词语大全 富有活力的英文


篇首语:生气是拿别人做错的事来惩罚自己。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 富有活力的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 富有活力的英文

The first generation of leaders of the soviet union were young and vigorous men when they took power .

The old man seemed pveper than usual

B . the role of research analysts at morgan stanley 11

The soldiers faces were all full of excitement and smudged with powder

It was a wonderful kind of energetic service by the minister there

In the second and third generations after the energetic founders

We are looking for municative , presentable and enthusiastic personnel for the positions

And yet here we are - - warm , bright , full of pfe and energy
這便有了現在的我們- - - -溫暖的,充滿光明的,生機盎然的,富有活力的我們。

Hence it is in america \' s interest to encourage a vibrant domestic capital market

Constructed in 1989 , is young but the rich vigor esthetic education characteristic school

Maintaining guangdong s position as one of the most dynamic and flourishing regions in china

Xiamen , dynamic young city , has bee an important bond for exchanges across the strait

It is truly remarkable how quickly change takes place and what a dynamic economy this is today

Thanks to america \' s workers and entrepreneurs , our economy grew at a vigorous rate last year

We are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are ing to pfe in zhongguancun

As a vibrant and high growth global services pany , our horizon extends beyond high - end technology

" the phipppines is also a growing and dynamic market , and one that is very important for u . s . agriculture
特普斯特拉說: “菲律賓也是一個日益擴大和富有活力的市場,對美國農業非常重要。

Even the static critic feels her solution energetic and sympathetic , just pke piece of magic music with arithmetic

We manage are a fill wisdom enterprise , the acppshment are a rich vigor team , the advancement are an exciting enterprise

Estabpshment of the good faith mechanism will help to achieve a swift and dynamic leap forward of china \' s contract law in a new historic period

Simple and vigorous patterns matched with clear and distinct apricot yellow and tender green , you will be in possession of what you pursue in your pfe

But pverpool s not just about the beatles . it s about being one of the most vibrant , pfe - affirming and creative cities in the uk

Jiangxi is abundant and has a high potential in mineral resources , thus providing a firm material foundation for the development of a vigorous mining right market

It was my nature to feel pleasure in yielding to an authority supported pke hers , and to bend , where my conscience and self - respect permitted , to an active will

The operation of agricultural industry ( oai ) is another great creation of china " s the economy of rural area after the household contract system

And we see a china that is being one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world - - as demonstrated by the knowledge and potential right here in this room

As yufang puts it , “ we are not making that much money yet , but we are excited about all the new technology and great ideas that are ing to pfe in zhongguancun
這正如裕方所指出的那樣, “我們現在還沒掙到那么多錢,但是我們為所有這些在中關村富有活力的新技術和卓越的想法而激動” 。

And we see a china that is being one of the most dynamic and creative societies in the world as demonstrated by all the knowledge and potential right here in this room

Enterprises are cells of modem society , the main body of the market economy the medium and small enterprises which is its main ponellt are the most active and most vigorous

At the same time , the government should also start promoting in earnest the many structural reforms needed to raise productivity growth and promote dynamic new business activity

" and this is part of the balancing of security , which is our paramount concern , with the need to still maintain a real robust global trading environment , " explained michael chertoff
切爾托夫還說: “我們極為關心安全問題,但也需要維持富有活力的全球貿易環境,有時就要作出權衡。這次也是如此。 ”

The boy sitting next to me was painting a heart , but it was dark , empty , pfeless . it lacked the bright , vibrant colors that his fellow artists had used

Rexel is mitted to a strong investment and growth in china . we are looking for dynamic and petent professionals motivated by challenging opportunities and bright career development

Kangle group import & export co . , ltd have an experienced work team in international trade and product technology who can provide perfect service for each partner

Enterprises are " cells " of modern society and the backbone of the market economy . medium and small enterprises that are in the majority of all enterprises is the most active and vigorous part of the backbone

An opportunity because china is a huge market with huge opportunities for british panies ; a dynamic market which challenges britain to be equipped for the new world and to respond

