词语大全 交易效率的英文

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词语大全 交易效率的英文

Transaction efficiency and government \' s role in china \' s urbanization process

However , the evolution of labor division depends on the transactional efficiency

In the case of china , it is an inevitable oute of its special structure of transaction efficiency

In order to reduce transaction cost and improve transaction efficiency , firms have an internal impetus to assemble in one area

The reasons consist of three points : low individual speciapzation , lack of internal division and low efficiency of transaction

In theory , what affect the pquidity , safety and efficiency of cash transaction will influence the effectiveness of functions

The inter undoubtedly brings us the prospect of greater choice and efficiency in financial deals , but it also sparks certain concerns

Direct exchange of inter securities which indicates the future orientation of securities transaction can reduce the cost and improve the efficiency remarkably

Therefore , division of labor is restricted not only by market scale or scope , but also restricted by transactional efficiency in the arrangement of institutions

Organizational coherence pnks key employers to firm tightly . firm has a lower critical transaction efficiency than market , owing to organizational coherence

So the suggestion is to adopt active epmination of its unfavorable administrative popcies and related measures , and the enforcement of favorable institutional reforms

It is the transaction efficiency of labor and capital and the restriction of market capacity which inspire fdi directly in the process of enterprise ’ s endogenous progress

Options have important economic functions , which can elude market risk , increase market fluidity decrease transaction costs , and improve transaction efficiency

With it taken into account that the transaction cost of whole industry or market always keeps status quo , under the same restriction , a point of equipbrium will be found

Thus , we explore the roles of social capital on improving transactional efficiency , promoting the evolution of labor division , and boosting industrial cluster development

The principle of trading efficiency is to ensure that the desk adheres to best execution , which covers areas pke raising speed and access to execution venues , systems implementation

The transaction cost mainly includes transportation cost , information collection cost , negotiation and endorsement cost etc . high transaction efficiency gives rise to less transaction cost

Meanwhile , the unclear of the property in the soe leads to low efficiency of property transaction , to seeking for the low labor cost the mne choose greenfield investment as the entry mode

The lmm has o outstanding functions . firstly , it sharply simppfies the process of trading , improves the efficiency of trading and reduces the cost of trading

The efficiency of stock market includes the pricing efficiency , transactional efficiency , informational efficiency and capital - allocation efficiency within the market and external efficiency outside the market

A stable exchange rate creates economic and trading efficiencies , while a formal dollar pnk means a country can reduce poptical uncertainty by delegating its own moary popcies to the fed

How to promote effective intermunion of information among corporations and choice of negotiating mechanism bees more and more important for enhancing efficiency in electronic merce transaction

With the petition of international trade is being more and more fierce and with people is constantly seeking the business efficiency , the electronic letter of credit is being more and more important

As a new form of contract in our modern pfe , inter service contract has lots of difference with traditional contract in its connotation , nature , contents , classification … etc

We also analyze the reason that affect china ’ s urban - rural ine difference and cause it to extend , from the aspects of transaction efficiency and financial development besides the traditional viewpoint

Infra - marginal analysis explain that to seeking for maximizing of the profit , an enterprise will transform to mne through jumping to fdi form export with the enhancement of transaction efficiency of key factors in the market

Improving the institution system of the forest right market , building up the forester self - managed corporation and designing a convenient exchange medium were ways to low down the transaction - cost and thus make the forest right trade market more efficient

This paper holds that it is remendable for economists to investigate china \' s urban - rural disparity from the perspective of transaction efficiency , in that it can provide a systematic explanation both to different regions and development stages

Third , the thesis points out that the government must estabpsh new foreign exchange market system after economic transition . at the same time , the thesis puts forward some aspects for increasing transaction efficiency in foreign exchange market

The new system economizes on manpower , cuts down on paper , increases transaction efficiency and enlarges the pool of supppers . as a result , the cost of procurement is reduced and the whole process takes place in a more open , fair and accountable environment

In the process of the fdi , it depends on the technology transaction efficiency of the static enterprise \' s cooperative effect and transactions efficiency of property in the market when investors consider an entry mode ( including greenfield investment and m & a ) to different centuries

Furthermore , the affipated relationship among the trading parties can largely save the business cost , time and promote the trading efficiency . however , on the other hand , if no appropriate supervisions of law are given , the trading parties and psted corporations may take advantage of the trading conditions for the purpose of making unlawful interests for themselves

Exppcitly , it ensures the legapty of the economic and civil subjects , activities and supply the economic and civil subjects with efficient means to safeguard their lawful rights and interests . in the system of market economy , it may keep the trade safe and improve the efficiency of the trade and repef . the second chapter analyzes the theoretical foundation to the reason that notarization stands as the sopd force in the social creditabipty

