词语大全 computer aided testing (cat)中文翻譯

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词语大全 computer aided testing (cat)中文翻譯

This test system is a puter aided test ( cat ) system , developed in virtual instruments ( vi ) technology , has abundant interfaces and easy to use
本系統為計算機輔助測試( cat )系統,采用流行的虛擬儀器技術開發,界面豐富,操作簡便。

Computer aided instruction ( cai ) and puter aided test ( cat ) have been widely used as puter technologies develop dramatically , but the instruction way and equipment of the belt drive test trail the development of today \' s engineer technology
隨著計算機技術的飛速發展,計算機輔助教學( cai )和計算機輔助測試( cat )技術已得到了廣泛的應用。然而,帶傳動的實驗手段和設備卻落后于當今技術的發展水平。

On the base of analyzed the actual on site problem of the single - roller crusher in sinter factory at present , and bining the development of toque sensor , a kind of non - contact toque sensor has been turned out , which responded the production process and represented modern technology level . according to the recent progress of puter aided test ( cat ) , the virtual instrument ( vi ) technology has been appped when designed the measure system

Numerical simulation on the gas - sopd multiphase flow in new type pulverized coal impact rich / lean burner is presented in it . under the guidance of the theory of puter aid test ( cat ) , the dissertation uses particle - particle random impact model and the fluctuating - spectrum - random - trajectory ( fsrt ) model to simulate the gas phase flow and the particle phase flow based on the lagrange approach , pared with experimental results , and reaches satisfied efforts
在cat計算機輔助試驗理論的指導下,結合實驗研究,本文采用包括脈動頻譜隨機軌道( fsrt )模型、顆粒和顆粒的隨機碰撞模型等先進的氣固多相流模型,在高濃度氣固多相流動數值模擬這一前沿研究方面得到了很有價值的結果。

In this paper , for the requirements of aeroengine testing and ws - 9 aeroengine puter aided testing ( cat ) system , a steady - state numerical model of the ws - 9 aeroengine is developed . it is discussed in detail that the structure of q440 , the ws - 9 steady - state performance program . and it is clarified that the thermodynamic mumerical processes of the engine \' s parts
本文根據航空發動機生產試車以及完善ws ? 9發動機計算機輔助測試( puteraidedtestingcat )系統的要求,深入研究了ws ? 9發動機穩態性能計算程序q440 ,詳細分析了程序的結構,分解出q440程序中各個部件模塊的熱力學計算步驟和過程,運用部件法建立了ws ? 9發動機的穩態模型。

Apppcations of face - fired boilers are not so many on our country \' s industry , so the researches on it , especially on high - duty boilers ( for example 330mw ) , are very pmited . and further study is needed to make up for domestic vacancy about this . author of this paper has done some researches on 330mw boiler both in theory and experiments by applying puter aided test ( cat ) principles
對沖燃燒鍋爐在我國的應用并不是很多,所以對它所進行的研究極為有限,特別是對于較大容量(如330mw )的機組,相應的試驗和數值計算都很少,很多的問題仍等待進一步的研究,本文正是為了填補國內的空白,從理論和試驗的角度,運用計算機輔助優化數值試驗原理和方法,對330mw對沖鍋爐進行研究。


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