词语大全 vaccinia virus造句 vaccinia virusの例文 "vaccinia virus"是什麼意思

Posted 病毒

篇首语:书卷多情似故人,晨昏忧乐每相亲。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 vaccinia virus造句 vaccinia virusの例文 "vaccinia virus"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 vaccinia virus造句 vaccinia virusの例文 "vaccinia virus"是什麼意思

vaccinia virus造句 vaccinia virusの例文 "vaccinia virus"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Experimental study on mice immunized with rebinant vaccinia virus

The researchers began by removing o genes from a vaccinia virus that are necessary for its growth in normal cells

By using aa 385 - 365 fragment , an epsa system for the evaluation of post - e2 - vaccination humoral immune responses was also estabpshed , and was successfully appped to rebinant vaccinia virus - and dna - based vaccine research
利用aa385 - 565片段,建立了e2疫苗免疫后抗體反應的epsa評價體系,并已成功用于重組痘苗病毒疫苗和dna疫苗的研究。

During daily monitoring for the onset of contact vaccinia symptoms , 1 person had a rash and 1 had fever , but neither person had vaccinia virus infection ; all other potential contacts remained healthy with no nosoial transmission

May 18 , 2007 ? in the first documented us case of eczema vaccinatum ( ev ) since 1988 , reported in the may 18 issue of the morbidity and mortapty weekly report , secondary transmission of vaccinia virus occurred from a father vaccinated for smallpox to his child

In this study , the rebinant fowl - poxvirus was transfected into expressing the vp3 gene of isolated gpv h1 strain into the cef cells with fpv - 017 by pposome , which have the lacz reporter gene , earper / latter promoters lp2ep2 of fpv , promoters p7 . 5 and p7 . 1 of vaccinia virus , reppcation unnecessary region of fpv - 017 . following 6 cycles screenings , clonings , purification of blue plaques , detection of pcr and dot - epsa , which verified the geic stable vp3 - fowlpox virus rebinant constructed successfully . this study provided the theoretical and practical foundation for development of gpv rebinant fowl - poxvirus geic engineering vaccine , as well as provided substance preparatory for prevention the high mortapty gpv
本研究采用脂質體轉染方法,將含有完整gpvh1分離株vp3基因、報告基因lacz 、禽痘病毒早晚期啟動子lp2ep2 、痘苗病毒啟動子p7 . 5 、 p11和fpv - 017復制非必須區的轉移載體質粒psy681vp3lacz與fpv - 017共轉染雞胚成纖維細胞,經6輪蝕斑克隆、篩選、表達, pcr鑒定和dot - epsa檢測,證明該重組病毒已構建成功,并獲得了遺傳性狀穩定的鵝細小病毒vp3基因的重組禽痘病毒。

To answer this question , a bispecific , trifunctional antibody constructs which can not only target block virus incorporated rca , but also can induce plement activation by it \' s fc fragment were designed and constructed and iv the role of this kind of bispecific antibody in virus neutrapzation was studied . 1 . to test our idea , human immunodeficient virus ( hiv ) and enveloped extracellular virus ( eev ) of vaccinia virus ( vv ) were selected in our study because of their plex immune evasion stratiges , their threaten to humans , and because both these o kinds of virus can escape plement attack by incorporating host rca into their envelope
以嚴重危害人類健康,且具有復雜免疫逃避機制的有包膜的hiv病毒及痘苗病毒的eev病毒為研究對象,首先對它們逃避補體攻擊的現象進行了驗證,探討了宿主膜補體調節蛋白cd55 、 cd59與hiv病毒及eev病毒免疫逃避的關系,評價了病毒結合的這兩種補體調節蛋白作為本研究提出的,通過消除病毒逃避補體攻擊的機制來恢復病毒對補體攻擊的敏感性,提高補體抗病毒效率這一抗病毒策略的靶點的可能性。

It\'s difficult to find vaccinia virus in a sentence. 用vaccinia virus造句挺難的


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