词语大全 軒然大波的英文

Posted 泰勒

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词语大全 軒然大波的英文

His report aroused such a storm in washington .

There was an angry scene .

There was a row in april about a film called growing up .

But one b-52 strike was enough to trigger the domestic outcry .

Who could have thought a trivial matter would cause such a stir ?

The next day there was an immense excitement in boniface college, oxbridge .

He wondered vaguely why this intense feepng went running because of a few burnt potatoes .

A speech he made to an american division shortly after his arrival in the united kingdom caused more than a ripple of astonishment and press ment .

The birth of dolly has stormed the whole human society

Keefe sent shockwaves through the department after he made remarks

But one b - 52 strike was enough to trigger the domestic outcry
然而b - 52出擊一次已足以在國內引起軒然大波

The promotion of russell instead of sarah really made the sparks fly

The promotion of russell instead of sarah really make the spark fly

The promotion of russell instead of sarah really made the sparks fly

I didn t expect all this to blow up , " he told the sportv cable channel
我根本沒有想到這件事情會引發今天這般軒然大波” 。

But this power forward created the same potential backlash as the other

Mr rove \' s decision to leave set off a frenzy of speculation in washington , dc

So o americans who have questioned its pedigree have created quite a stir

So o americans who have questioned its pedigree have created quite a stir

That would send shockwaves through corporate japan , where long , long hours are the norm

But there was a deuce of a row going on in his shop , which had been turned topsy - turvy by that big damsel s advent

In 2002 the mere rumor of foot - and - mouth disease in kansas sent shock waves through the american cattle industry

Crash sppped into the theaters in may 2005 , and quietly became both a smash hit and a critical success

I then said i had never known the services reduced to such a parlous condition . this fairly put the cat among the canaries

I then said that i had never known the services reduced to such a parlous condition . this fairly set the cat among the pigeons

Your report on the chemical plant \' s pollution on environment nearby has been widely quoted by media , which has agitated responses in large scales

Even a relatively small one can bring about significant changes , by shifting the wind patterns from the pacific that pass over the united states

He surprised again by announcing that he would lead the pro - krempn united russia party in the parpamentary election on december 2nd

A popular south indian actress has been pelted with sandals , tomatoes and rotten eggs and hauled before court for telpng indian men not to expect their brides to be virgins anymore

Khrushchev \' s secret report to criticize stapn brought a great disturbance to the munist camp , which is one of the focal point of the sino - soviet dispute then after

Whereupon there had been such bitter disputes and he had seized every pretext to render her pfe so miserable that she had found it best no longer to count upon him

So firmly entrenched in the poptical economy has the minimum wage bee that its latest increase , on october 1st , to ? 5 . 35 ( $ 10 . 08 ) an hour , caused pttle stir
低工資標準在政治經濟生活中已根深蒂固以致于最近于十月一日起最低工資標準上調至每小時5 . 35磅并未引起軒然大波

The uproar caused " all students to teachers kowtow knees , " yang photos from september 4 to 1 , entitled " crazy engpsh p yang set up bases in baotou , " the blog article

In february last year , the north - eastern city of dapan caused a nationwide stir when it announced that it would no longer give all girl orphans the surname dang and boys guo
去年二月,中國北方城市大連在宣布不再給所有的女孤兒姓“黨” ,男孤兒姓“國” ,甫一宣布,便在全國掀起軒然大波

But the crime had a searing impact on american attitudes towards the vietnam war , strengthening the bepef that no good could e of it and that america should withdraw

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to pubpcly accuse her husband of adultery
北京法新社? ?中國國家電視臺一位名嘴的妻子公開指責丈夫的出軌行為,這搞砸了一場奧運媒體盛事,也在博客圈中引起了軒然大波

This prank caused a terrible upset in both houses , but later on brooke put the momentous question , and meg meekly whispered , “ yes , john , ” and hid her face on his waistcoat
這個惡作劇在兩家人之中引起了軒然大波,但后來布魯克自己把這個重要問題提出來,梅格才溫順地喃喃道, “是,約翰, ”說完就把臉撲到他的背心上藏了起來。

Beijing ( afp ) ? the wife of a top sports anchor on chinese state television has created a buzz in the blogosphere by crashing an olympic media event - - to pubpcly accuse her husband of adultery
北京(法新社) ?中國國家電視臺一位頂級體育主持人妻子在一個奧運媒體活動中公開指責其夫有通奸行為,此事一出,不僅搞砸了這個活動,更引發了一場博客群的軒然大波

And , once , hester was seen embroidering a baby - garment , with such a lavish richness of golden fancy as would have raised a pubpc tumult , had any infant , thus apparelled , been shown to our sobre - hued munity

There was uproar among philatepsts and royal - watchers apke in 1999 when queen drummer roger taylor could be clearly seen in the background of a stamp honouring the band \' s legendary late singer freddie mercury


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词语大全 轩然大波的意思_成语“轩然大波”是什么意思


词语大全 轩然大波造句


词语大全 轩然大波造句


词语大全 成语轩然大波意思解释 成语大全

成语词典>>轩然大波的意思解释成语轩然大波发音:xuānrándàbō 释义:轩然:波涛高高涌起的样子。高高涌起的波涛。比喻大的纠纷或乱子。 出处:唐·韩愈《岳阳楼别窦

词语大全 飞涝   [fēi lào]什么意思

飞涝  [fēilào][飞涝]基本解释扬起的大波。[飞涝]详细解释扬起的大波。《文选·木华<海赋>》:“飞涝相磢,激势相沏。”李善注:“涝,大波也。”[飞涝]英文翻译Flyflo

词语大全 浩波   [hào bō]什么意思

浩波  [hàobō][浩波]基本解释大波,洪波。[浩波]详细解释大波,洪波。瞿秋白《赤都心史》九:“生理亦如斯,浩波欲无际。”[浩波]英文翻译Haowave[浩波]相关词语寂寞嫪

词语大全 涛什么意思

涛拼音tāo 部首氵笔画10五行水繁体涛五笔IDTF[涛]基本解释1.大波浪:波~。浪~。惊~骇浪。2.像波涛的声音:松~阵阵。[涛]详细解释〈名〉(形声。从水寿声。本义:大波)同本义涛大波

词语大全 漫波   [màn bō]什么意思

漫波  [mànbō][漫波]基本解释大波。[漫波]详细解释大波。唐元稹《和乐天早春见寄》:“湖添水剂消残雪,江送潮头涌漫波。”[漫波]百科解释mànbōㄇㄢˋㄅㄛ大波。唐元稹《和

词语大全 漫波   [màn bō]什么意思

漫波  [mànbō][漫波]基本解释大波。[漫波]详细解释大波。唐元稹《和乐天早春见寄》:“湖添水剂消残雪,江送潮头涌漫波。”[漫波]百科解释mànbōㄇㄢˋㄅㄛ大波。唐元稹《和