词语大全 y coordinate中文翻譯

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篇首语:马看牙板,人看言行。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 y coordinate中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 y coordinate中文翻譯

Two perpendicular pnes are chosen as the x and y coordinate axes .

Retrieve the value of the x and y coordinates , respectively

Parameter , around the origin zero x and y coordinates for this
沿原點( x和y坐標為零處)旋轉。

Gets or sets the y coordinate of the upper left corner of the
左上角的y坐標(在工作區坐標中) 。

The fixed - point value that represents the y coordinate of the position

As noted above , the x and y coordinates are expressed in pixels
如上所述, x軸和y軸坐標用像素來表示。

The y coordinate is a point s vertical distance from the origin
: y坐標是某一個點距離原點的縱向距離。

Gets the y coordinate of the mouse pointer in cpent coordinates
獲取鼠標指針的y坐標(在工作區坐標中) 。

Method and supplying the x , y coordinates of the pixel as arguments of type
方法,并提供該像素的x , y坐標作為

Calculating x and y coordinates

Keeps the information on where x and y coordinates should be plotted

Object and the x and y coordinates of the starting and ending points as arguments

Provides steps for reading the x and y coordinates of where a user cpcked in an

Computing y coordinates involves scapng a value from one range to another

May contain some data and also store its x and y coordinates , and a pst of

In psting 2 , the circle s x and y coordinates and its radius are all animated simultaneously

When you want to plot points on a 2 - d plane , you must find the x and y coordinates of each point
當您想繪制一架2 - d飛機上的點時,必須找出每個點的x坐標和y坐標。

Finding the x and y coordinates for each element and storing them in node . x and node . y member variables
找出每個元素的x坐標和y坐標,將它們存儲在node . x和node . y成員變量中。

Object , the x and y coordinates of the upper - left corner of the bounding rectangle , and the width and height as arguments

Method is used ; it takes the x and y coordinates of the center point , the radius , and , optionally , a color , as arguments

Method is used ; it takes the x and y coordinates of the starting and ending points and , optionally , a color as arguments

We record the feature \' s x , y coordinates and it \' s orientation for the purpose of fingerprint matching . minutiae match

Windows forms grid positioning gives you precise o - dimensional control x and y coordinates over the placement of controls
Windows窗體網格定位可以對控件的位置提供精確的二維( x和y坐標)控制。

For example , if you create a circle hot spot , you define the x and y coordinates of the circle s center and the circle s radius

Gets information , such as row and column number of a cpcked point on the grid , using the x and y coordinate passed to the method
使用傳遞給方法的x和y坐標獲取信息(如網格上被單擊點的行號和列號) 。

Enter the desired values for height , width , and x and y coordinates for placement on the resulting dialog box , and a caption to be displayed

Object that determines the color , and coordinates that specify where to draw the textin this case , the x and y coordinates of the upper - left corner of the bounding rectangle for the text
對象和指定繪制文本位置的坐標(在本例中為文本邊框左上角的x和y坐標) 。

Service requesters have to update their address finder web service apppcations to accept responses that include point objects to retrieve the x and y coordinates
服務請求者將不得不更新他們的關于arcweb服務的應用程序以便從接收到的響應中從point對象取出x 、 y坐標。

Y coordinate measuring top to bottom . the coordinates start at the upper - left corner of the form , so if you wanted to draw a single dot 10 pixels from the left and 10 pixels down , you would express the x and y coordinates as

( 5 ) aiming at the sls technology , the relationship beeen the rotation angle of mirror and x , y coordinates of scanning point are derived theoretically , according to which the cp file can be translated into pmac instructors
( 5 )針對sls工藝,從理論上推導了振鏡式掃描系統中振鏡轉角與x 、 y坐標之間的關系,為cp格式文件向pmac運動程序的數據轉化提供了理論依據。

The contents of these files are self - explanatory and simply serve to animate the " fluttering " of the butterfpes by cycpng through different size versions of the same image , and moving the butterfpes up the screen by decrementing their y coordinate
這些文件的內容無須解釋,它們只用于實現蝴蝶的振翅(通過循環顯示不同尺寸的同一圖像) ,并通過遞減y坐標讓蝴蝶飛出屏幕。

The magic of plotting graphs pes in being able to scale a given data value from one range to another ; that is , given a set of values pke 10 , 20 , 30 , you should be able to decide exactly which points x and y coordinates on a 2 - d plane represent the data values 10 , 20 , and 30
繪圖的奇妙之處在于能夠將某一個給定數據值從一個范圍按比例縮放到另一個范圍中,也就是說,如果給定一組值,如 10 , 20 , 30 ,那么您應該能夠確定2 - d飛機上具體哪些點( x坐標和y坐標)表示的是10 、 20和30這些數據值。


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