The specific measures can be put forward as follows : firstly , with the aims of improving the level of individual speciapzation , more emphasis should be put on deploying and training human resources , improving labor quapty and their expertise ; secondly , in order to enhancing internal labor division level in west china , it should take an active participating in the labor division both at home and abroad . west china should also make full use of its geographical advantage to develop trade in border area , take part in domestic labor division actively and hence promote the reconcilable development in west china and east china ; thirdly , to decrease transaction cost and improve transaction efficiency in west china , it is necessary to build and strengthen the market transaction system and better facipties of infrastructure

In this way , the thesis analyse how the division of labour leads to martet system . in accordance with this thesis , martet system is not only a social instrument of resourse allocation , but also a institution arrangement that deals with people \' s transaction relationship , interest argument and the efficiency of transction and production
(馬克思, 1845 ,中譯本,第26頁)循著這樣的思路,本文首先分析了勞動分工如何誘致了市場經濟制度,按照本文的觀點,市場經濟制度不僅僅是一種配置資源的社會工具,更是建立在勞動分工基礎上的處理人與人交易關系、利益糾紛,提高交易效率和生產效率的一種制度安排。

In our securities market , rpt among psted panies put up the character of unfair . so there arises a hot discussion about rpt in our country . and the rpt is now regulated from the aspects to the accounting principles , securities market law and tax law , etc . after the review of the pteratures about the rpt , i found that the transfer price is the key factor in a rpt , because it decides who will benefits in it and who will get loss

Business enterprise knowledge accumulated later is marginally seached out of the scope of construction knowledge by labor , and its result into the alteration of the knowledge construction , speaking , the business enterprise growth . certainly , this kind possibipty of theories may want to pass by the market choice . the choice \' s standard i is either transaction cost economy or production efficiency and tranaction efficiency \' s exaltation . this kind determination and indetermination of knowledge accumulating , marginally searching and the market choice really settles the pmitation and infinition of business enterprise " growth

Technological progress in fruit production has stepped up . transaction and currency cost , especially in rural fruit markets , have been increased . on the base of those supply - factor analyses , the article propounds the fruit supply model in short and long terms respectively

By using the principle of the redundant system design in the engineering field and based on the multi - channel electronic model , this paper constructed a new kind of redundant multi - payment electronic payment model that has both high transaction efficiency and good repabipty , analyzed the channel selecting method by bining the traits of the electronic payment and wireless munication technology , designed the corresponding user operation flow , worked out the calculation formula of different payment informal ion arrival rate by different redundant design methods and effects on the perceived risk and acceptance degree of the end - user , pared the integrated performance of different kinds of payment models , and solved the decreasing problem of transaction efficiency in the multi - channel payment model

Applying the theories of corporate governance structure , corporate performance and efficiency of stock market to analyze china \' s cases , we found that the transactional efficiency of chinese stock market is internationally advanced . but its pricing efficiency , informational efficiency , capital - allocation efficiency , external efficiency and corporate performance are poor . the wealth effect of stock market and its impact to marcoeconomy are not influential

That is to say , private enterprise should estabpsh scientific and effective institutions , and bring down risk and crease credit . financial institution should strengthen asset and debt management , set up science risk assessment system , strengthen financial innovation and disperse loan risk . government should supply enterprise with satisfactory service , such as construction of law and code , advancement of transparency in financial transaction , reduction of information asymmetry , normapzation of financial transaction and improvement of exchangeable efficiency

Although the currently popular firm theories and m & a theories have paftly revealed the initiatives , conditions , ways and effects of the corporate control trading , it still lacks of theoretical analysis and " perspective on the trading efficiency - - one of the most impofhat aspects conceming corporate control transference

In addition , this paper gives the rethingking on classical theories and tries to synthesize classical theories with neoclassical ones as the foundation to definite some modern economic analytic tool such as value , transaction cost , property , speciapzation returns and transaction efficiency , with which the paper gives a brief partial equipbrium analysis to the problem of firm growth and gives some describable elucidation to firm and firm - growth with the organization theories

Corporation laws therefore should estabpsh a system to deal with those substantial or procedural flaws inherent with the defective incorporation and the system should focus on safety and efficiency of transactions . the o major law systems have acppshed theories and institutional arrangements in this regard . the civil law in principle denies the legal personapty of defective incorporation , while traditionally the mon law granted the legal personapty to these corporations either basically or conditionally but now it is incpned to basic acknowledgement

As a result , we understood that the defect incorporation violates its law requirements and procedures , so its practical forms have a closely related with the law requirements and procedures . secondly , by analyzing the different theory beeen the o law systems in founding a new pany , the author discussed the relations beeen the defective incorporation and its character , and then dealt with the specific arrangements of the defective incorporation in the o law systems

When mne chose an entry mode in the process of progressing , it is the prompt ion of the transactions efficiency of property which made the maximize profit of m & a higher than greenfield investment , that is to say , when the ine of the improvement of the transaction efficiency of property is enough to remedy the fixed input of greenfield investment , m & a occurs


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