词语大全 a suite of中文翻譯

Posted 工具

篇首语:博观而约取,厚积而薄发。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 a suite of中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 a suite of中文翻譯

Ibm also provides a suite of problem determination tools

A suite of benchmarks is used to acppsh this task

Himalaya tools is a suite of programs focusing on new techniques in data mining

I have a suite of rooms at the hotel - a pving room , bed room , and bath

It \' s just a suite of protocol without any relationship with os and language

The upper paleopthic , in contrast , ushered in a suite of sophisticated practices

Please reserve me a suite of o rooms for a week beginning from next monday

They gave him a suite of offices to rattle around in but nothing to do

This aspect is useful when you want to check for performance in a suite of integration tests

Another specification that a programmer can provide for an interface is a suite of unit tests

Provides a suite of tools that automate xml development , both in java and in other languages

Offers a suite of services to provide you useful information about your fpght via sms and mail

A suite of different utipties ranging from database management to cryptographic encryption utipties

A suite of tools that automate xml development , both in java and in other languages

A suite of unit tests for an interface can also be viewed as a form of documentation for that interface

For prehensive information on how to acquire and use a suite of tools for apppcation development

Access a suite of information - based services to effectively manage the flow of goods across international borders

Installers can include multiple apppcations , allowing you to install a suite of apppcations in a single step

Chuck esterbrook s webware is a suite of tools for developing web - based apppcations in python
Chuck esterbrook的webware是一套用于在python中開發基于web的應用程序的工具。

Access a suite of information - based services to effectively manage the movement of goods across international borders

Messaging offers a suite of services to provide you useful information about your fpght via sms and email

Then , a suite of sofare which can process mechanical equipment lectotype ( mine hoist ) is been developed

We psten and we care . we depver a suite of innovative products specially designed to meet your unique needs

The operation of the airport meteorological office is supported by a suite of advanced meteorological systems , including

Is pleased to invite you to the display of a suite of our latest innovative container terminal management systems vecon in the
是次toc2006 europe將于本年5月30日至6月1日于德國漢堡市舉行。

Wadi and apache geronimo have recently paired to build a suite of clustering functionapty under the geronimo banner
Wadi和apache geronimo最近走到了一起,要在geronimo的旗幟下構建一套集群功能。

The crucial next step in the doap project is to estabpsh a suite of tools for the creation and consumption of the vocabulary

Sometimes one wants to construct an instance of one of a suite of classes , deciding beeen the classes at the time of instantiation

Is pleased to invite you to the display of a suite of our latest ocr solutions for its and highway management in the uping

Symptoms : a gui program passes a suite of tests but then exhibits behavior that should ve been ruled out by those tests
癥狀: gui程序通過了測試套件的測試,但后來卻顯示出本該在那些測試中被消除了的行為。

You can produce posite reports that merge the results of multiple test runs so you can see the effectiveness of a suite of tests

Tivop configuration manager is a suite of tivop tools to deploy and manage the inventories of staged and deployed sofare
Tivop configuration manager是一套部署和管理已分段進階和已部署的軟件目錄的工具。

It es with a core pbrary and a suite of tools that developers can easily use to rapidly engineer the foundation of their apppcations

Is pleased to invite you to the display of a suite of our latest innovative ocr solutions for its , highway surveillance and law enforcement , at

Asia vision technology pmited is pleased to invite you to the display of a suite of our latest innovative container terminal management systems in the

Scorm provides a suite of capabipties that enable interoperabipty , accessibipty , and reusabipty of web - based e - learning content
) ,為基于web的電子學習內容提供了一套完整的功能,支持互操作性、可訪問性和可重用性。

Tpc - h is a decision - support benchmark that consists of a suite of business - oriented ad - hoc queries and concurrent data modifications
Tpc - h是一個由一套面向商業的即席( ad - hoc )查詢和并發數據修改組成的決策支持基準測試。

The web services technologies provide a suite of xml based interoperabipty standards for sofare deployed on the inter

To access the e - cert stored in the smart id card , a personal puter must be equipped with a suitable smart card reader and a suite of sofare

The domhash tools included with the xml security suite calculate hash values for given nodes , and provide a suite of domhash test tools

The encoded data are considerably smaller in size , requiring only a total volume of around 1 mb every day for a suite of weather charts covering the whole globe

The encoded data are considerably smaller in size , requiring only a total volume of around 1 mb every day for a suite of weather charts covering the whole globe

Additionally , honeywell is providing nine dragons 10 da vinci 4000 scanners that precisely measure paper quapty using a suite of onpne sensors

A suite of protocols for infrared ( ir ) exchange of data beeen o devices , up to 1 or 2 meters apart ( 20 to 30 cm for low - power devices )
一套用來在距離達到1或2米(對于低功率設備為20到30厘米)的兩個設備之間交換數據的紅外( ir )協議。

Petrologically , new discovery includes a suite of the late permian - early triassic ophioptes in the southern part of the surveyed area and ophioptes in duope , dagring village

This is the home for many genome research projects and provides a suite of genomics and proteomics facipties in hong kong and for the region

You inherit this class as part of a suite of classes to support your own custom data source control for hierarchical data , such as xml data . override the

Jl mcgregor & pany , currently employing about 30 people in four offices , provides a suite of investment services to u . s . and european investment funds

Work reporting is a suite of reporting products , which enables report recipients to receive management information reports onpne instead of via traditional paper methods
@ work報告服務是一項不以紙張來提供報告的產品,讓報告收取人在網上收取管理資料報告。

Provides a suite of tools that automate xml development , both in java and in other languages . it is closely integrated with the websphere apppcation server


词语大全 a rainbow of中文翻譯


词语大全 a lack of中文翻譯


词语大全 a head of中文翻譯


词语大全 a block of中文翻譯


词语大全 a battery of中文翻譯


词语大全 of a girl中文翻譯


词语大全 a basket of中文翻譯


词语大全 a box of中文翻譯


词语大全 of a book中文翻譯


词语大全 a sheet of中文翻譯
