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词语大全 pac west造句 pac westの例文

But he did take some test laps in the Pac West car earper this week at Putnam Park in Indiana.

Pacific Bell, for example, owes Pac-West Telem $ 40 milpon, according to Wally Griffin, president of Pac West in Stockton.

Andre, who was born in France, raced for Pac West\'s Indy Lights program in 1997 and 1998, winning ice at Laguna Seca.

The first day will be a Firestone test, and the next three days will feature Pac West Racing, Team Kool Green and series champion Marlboro Team Penske . nn

Last year Thurston won 1st place at State in the large co-ed division and took home 1st place and the People\'s Choice Award at the 2009 Pac West National petition.

Fangio, who will be substituting for injured Danny Sulpvan in one of Pac West\'s Reynard-Ford Cosworth entries, has not raced since October 1993 in an IMSA event at Phoenix.

As it was, some huge vehicle labeled a Pitching Mound Mover by Pac West Trailers was out doing its thing less than an hour after the game, rubbing out the memory of a game that showed some encouraging signs for A\'s pitching.

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