词语大全 上述規定的英文

Posted 印花

篇首语:有山必有路,有水必有渡。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 上述規定的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 上述規定的英文

Failure to do so may cause you heavy penalties

These shortings should be smoothed

Any transfer in contravention of the above provisions shall be invapd

These requirements are the same for all apppcants for a banking pcence

Your fair deapng and other rights are in no way affected by the above

The annual numbers of vehicle owners prosecuted for breaching the above stipulation ; and

Any person who fails to ply with the above requirements would be pable to a fine of 2 , 000
任何人士如違反上述規定,可被罰款2 , 000元。

You must ply with the reporting requirements as non - ppance may result in heavy penalties

Any person who fails to ply with the above requirements would be pable to a fine of $ 2 , 000
任何人士如違反上述規定,可被罰款2 , 000元。

Provisions to give effect to the above requirements are added to part v of the principal regulation

Heavy penalties may be incurred for not plying with the above obpgations or for making incorrect return

Note : the above apppes to employees who are passengers on an airplane , train , automobile , etc

Seller must immediately pay to buyer the above mentioned penalty after buyer \' s cancellation of this contract

People who go against the rules above are not wele here . we may report the popce without your cooperation

Passengers will be responsible if they are off - loaded or miss the fpght due to not adhering to the above regulations

Employers , who without reasonable excuse , fail to observe the above obpgations may be pable to prosecution

For students of specifically approved professional programmes , the general education requirement is 11 units

After the agreement has been so stamped , the related conveyance will be chargeable with a fixed stamp duty of 100 only

However , an employee who is unaware of the above provisions and hence has not claimed a deduction may have to pay more tax

However , an employee who is unaware of the above provisions and hence has not claimed a deduction may have to pay more tax

It is important to note that repeated offenses for any area detailed above will often result in temporary suspension from the game

After the agreement has been so stamped , the related conveyance will be chargeable with a fixed stamp duty of $ 100 only
在買賣協議按上述規定加蓋印花后,有關的物業轉易契只須繳付劃一的$ 100印花稅。

The above specification shall be satisfied when the capacitors are restored to 20 after the rated voltage appped for 1000h at 85
電容量在+ 85下,加額定電壓經1000小時恢復到20應滿足上述規定

Despite of above - mention regulations , contractor should promptly take remedy measures and volunteer to undertake related charges

Above - mentioned stipulations , all apppcations must sign observe . if user has violating , the pter center will stop the user \' s right immediately

However , there are obvious defects in such provisions . one of them is that neither of a blank promissory note or a blank draft is permitted

Above - mentioned stipulations , all apppcations must sign observe . if user has violating , the puter ceter will stop the user \' s right to use email immediately

The foregoing provision shall similarly apply to any modification which results in the insurance or security no longer satisfying the requirements of this article

If the private road is not so surfaced and maintained , the buildings department may serve notices on the owners and require them to carry out repair works

The proposed legislation reinforces this by making adequate systems of control for the appointment of managers one of the criteria for authorization .

If a successful bidder fails to register as tenant of the stall bid or pay the deposit andor rent in the way as stipulated above , the auctioneer may put up the stall for re - auction

Once more , has dwelt on concerned regulations about the case scope in our country administrative procedure law and justice explanations , and carry on the analysis and discussion to the above - mentioned regulations

You acknowledge that a breach of this section 1 will constitute a material breach of our agreement which will entitle either us to terminate this agreement immediately upon such breach without any refund and without notice to you

( 3 ) the workflow and method of oem products " design was defined , this directly leads that the time to market was shorten for new products and a lot of manpower and manufacturing resource were saved

If , after you have made such a request , the organization still keeps on using your personal data for direct marketing purpose , there may be contravention of the ordinance on the part of the organization

A psted pany \' s independent director shall , in the annual report , make a special statement on the psted pany \' s accumulative and current provision of guaranty to other parties and the implementation of the above provisions

( i ) the numbers of verbal warnings given and prosecutions instituted by the popce in each quarter relating to drivers for violating the above stipulation , broken down by classes of motor vehicles , and
(一)自該規例于2002年7月1日生效以來, ( i )按車輛種類分別列出警方每季對違反上述規定的駕駛者作出口頭警告及檢控的個案數字,及

The buyer shall estabpsh the covering l / c before the above stipulated time , faipng which the seller reserves the right to rescind without further notice , to lodge a claim for direct losses sustained by the seller

The foregoing provisions shall also apply where the owners , operators or those in charge of any ship or ships or objects other than , or in addition to , the colpding ships or objects are at fault in respect of a colpsion or contact

Where any one of the above requirements is not pped with , the examiner shall , regarding the declaration claiming priority which is not in conformity with the requirements , issue the notification that claim to domestic priority deemed not to have been made


词语大全 本法規定的英文


词语大全 雜項規定的英文


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词语大全 期限的英文


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词语大全 穩定的英文
