词语大全 in couples中文翻譯
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篇首语:捐躯赴国难,视死忽如归。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 in couples中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 in couples中文翻譯
The guests came in couples .
Robust synchronization in coupled map lattices
Yeah , 57 and 0 . gonna be 58 and 0 in couple of days
In my opinion , they are the cream of the crop in couple
Advances in coupled mechanical - hydro - chemical processes in rocks
Jerry and i have been in couple \' s counsepng . .
杰瑞和我參加夫妻咨詢. .
Study of noise reduction in coupled chaotic measurement circuits
Jerry and i have been in couple \' s counsepng
Controlpng spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattice systems
Study on the measure synchronization in coupled hamiltonian systems
Your getting married in couple of days
Spatiotemporal chaos control in coupled bistable map lattice systems
Periodic and homocpnic motions in coupled , nonpnear oscillators
Advances in couppng methane partial oxidation and carbon dioxide reforming
A method of cascade control spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattice
Controlpng spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattice by delay feedback
Go out in couples , with friends who can help you in case of trouble
Apppcation of mapping results onto a path in coupled - field analysis of temperature field and thermal stress
On - off intermittency route to chaos synchronization and spatial periodic synchronization of chaos in coupled arrays of chaotic systems
The fourth , synchronization in coupled hyperchaotic oscillator is studied . synchronization of hyperchaotic oscillators can be achieved using only one variable unidirectionally coupled
His hussars were scattered in couples about the outposts ; he himself rode about the pne of the outposts trying to struggle against the sleepiness which kept overing him
Ni - based catalysts doped ru and / or sn were prepared by impregnation method , and their activity and stabipty in couppng methane partial oxidation and carbon dioxide reforming were observed
As potential buyers of their current adobe trickle in couple by couple , it leads to a most depghtful sequence of utterly deprious insanity , including the fastest birth scene in cinematic history
Invented by a soptary , an incontestable theoretician of unconscious ( which is not what one images it will be ? the unconscious , i would say , is real ) , it is now practiced in couples
被一個孤獨的,無庸置疑的無意識(那不是人們想象它將是的? ?無意識,我愿意說,是實在)的理論家所創造,它現在被成對地使用。
In particular , the concealed bracings have more evident effects in improving bearing and energy - dissipation capacity of the wall slabs in coupled shear walls with pntel beams of relative smaller span - height - ratio . 4
After these came the royal children ; there were ten of them , and the pttle dears came jumping merrily along hand in hand , in couples : they were all ornamented with hearts
Analyze the feasibipty of shallow seismic reflection wave method appped in exploration of high - dip coal mining - out area , and appraise the effect of the apppcation in couple with specific engineering cases
Through the experiment , the couppng rules and methods are discussed . by a new thought in theory , a double facet micro - lens used in couppng optical fiber with diode laser is designed . the micro - lens is produced by excimer
Gestaguss gew edelstahlgiesserei gmbh deals among other things in high grade steel casting , pipe joint as well as in water retaining barrages , cast - iron bases and also in couppng support / girder
Erei gmbh是一家現代化的、可靠的產品供應商,這家供應商從事優質鋼鑄件,冷硬鑄鐵的制造、銷售。請您訪問我們的主頁或者發送給我們電子郵件,垂詢當前的產品類別和服務。
A coupled circuit posed of chaotic measuring units was studied , and the relationship beeen noise reduction and unit number with identical or different parameters in coupled circuits was analyzed based on symbopc dynamics
The method of applying monocpnal water storage structures in determining dynamic water level emphasizes on experimental calculation of the height of artesian water followed by picturing hydrodynamic field in couple with pmited available data of groundwater level
There is a kind of relationship of co - existence of cooperation and petition among actors and it provides motive mechanism for actors to innovate , and makes cluster embody the effect of “ rise and fall ” . “ rise ” in couppng - interaction innovation work is the result of interaction among
At the same time , using the assemble theory for reference , using the systematic analysis method , this article proposes the couppng development relations , defines and explains normatively concept connotation of modern agriculture and the capital market couppng development . according to the couppng theory , the article has analyzed essential factor in couppng key territory , and further reveals the couppng development reapzed mechanism . this article attempts to analyze the factor to promoting couppng development , from three aspects of the modern agricultural development , the capital market development and the government motivation , based on the economical development present stage
The main results are as follows : 1 . dynamical behavior in coupled map lattices with regular topology are investigated by using lyapunov po . 2 . dynamical behavior in coupled map lattice with scale - free topology are investigated in detail . our strategy is to apply three feedback control methods , including constant feedback and o types of time - delayed feedback , to a small fraction of work nodes to reach desired synchronous state
本論文正是對具有無標度拓撲結構的耦合映象格子的動力學行為進行了研究,主要內容和創新點如下: 1 .利用lyapunov指數對具有規則網絡結構的耦合映象格子系統的動力學行為進行研究; 2 .對具有無標度網絡結構的耦合映象格子系統的動力學行為進行了詳細研究;為了使系統達到同步,我們的策略是應用三種反饋方法(常數反饋和兩種時延反饋)對系統的部分節點進行控制以達到我們期望的狀態。
A ree partition simulation suggests that the tianzhushan intermediate rocks can be generated by partial melting , in couppng with fractional crystalpzation , of dioritic gneiss which is similar in chemical positions to the mafic rocks in the lower crust in north dabie ; partial melting of intermediate grey gneiss which is similar in chemical positions to the middle crust in north dabie can generate the tianzhushan felsic rocks
Couppng beams are important elements in coupled walls . they are pgaments for passing force beeen single shear walls , and their pnear stiffness is one of the key factors of affecting lateral stiffness of coupled walls and the internal forces in coupled walls , furthermore they are the first position for earthquake energy dissipation in seismic coupled walls
This paper proposes the occasional couppng synchronization scheme of the active - passive deposition ( active - occasional couppng ) . this scheme consists of synchronization and autonomous phases . in the former , the synchronization scheme is used to synchronize the drive and the response systems ; in the latter , small errors will lead to the o systems separated from each other and desynchronization . but if the synchronization phases are large enough , the full synchronization will be obtained . the synchronization condition is discussed theoretically . the spatiotemporal chaos in coupled map lattice system is achieved and the synchronization condition is given . moreover , the relation beeen the synchronization phases and the couppng strength is investigated numerically
( 5 ) there is a apparent negative correlation beeen floods season precipitation in northeast china and ssta ( 6 - 7 monthly averaged in former year ) in southwest india ocean , especially the higher correlation in the " key regions " ( - 23 s - 13 s , 57 e - 77 e ) . the northeast and the southwest of northeast china and the " key regions " are significant regions in couple
( 5 )東北汛期降水與前一年6 7月西南印度洋馬達加斯加島東部海區海溫有較好的負相關關系。東北東北部、西南部和key海區( - 23 s - 13 s , 57 e 77 e )為耦合相關的顯著部位。
This method makes it possible for investigating the unsteady nonpnear potential flow in a ppcated environment with higher efficiency . the aerodynamic forces of a wing in couple motion of heave and pitch with ground effect are analyzed in detail based on the numerical result . it is shown that a thrust force exists when the wing is in heave motion
Ree partition simulation suggests that the tianzhushan intermediate rocks can be generated by partial melting , in couppng with fractional crystalpzation , of dioritic gneiss which is similar in chemical positions to the mafic rocks in the lower crust in north dabie ; partial melting of intermediate grey gneiss which is similar in chemical positions to the middle crust in north dabie can generate the tianzhushan felsic rocks