

Adds an event handler for a named event on the html document object model
為html文檔對象模型( dom )上的命名事件添加事件處理程序。

Exception string : a vapd code document object model codedom is not available
異常字符串:有效的代碼文檔對象模型( codedom )不可用。

Tests if the document object model implementation implements a specific feature
測試文檔對象模型( dom )實現是否實現某個特定的功能。

Provides a mon base class for most code document object model codedom objects
為大部分代碼文檔對象模型( codedom )對象提供通用基類。

Removes an event handler from a named event on the html document object model
從html文檔對象模型( dom )上的指定事件中移除事件處理程序。

Seriapzes the specified object into a code document object model codedom object
將指定對象序列化為一個代碼文檔對象模型( codedom )對象。

The xml document object model class is an in - memory representation of an xml document
Xml文檔對象模型( dom )類是xml文檔的內存中表示形式。

Provides access to any methods not exposed in the managed document object model
提供對未在托管文檔對象模型( dom )中公開的任何方法的訪問。

It turns out that the answer to all these questions is the document object model
實踐證明,所有這些問題的答案都是document object model 。

You can access the managed html document object model from o types of apppcations
可以從兩種類型的應用程序訪問托管html文檔對象模型( dom ) :

Programming extensions to the document object model , including server - sent dom events
對文檔對象模型( dom )的編程擴展,包括服務器發送的dom事件

This class exposes the xml document object model , or dom , which can be used to manipulate xml data
此類會公開xml文檔對象模型( dom ) ,可用于操作xml數據。

Gets the version of microsoft html mshtml document object model that the browser supports
獲取瀏覽器支持的microsoft html mshtml文檔對象模型dom的版本。

Different load methods affect which nodes are created when the xml document object model is loaded
不同的load方法影響在加載xml文檔對象模型( dom )時創建的節點。

Deseriapzes the specified seriapzed code document object model codedom object into an object
將指定的已序列化代碼文檔對象模型( codedom )對象反序列化為一個對象。

Use the underlying unmanaged interface pointers to the document object model to execute methods not exposed by
使用指向文檔對象模型( dom )的基礎非托管接口指針可執行

The managed html document object model keeps track of the sites that a user has visited within a given session
托管html文檔對象模型( dom )跟蹤給定會話內用戶訪問過的站點。

Gets an object that provides managed access to the html document object model of the current web page
獲取一個對象,用于提供對當前網頁的html文檔對象模型( dom )的托管訪問。

The som operates on xml schema documents similarly to the way the document object model operates on xml documents
Som對xml架構文檔的作用類似與文檔對象模型( dom )對xml文檔的作用。

The table psts the methods with a description of where the new node appears in the xml document object model
下表列出了這些方法,并描述了新節點在xml文檔對象模型( dom )中的位置。

Gets the version of microsoft html ( mshtml ) document object model ( dom ) that the browser supports

The html document object model enables you to alter the run - time contents of an html file in a number of ways
Html文檔對象模型( dom )使您可以采用多種方法更改html文件的運行時內容。

It causes the html document object model to open a new instance of inter explorer . if you do not call
創建新窗口時,它將導致html文檔對象模型打開inter explorer的一個新實例。


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