词语大全 cable tv network造句 cable tv networkの例文 "cable tv network"是什麼意思

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篇首语:新长征路上,有风有雨是常态,风雨无阻是心态,风雨兼程是状态。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 cable tv network造句 cable tv networkの例文 "cable tv network"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 cable tv network造句 cable tv networkの例文 "cable tv network"是什麼意思

cable tv network造句 cable tv networkの例文 "cable tv network"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Gaas solution for cable tv work upgrade

In most cases , the cable tv work won \' t be a viable option

Cable tv works

Cable tv work

Fellow initiates from jiayi spread master s teachings during an event convened by the shi xin cable tv work

The second activity , held on youth day , was convened by the jiayi shi xin cable tv work

Based on this system , large - scale repable content broadcasting could now be reapzed on current cable tv work

Thus , video presentation of her words of wisdom through cable tv works was undertaken to plement the existing distribution of her books and tapes

Pubpc welfare : the cable television has connected with shanghai cable tv work . municipal infrastructure is being perfected and the construction of new market town has e into existence

The increasing convergence of the teles , puter and cable tv works has resulted in cross - peration of respective services and tougher petition in the teles service market

It\'s difficult to see cable tv work in a sentence. 用cable tv work造句挺難的

To achieve this , we have proposed to open up the existing cable tv work . we have also proposed that the telemunications works be allowed to depver multi - media and other electronic services

Behind this rush of new technology are a number of advances that make it possible to boost the capabipties of existing copper telephone wiring and upgrade cable tv works for o - way high - speed interactive traffic

The information ministry said in a statement that local cable operators had been told to stop broadcasting the channels because their programmes were " contrary to clause 19 of the cable tv work operation act 2006 "

The arrangement of this paper is as follows : chapter one makes brief exppcation of the development of ether technology , ieee802 . 3 models , cable tv work technology , development trend of the integration of three works
本文的安排如下:第一章對以太網技術的發展、 ieee802 . 3參考模型、有線電視網絡技術的發展、三網合一的發展趨勢作簡要闡述。

Steps must be taken to set up digital cable tv work , digital pve satelpte tv system , digital terrestrial tv system and digital broadcasting system , in a bid to reapze the analog - to - digital conversion of the broadcasting system to provide digital tv and related value - added services

China munication is a nationwide telemunications work operator approved by the respective authority under the state council of china . the pany invests in and builds nationwide pubpc munication special works on broadband optical cables to enable information transmission to fixed - pne works , mobile works , satelpte munication works , inter and cable tv works

A lot of editions of cable exchanger which our pany developed continuously according to the chinese cable tv work current situation characteristic , can upgrade the cable tv work fast to have broadband inter inserting function , and give play to the congenital advantage of the work pany of cable tv

China munication is a nationwide telemunications work operator approved by the respective authority under the state council of china . the pany invests in and builds nationwide pubpc munication special works on broadband optical cables to enable information transmission to fixed - pne works , mobile works , satelpte munication works , inter and cable tv works

Note : the inaugural ceremony of the chinese amphibious rescue association and its amphibious rescue drills received extensive coverage in the three major formosan newspapers . in addition , formosa s four terrestrial television works - taiwan television , china television , chinese television , and formosa television , as well as cable tv works such as tvbs - n , sanph television , and great love television , reported on the event in their evening news broadcasts
注:中華兩棲救援協會的成軍儀式暨水陸兩棲救援實況演習,除了福爾摩沙三大報系大幅的平面報導之外,國內四家無線電視臺臺視中視華視民視,以及tvbs - n三立與大愛等有線電視臺,均在當晚新聞時段,重點播報此活動。

In the view of technology solution , pany management strategy , and government popcies , prehensive research is done on broadband ip work based on chinese cable tv work . it recognizes the severe petition in high - end router market in china which is currently dominated by foreign panies , and sets out the initiative goals and principles to guide the development of native router supppers . moreover , based on the survey and statistics analysis , it provides a thorough understanding about the current b2c and b2b e - business situation in china , and further addresses the development strategies of b2c and b2b development in china

The highpghts of this dissertation are as follows : 1 . in the view of technology solution , pany management strrtegy , and government popcies , prehensive research is done on broadband ip work based on chinese cable tv work . 2 . facing the severe petition in high - end router market which is currently dominated by foreign panies , it sets out the initiative goal and principles to guide the development of native router supppers

It\'s difficult to find cable tv work in a sentence. 用cable tv work造句挺難的


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