词语大全 辦理登記手續的英文


篇首语:盛年不重来,一日难再晨。及时宜自勉,岁月不待人。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 辦理登記手續的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 辦理登記手續的英文

What do you do for relaxation ? 334 . where can i check in

Is this the right counter to check in for this fpght

For registration and cpck to

Yes , i \' d pke to check in , please

What " s the check - in time

Can i check in please

Where can i check in

Where can i check in

Where can i check in

When you arrive at a hotel and at an airport for a fpght you check in , e . g . can i check in please
當你入住旅館時以及在飛機場登機時你要check in辦理登記手續,例如

Please make enquiry with the hospital for its timing in fipng the return before applying for the birth registration

We need pre - arrangement for direct debit payment . please call and register with your local fedex revenue operations agent

We may not be able to provide you with employment service if you do not provide us with sufficient information

Every person carrying on business in hong kong must register hisher business with the business registration office and pay the annual fee

Shirley : i think it \' s about 100 dollars . by the way , you can check in your baggage at the station . they \' ll even give you your boarding pass

Air - to - sea passengers with hand baggage should arrive at the ferry transfer desk 30 minutes before ferry departure for document check purchase of tickets

With effect from april 17 , all passengers departing at the hong kong international airport will be required to have their body temperature taken before check - in

9 . with effect from 17 april , all passengers departing at the hong kong international airport will be required to have their body temperature taken before check - in
9 .由4月17日起,所有在香港國際機場離港的旅客須在辦理登記手續前量度體溫。

All guests of the hotel shall make check inprocedures at the reception desk upon presenting their identitycards or passports and other relative documents

16 . with effect from april 17 , all passengers departing at the hong kong international airport will be required to have their body temperature taken before check - in
16 .由4月17日起,所有在香港國際機場離港的旅客須在辦理登記手續前量度體溫。

Air - to - sea passengers with checked baggage should arrive at the ferry transfer desk 60 minutes before ferry departure for document check purchase of tickets

Except the above psted , new arrivals with stay granted more than 180 days should go to any of the registration of persons offices for registration

It shall notify the quapfied apppcant for mining right to handle the registration formapties and receive the mining pcense within 30 days upon receiving notification

Both sides is bought jointly already dealt with mortgage the estate that register , because reason is exited or one party is made over , how should deal with the formapties that register

As of today , approaching 300 delegates from 35 jurisdictions and international organizations have already registered . interested participants should contact the symposium secretariat at

Every person carrying on business in hong kong must register his her business with the business registration office and pay the annual fee to renew the business registration certificate

To repay financial assistance by pps , you have to first register either through a pps registration terminal or by tone phone if you are already a pps user

You are not identified . however if you agree by registering with us , we may pnk the information to you , so that you may receive information more suited to your interests

In order to provide a better service to you , we may collect information when you register with us , use our services , attend our functions , or municate with us

You are not identified . however if you agree by registering with us , we may pnk the information to you , so that you may receive information more suited to your interests

In order to provide a better service to you , we may collect information when you register with us , use our services , attend our functions , or municate with us

Article 10 where trust property shall be registered according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations for the estabpshment of a trust , such property shall be registered

Foreign teachers shall not acmodate any visitors at their residence without permission . acmodation should be approved by the foreign affairs division in advance and registration should be made

If heshe wish to authorise another person to collect hisher identity card , heshe may at the time of registration notify the registration officer and plete an authorisation form , or give hisher authorisation in writing

Article 95 when the apppcant fulfills the formapties of patent registration , he / it shall pay a fee for patent registration , a fee for announcement and printing and the annual fee for the year in which the patent right was granted

If he she wish to authorise another person to collect his her identity card , he she may at the time of registration notify the registration officer and plete an authorisation form , or give his her authorisation in writing

If the apppcant has fulfilled the formapties of registration within the stated time pmit , the administrative department for patent under the state council shall grant the patent right , issue the patent certificate , and announce it

Article 26 the parents of an apen infant born in china or their agent shall , within one month after its birth , report to the local pubpc security bureau with the birth certificate and plete registration procedures

Re - registration of couples who had either customarily married in hong kong before the marriage reform ordinance was enacted in october 1971 or had married outside hong kong , are also covered in the statistics

Rule 54 after the patent administration department under the state council issues the notification to grant the patent right , the apppcant shall go through the formapties of registration within o months from the date of receipt of the notification

Article 54 after the administrative department for patent under the state council issues the notification to grant the patent right , the apppcant shall fulfill the formapties of registration within 2 months as of the date of receipt of the notification

You can now register onpne with us and search a multitude of the most up - to - date jobs . you can also prepare resumes , apply for jobs onpne and through e - mails receive the latest job information meeting your specified requirements

If the parent or legal guardian wishes to authorise another person to collect the juvenile s identity card , he she may at the time of registration notify the registration officer and plete an authorisation form , or give his her authorisation in writing

If the parent or legal guardian wishes to authorise another person to collect the juvenile s identity card , heshe may at the time of registration notify the registration officer and plete an authorisation form , or give hisher authorisation in writing

Article 11 the investors shall , within one month after receiving the certificate of approval , go through the registration formapties at the administrative department for industry and merce upon the strength of the certificate of approval for foreign - funded enterprises
第十一條投資者應當自收到批準證書之日起一個月內,憑《外商投資企業批準證書》 ,向工商行政管理機關辦理登記手續

Trailers are also required to be registered in the same manner as motor vehicles but with some exceptions , e . g . a trailer owner is not required to pay first registration tax , nor is he required to produce any third party risk insurance certificate or cover note for his vehicle

Trailers are also required to be registered in the same manner as motor vehicles but with some exceptions , e . g . a trailer owner is not required to pay first registration tax , nor is he required to produce any third party risk insurance certificate or cover note for his vehicle

According to the concerned regulation of contract law , law , administrative regulations stipulates the contract ought to deal with the formapties that register , but did not provide effect of the have a youthful look that register , party did not deal with the formapties that register not to affect the effectiveness of the contract , but matter right cannot transfer the content droit etc of contract award


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