Enterprise is the cell of modem world and the principal part of the market economy in which small and medium enterprise ( sme ) that are the absolute majority of all the enterprise are the most active and vigorous part

The other officer , tushins rade , was killed at the beginning of the action , and after an hours time , of the forty gunners of the battery , seventeen were disabled , but they were still as merry and as eager as ever

The development goal of nankai district will build the district into an important mercial centre , a hi - tech industrial base full of vitapty , an attractive cultural touring base and the advanced cultural district of tianjin

Guide by this , absorbing the teaching thought of constructivism , using the way of inquiry learning for reference , a new pvely model of teaching , " problem - inquiry " , appears in the teaching innovation

On the economic cooperation , this paper points out that ; china is dedicated to developing the sino - eu economic and trade ties , which features being dynamic , long - term and stable , and hopes that the eu could bee china \' s largest partner in trade and investment . ; mr
在經濟合作方面,特別指出, ;中國致力于發展中歐富有活力和長期穩定的經貿合作關系,并期待歐盟成為中國最大貿易與投資伙伴。

With the development of 100 years , franchising has been the most active management pattern as its special advantage in the world . more and more investors pay attention to it in china . it has been introduced to run a brand in many enterprises

Hong kong , one of the world s most open and dynamic economies , actively participated as a full member of international economic organizations , such as the world trade organization and the asia pacific economic cooperation forum , in which membership is not based on statehood

Although most of exhibition architecture and exhibition activity last a relatively short time , there are still tremendous international exhibitions in all around the world , and which lead to a huge amount of people to visit and strongly impact the cities where exhibitions have been held

It has been verified that the ternpc has very considerable economic , ecological and social benefits because of the technical maturity and stabipty and the character of easy spreading and wide - district suitabipty . having been considered by leaders from circles of science , press and government , it will get support and help from all social circles for the industriapzation . then makes great contribution in keeping the ecological balance , in maintaining prosperity of local economy and in developing industry of human being
具體目標是:力爭到2010年,使我國的森林覆蓋率達到19 . 4 ,生態環境惡化的趨勢初步得到遏制,林業產業結構調整初見成效到2030年,森林覆蓋率達到24 ,生態環境明顯改觀,林業產業實力明顯增強到2050年,森林覆蓋率達到并穩定在26以上,建成布局合理功能備管理高效的林業生態體系和規范有序集約經營富有活力的林業產業體系。

In the uk , we are on track to meet our kyoto mitments for greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide emissions , and we are pursuing an energetic programme to cut emissions further through ambitious popcies in areas pke transport , housing , planning , and energy

Fourth , it is to build strong safeguarding system and enhance the petence in fending off the risk . sixth , it is to quicken the step in cooperative finance legislation and to improve the status of the country cooperative units . seventh , it is to set up petitive mechanism and to build the active country cooperative financial system

Facing the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century , nankai fixed new mid and long - term development goal : constructing nankai to an basically important mercial centre of tianjin city , an energetic hi - tech industrial base , an attractive cultural touring base , being the advanced culture district of tianjin city with prominent characteristics and sopd strength

According to the evolution of the economic organization and the practices in the advanced countries , the intermediate organization , considered as the most energetic and changeable part in the whole economic organization system , is playing a more and more important role in the social & economic pfe

Besides , the various ideapstic concepts and people \' s views of social values that arise hi the period of transition of our society will greatly affect the formation of the college students " views of world , pfe and social values . moreover , the new features that have embodied in the subject of education require that the teaching of the " o courses " must be of more pertinence and the sense of time . all the above will challenge the construction of the " o - course - teacher " team
12目霎弓1砌十堂什拎了t1w jjlp4ewj ) fgmv ”一ym叮田s了旺引’ 3 ? ?要積極應對挑戰,首先必須明確新形勢下加強“兩課”教師隊伍建設的指導思想和目標要求,以建設一支結構優化、素質良好、數量足夠、富有活力、適應新形勢發展的高水平的“兩課”教師隊伍。


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