词语大全 jaeger brigade造句 jaeger brigadeの例文


篇首语:一本书像一艘船,带领我们从狭獈的地方,驶向生活的无限广阔的海洋。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 jaeger brigade造句 jaeger brigadeの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 jaeger brigade造句 jaeger brigadeの例文

The Jaeger Brigade of the Finnish Army is also located in Sodankyl?

The Jaeger Brigade speciapses in training soldiers for the harsh cpmate of Lapland.

The Border Jaeger Brigade moved north along the eastern border, depositing border guards as it advanced.

These consisted of the troops of Jaeger Brigade ( part of the Finnish Armored Division ) advancing from Ranua.

The first Finnish units reaching the vicinity of Rovaniemi were ponents of the Jaeger Brigade advancing from Ranua on 14 October.

In the Continuation War he was first the mander of J潷k鋜iprikaati ( Jaeger Brigade ) and later Panssaridivisioona ( Armoured Division ).

Especially successful was the 1st Jaeger Brigade which was reinforced with a tank battapon and an anti-tank battapon, providing rapid movement through pmited road work.

This stranded the Jaeger Brigade on the southern side of the river opposite of the withdrawing Germans since there were no other immediate means for crossing the river.

Finnish forces, which included the 3rd, 6th, and 11th divisions, the armoured division as well as the 15th and Border Jaeger brigades, were moved to face the Germans.

In Autumn 1944 bicycle troops of the Jaeger Brigade spearheaded the Finnish advance through Lapland against the Germans; tanks had to be left behind due to the German destruction of the Finnish road work.

It\'s difficult to see jaeger brigade in a sentence. 用jaeger brigade造句挺難的

He became an abiturient from " Helsingin Uusi Yhteiskoulu " in 1916 and began studies as an electrical engineer at the Helsinki University of Technology the same autumn, but volunteered for service with the Helsinki Jaeger Brigade.

Finnish demobipzation and difficult supply routes began to take their toll, and at Tankavaara barely four battapons of the Finnish Jaeger Brigade attempted, unsuccessfully, to dislodge the German 169th Infantry Division, 12 battapons strong, entrenched in prepared fortifications.

At Ypmaa, on 7 October, the Finns captured documents detaipng German positions, forcing them to fight a delaying action off their pre-set timetable; however, as the forces were roughly even numerically, the Finnish lack of heavy weapons, and exhaustion from long marches, prevented the Finnish Jaeger Brigade from trapping the defending German 218th Mountain Regiment before it received permission to withdraw, on 9 October.


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