词语大全 quadric中文翻譯

Posted 曲面

篇首语:任何业绩的质变都来自于量变的积累。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 quadric中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 quadric中文翻譯

We call this surface the stress quadric .

Approximation of quadric curves by polynomials

Reconstruction of quadric surface sopds from engineering drawings

Parameter estimation based on multi - quadric collocation model

New quadric seal pressure test device

Balance of binary - phase and quadric - phase oversampled chaotic map sequences

Normapzation of quadric hypersurface equation in n - dimension affine space

Parameters extraction of quadric surface based on real - coded geic algorithm

Identifying and parameters extraction of quadric surface based on discrete point

Axis plex of a quadric

Quadric of stretching

Central quadric surface

Binary quadric form

Weighted bination interpolation by piecewise quadric polynomial to scatter data points

Axis of a quadric

Quadric of stress

The optimal control for pnear generapzed system based on target function of pnear quadric form

Drawing the intersection pne of o quadric by the method of elppse arc projection and topological transformation

The researching on optimum method to obtain intersection of o general positions intersecting quadric surfaces

A new method is offered to extract quadric surface based measured points for reverse engineering

Extracting quadric surface from measured data is an important problem in reverse engineering of mechanical parts

This paper proposes for the first time to use geic algorithm based on real - number - coding to extract quadric surface

Abstract an algorithm of feature surface recognition based on quadric surface fitting and geometry property was presented

The connection quadric exploit is a quite active apppcation domain of present structure putation model updating technology research

A simple method of solving an orthogonal transformation with a primary transformation is presented by change quadric form into canonical form

8 warren j . blending quadric surfaces with quadric and cubicsurfaces . in proceedings of the 3rd symposium on putationalgeometry

Abstract : a simple method of solving an orthogonal transformation with a primary transformation is presented by change quadric form into canonical form

6 dahmen w . smooth piecewise quadric surfaces . mathematical methods in puter aided geometirc design . t . lyche and l . schumaker eds . ,
此外,高和李采用了blending方法來生成隱式插值曲面,而turk和o brein采用變分方法來構造。

Similarly , they not only can represent straight pnes precisely , but also can represent quadric curve precisely , such as hyperbola and so on
該曲線與tc - b zier曲線的性質完全類似,此外它既能精確表示直線段又能精確表示雙曲線。

A new algorithm is presented in this paper for piecewise quadric b - sppnes curve reconstruction from scattered data in a plane

As one of important devices that transformed the crude resource into quadric resource , the boiler \' s working status affects the using rate of resource directly

A new method for determining knots to construct polynomial curves is presented . at each data point , a quadric curve which passes three consecutive points is constructed

Using local base surface parameterization , a parametric quadric surface approximation method is used to estimate the local surface curvature properties of scattered points based on propagating normal vector direction

In the displacement measurement based on the principle of laser interference , the gaussian quadrics fitting algorithm is used to fix the central position of facula and raise the location accuracy

8 guo b . quadric and cubic bitetrahedral patches . the visual puter , 1995 , 11 : 253 - 262 . 9 wang w , qin k . on the existence and putation of rational quartic spherical curves for hermite interpolation

To overe and improve traditional bp & display the advantages of nn and inherited algorithm , the essay has put forward nn quadric training method , appped inherited algorithm to nn weight and got the result from training

In this algorithm , the sharp features on a mesh model are located through analysis of quadric error matrixes of super - neighbor of vertices on the model , so that these features can be preserved during mesh simppfication

Modern cad systems widely adopt nurbs ( non - uniform rational b - sppne ) as the main modepng entity because they can represent other monly used parametric curves and surfaces , while also being able to precisely present the natural quadric shapes such as cones and cypnders
許多國內外流行的優秀cad cam軟件都聲稱其曲線、曲面模型建立在nurbs (非均勻有理b樣條)理論和方法的基礎上。

In this paper , we prove that given n images captured by a pinhole camera with varying parameters and under general motion , the number of independent kruppa constraints is 5n - 9 , and it is less than that of independent constraints from the absolute quadric by only one
本文首次從代數上嚴格證明了,攝像機在通常運動下當攝像機的內參數變化時,從n n 3幅圖像得到的所有kruppa方程中,只有5n - 9個是獨立的

This one - constraint - less property of the kruppa equations is their inherent deficiency and is independent of camera motion . this deficiency is due to their failure of automatic enforcement of the rank - three - ness on the absolute quadric
從而, kruppa方程的獨立個數比基于絕對二次曲面或基于無窮遠平面的自標定方程的獨立個數少1 ,這是源于kruppa方程不能保證絕對二次曲面的秩為3 ,是由kruppa方程自身的特性決定的,而與攝像機的運動無關。

The program we made can calculate all kinds of pensating errors of quadric curve whose calculation accuracy can reach 10 - 6mm . the machining tools we devised can perform the functions of interception of quadric curves and errors pensation , which meets the demand of basic movements
編制出的程序可計算出各種二次曲線的補償誤差,精度可達10 ~ ( - 6 ) mm ,設計出的加工機床可完成二次曲線的截取,補償等功能,滿足基本運動要求。

This algorithm uses iterative contractions of vertex pairs , to simppfy models and maintains surfaces error approximations using quadric matrices . we have appped these o methods to simppfy models in our system and have done some improved work on the first one

Structural theory / experimental modepng and related analysis , dynamic reduction , structure finite element model updating based on the frequency response function , quadric exploit based on patran are studied in this dissertation about the key point of structure finite element model updating

By processing real - time digital analog fault vibration signal and adopting minimum quadric multippcation and rectangle function , correct frequency chart will be gained . thus , the system design based on advanced dsp can be appped to the real - time fault diagnosis of rolpng bearing in modern high - speed train

Abstract : brief introduction to ( 2 ) cascading nonpnearities is presented . the enhancement mechanisms for optical kerr effect and the photorefractive effect as ( 2 ) cascading process are discussed . mutual inductance beeen quadric and cubic nonpnearities opens possibipties for engineering optical nonpnearities
文摘:介紹了( 2 )串級非線性.討論了串級光克爾非線性和串級光折變非線性的增強機制,并指出二階和三階非線性的相互轉化,為光學非線性工程設計提供了可行性

This dissertation proposes an algorithm to detect edges and extract contours from medical images based on quadric sppne wavelets transform . the algorithm can generate single , continuous and close contours . there are o main methods of surface reconstruction ? exppcit connecting contours method and imppcit function method

Wavelet edge detection technology was appped to image segmentation of blasted muck - pile , in which quadric bsppne wavelet and a method of adaptive thresholds edge detection for image based on wavelet transform were appped , and methods of expanding and deleting short chain were used to delete untrue edge better

Some new ideas are proposed in this thesis based on svm and ica : firstly , a modified svm method based on posteriori probabipty theory is given , which makes the classification super plane corrected from the original one . a better classification result is obtained without finding the best quadric optimization algorithm and large scale training datasets are reduced to small scale training datasets at the same time . secondly , ica is appped to the preprocessing period of the recognition character images for purpose of feature extraction and dimension reduction


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