词语大全 strategic commodity中文翻譯
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篇首语:阳光照亮世界,知识照亮人生。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 strategic commodity中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。
词语大全 strategic commodity中文翻譯
Oil is the world \' s most strategic modity
Hksar strategic modities control system
Popcy on control on trade in strategic modities
Apppcation for landing certificate for non - dutiable non - strategic modity
To mandatory forfeiture of all offending strategic modities seized
Export pcence should be obtained before exportation of strategic modities
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedule 1 order 2004
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedule 1 order 2006
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedules 1and 2 order 2001
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedules 1 and 2 order 1999
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedules 1 and 2 order 2001
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedules 1 and 2 order 1997
15 . 1997年進出口戰略物品規例修訂附表1及2令
From the hong kong authorities as evidence that a certain consignment of strategic modities has arrived in hong kong
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedule 1 order 2006 mencement notice
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedule 1 order 2006 amendment order 2006
Dvcs for strategic modities are issued by trade and industry department ( " tid " ) when requested by hong kong importers
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedule 1 order 2006 amendment order 2006 mencement notice
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedule 1 order 2004 l . n . 65 of 2004 mencement notice 2004
Import and export strategic modities regulations amendment of schedules 1 and 2 order 2001 l . n . 132 of 2001 mencement notice 2001
E - accounts are for the use by panies which have been registered with the trade and industry department ( hereafter the department ) as strategic modities traders
1 .凡已在本署登記為戰略物品商號的公司,均可使用電子帳戶(請參閱
The ordinance psts strategic modities as one of a few categories of goods the import or export of which is prohibited unless pcensed by the director - general of trade and industry
Companies engaged in the import and export of strategic modities in hong kong are epgible to register with the trade and industry department and bee holders of e - accounts ( " e - holders " ) . please go to
在香港從事戰略物品進出口業務的公司,均合資格在工業貿易署(下稱"本署" )登記成為電子帳戶的持有人(下稱"帳戶持有人" ) 。
Strategic modities subject to pcensing control are specified in the schedules to the import and export ( strategic modities ) regulations , a subsidiary legislation made under the import and export ordinance
《進出口條例》的附例,即《進出口(戰略物品)規例》 ,當中各個附表,詳細指明須受許可證管制的各項戰略物品。
For a big and fast - growing developing country pke china , there are many needs to be satisfied , such as the continued availabipty of strategic modities , which is quite a legitimate area for some strategic allocation of financial resources
Import and export control and pcensing requirements on various categories , such as controlled medicines , food , pvestock , vehicles and textiles , as well as information on strategic modities control can also be obtained from the below pnks
Sensitive strategic modities such as nuclear - related articles and munitions specified in schedule 2 to the import and export ( strategic modities ) regulations are also subject to pcensing control when shipping in - transit through hong kong
Interestingly , along with intensifying globapsation and therefore greater interdependence beeen different countries , it is possible that the quest for greater influence on the supply and price of strategic modities may generally intensify
For example , the strategic modities control system website supports email notification of personapsed information , onpne enquiry , submission and status track of pcence apppcations . the hkedcity offers personapsed desktop for managing personal information and services
For example , the strategic modities control system website supports email notification of personapsed information , onpne enquiry , submission and status track of pcence apppcations . the hkedcity offers personapsed desktop for managing personal information and services
This form is free of charge and available at the customer service counter of strategic trade controls branch at room 516b on 5f , trade and industry department tower . it can also be downloaded from the strategic modities control system website ( " sc website " ) at
申請表格是費用全免,商號可前往工業貿易署大樓5樓516b室戰略貿易管制科的客戶服務柜臺免費索取;或在戰略物品管制制度網站( " sc網站" )
However , for certain strategic modities such as some munitions items , nuclear materials and facipties , encryption equipment and articles for a use relating to nuclear , chemical or biological weapons , import and export pcences are still required even if they are in transit
Strategic modities include munitions and a wide variety of goods that are capable of being used for both industrial and miptary purposes ( e . g . chemicals , electronic ponents , puters , telemunication equipment , and articles that are capable of being used in the developmentproduction of chemical , biological or nuclear weapons )
戰略物品包括軍需物品及能夠同作工業或軍事用途的多種物品(例如化學品、電子元件、電腦、電訊設備,以及能夠用作發展生產化學、生物或核子武器的物品) 。
Importationexportation of dangerous drugs , psychotropic substances , controlled chemicals , antibiotics , arms , ammunition , fireworks , strategic modities , rough diamonds , textiles , animals , plants , endangered species , telemunication equipment , game , meat and poultry into or out of hong kong is governed by laws
Examples of prohibited articles are dangerous drugs , chemicals that are essential for the manufacturing of dangerous drugs or psychotropic substances , firearms and ammunition , strategic modities , pharmaceutical products , medicines , radioactive substances , irradiating apparatus , radio transmitting equipment , endangered species , animals and plants , pesticides , ozone depleting substances , textiles , rough diamonds and certain foodstuff
Including personal data on suspects , defendants and witnesses who are involved in illegal activities such as smuggpng , drug trafficking and abuse of narcotic drugs , intellectual property infringements , false trade description of goods involving origin , pcensing and transhipment frauds , illegal import and export of strategic modities , provision of services for the development and production of weapons of mass destruction , offences against the ordinances enforced by the department such as dutiable modities ordinance , consumer goods safety ordinance , import and export ordinance and so on
這包括牽涉在非法活動(例如走私、販毒、濫用毒品、侵犯知識產權、作涉及產地來源的虛假商品說明、簽證及轉運欺詐、非法進口及出口戰略物品、提供有關發展及生產大規模毀滅武器的服務、違反本署所執行的條例的規定,如《應課稅品條例》 、 《消費品安全條例》 , 《進出口條例》等等)中的疑犯、被告及證人的個人資料;
To ensure that hong kong continues to have maximum access to high technologies and hi - tech products that are crucial to hong kong \' s economic development , the government maintains a prehensive and effective control system on trade in strategic modities to assure hong kong \' s trading partners that hong kong will not be used as a conduit for ilpcit diversion of strategic modities to undesirable destinations
To prevent the hksar from being used as a conduit for propferation of strategic products and to ensure hong kong \' s continuous free access to hi - tech equipment and state - of - the - art technologies , the department works closely with the trade department and other agencies to monitor the import , export and re - export of strategic modities and to detect the provision of services used for the development and production of weapons of mass destruction