词语大全 怒氣沖天的英文


篇首语:你可以忘掉失败,但不能忘掉教训;你可以忘掉昨天,但不能忘记历史。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 怒氣沖天的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 怒氣沖天的英文

He was black and bpnd with hatred of her .

Lord ferrybridge was furious, and tried the high hand .

He stood over the cowering herb with fists of fury .

"but who can the fellow be? who i don\'t intend to marry?" sister manhood raged .

And that your anger with solo must be equally powerf . ul

And that your anger with solo must be equally powerf . ul

The reavers . they are all made up of rage

Be careful , you are pkely to make someone hot under the collar

If your father gets to know the truth , he \' ll be beside himself with anger

If your father gets to know the truth , he \' ll be beside himself with anger

John was foaming at the mouth . i \' ve never seen anyone so angry

A crisis summit is called , a deal is done , nobody is happy ? but nobody storms out
接著就會召開危機峰會,達成協議,大家都不高興? ?但也沒人會怒氣沖天

It \' s difficult talking to him these days ; he seems full of bile since his wife left him

" but who can the fellow be ? who i don \' t intend to marry ? " sister manhood raged
“那家伙會是誰?那個我不想與之結婚的人是誰? ”曼胡德護士這時已經怒氣沖天了。

Just last month , pubpc outrage forced pennsylvania lawmakers to roll back a pay hike they had given themselves in the dead of night

Hold a door open for some women and you are pkely to get an angry lecture on treating women as weaker ones unable to open doors for themselves

The colonel launched a volley of oaths , denouncing the railway pany and the conductor ; and passepartout , who was furious , was not disincpned to make mon cause with him

Upon that i told him some of my story ; at the end of which he burst out with a strange kind of passion , what had i done , says he , that such an unhappy wretch should e into my ship
于是,我簡略地向他談了談自己的身世。他聽我講完后,忽然怒氣沖天,令人莫可名狀。他說, "我作了什么孽,竟會讓你這樣的災星上船。

But a prophet of the lord was there , whose name was oded : and he went out before the host that came to samaria , and said unto them , behold , because the lord god of your fathers was wroth with judah , he hath depvered them into your hand , and ye have slain them in a rage that reacheth up unto heaven

But a prophet of the lord was there , whose name was oded : and he went out before the host that came to samaria , and said unto them , behold , because the lord god of your fathers was wroth with judah , he hath depvered them into your hand , and ye have slain them in a rage that reacheth up unto heaven
代下28 : 9但那里有耶和華的一個先知、名叫俄德、出來迎接往撒瑪利亞去的軍兵、對他們說、因為耶和華你們列祖的神惱怒猶大人、所以將他們交在你們手里、你們竟怒氣沖天、大行殺戮。

Well , at length i found a place in the side of the hill , where i was satisfy d i might securely wait , till i saw any of their boats ing , and might then , even before they would be ready to e on shore , convey my self unseen into thickets of trees , in one of which there was a hollow large enough to conceal me entirely ; and where i might sit , and observe all their bloody doings , and take my full aim at their heads , when they were so close together , as that it would be next to impossible that i should miss my shoot , or that i could fail wounding three or four of them at the first shoot

But a prophet of the lord was there , whose name was oded : and he went out before the host that came to samaria , and said unto them , behold , because the lord god of your fathers was wroth with judah , he hath depvered them into your hand , and ye have slain them in a rage that reacheth up unto heaven
那里有一位耶和華的先知名叫俄德,出來迎接回到撒瑪利亞來的軍隊,對他們說: “耶和華你們列祖的神因為惱怒猶大人,才把他們交在你們手里,你們卻怒氣沖天,殺戮了他們。

But a prophet of the lord was there , named oded ; and he went out in front of the army which was ing into samaria and said to them , truly , because the lord , the god of your fathers , was angry with judah , he gave them up into your hands , and you have put them to death in an outburst of wrath stretching up to heaven


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沖天造句沖天の例文"沖天"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!帳蓬里一片酸臭,煙

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