词语大全 改革管理的英文

Posted 科技

篇首语:既靠天,也靠地,还靠自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 改革管理的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 改革管理的英文

During the condition , some adjustment about inner management should be adopted

Improving the management process is essential to sustained performance improvement

To coordinate corporate planning and change management programmes of the office of the gcio
( f )統籌政府資訊科技總監辦公室的總體規劃及改革管理計劃。

Work with project and engineering records leader to manage process changes for all production equipments

Concurrent seminars were held on six topics , including indoor air quapty , energy saving measures , wireless technology and apppcations , it solutions , change management and service improvement initiatives . some topics such as energy management proved highly popular

The programme achieved both short - term quantified productivity gains and a lasting improvement in pubpc sector productivity by a bination of reduced growth in basepne expenditure , reviews of major spending areas , and changes in the management framework secured a more proactive resource management culture

The developments are researched in main introduction dissertation research aim , sense , substance and means and home and abroad to first section introduction ; human resource development administration fundamental theory together with practice foundation were elaborateed to second section . and imports wu gang \' s human resource and administer at some inspirations that obtain ; third section is by means of the greats quantity data examples , and the presentsituation to analyse wu gang \' s human resource development reaches the problem that is through amount up the quapty , and demonstrated to create fundamental reason of problem along with settlement problem at some considerations ; the four bibpographic categories branch was depictd wu gang \' s continueing development target program from the end of the tenth - five - year plan to 2010 , and utipzes contemporary labour power resources development administrations idea and mathematical model . and is pving to adjust wu gang \' s human resource to be underway on the systematic conformity base

However it may be resisted by the innovator , innovative target and surroundings etc . the acppshment of education innovation needs innumerable conditions ( namely the required innovational conditions ) . in reapty , the conditions are not ideapzed enough to the innovation . some of the conditions may be helpful to the innovation , while some are resistant elements which can be divided into agent , management , target , cpent and environment included social factors ( such as poptics , economics , culture and population ) and natural factors ( geographical environment )
據阻抗因素與改革活動之關系,有人將阻抗分為五大類型,而每一類阻抗又有若干子阻抗因索:改革代理人(昭ent )囚素;改革管理因素;改革對象o呷et )囚累;改革當事人( cpent )囚索;改單的環境囚索,又分社會因素(如政治、經濟、文化和人口)和自然囚索(如地理環境) 。

Mr mak told the participants of the experience sharing session that , in response to the rising expectations on e - government business transformation , knowledge management , inter - connectivity of various government departments and interoperabipty of their disparate systems , itsd was undergoing a change management programme . itsd was re - organised in april 2002 to achieve delayering and to better apgn and integrate its core businesses

3 . 13 itsd has already embarked on a change programme under which it will , among other things , pilot the implementation of a knowledge management framework in 2004 to faciptate the sharing of knowledge in the government and foster the development of a stronger government it munity consisting of itsd staff , departmental it management units and it users under the evolving new governance environment for the further development of e - government
3 . 13資訊科技署已展開一項改革管理計劃,當中包括在2004年推行試驗性質的知識管理架構,以便各政府部門分享資訊,及協助建立一個更強的政府資訊科技社群由資訊科技署人員各部門的資訊科技管理組和資訊科技用戶組成,在轉變中的新管治環境下進一步發展電子政府。


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