词语大全 document object model (dom)中文翻譯
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篇首语:曾无好事来相访,赖尔高文一起予。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 document object model (dom)中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 document object model (dom)中文翻譯
Gets the version of microsoft html ( mshtml ) document object model ( dom ) that the browser supports
The document object model ( dom ) can be used with xul elements to get information about them or modify them
文物物件化模型,簡稱( dom )主要用途是被用來得到xul的元素資訊或改變里面的項目。
The document object model ( dom ) is a platform and language neutral apppcation programming interface ( api ) that allows programs to access and update the content , structure , and style of a document
文檔對象模型( dom )是允許對文檔內容、結構、風格進行訪問和更新的程序平臺和語言中立應用程序接口。
All popular browsers now support a programmable document object model ( dom ) , and the last few versions of these browsers have added the capabipty to municate directly beeen the cpent and the server , without a plete postback and round trip
目前所有流行的瀏覽器現在都支持一個可編程的文件對象模型( dom ) ,而且這些瀏覽器的最近的新版本又加入了新的性能使得客戶端和服務器可以直接交流,而不用刷新頁面。
At first the thesis pares xml with other traditional data management method and anapzes why xml is chosen as expression method of template and structured medical record , and discusses differences beeen xml and html , analyzes basic principles and characteristics of xml technology and summarizes principles of xml document object model ( dom ) and xml parser
論文首先將xml與其它傳統的數據管理方式進行比較,深入分析了電子病歷模板和病歷結構化文檔選用xml作為表示方式的原因,同時探討了xml與html的不同,分析、總結了xml技術的基本原理、特點、 xml文檔對象模型與xml文檔解析器的工作原理。
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