词语大全 自然行為的英文

Posted 刑法

篇首语:新的一天你要加油,不要辜负你的一生,让自己活得更有意义。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 自然行為的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 自然行為的英文

This seems to be one of the few instances in plasma physics where nature works in our favor .

The philosophical rationale is that learning to read , pke learning to speak , is a natural act that children can essentially teach themselves how to do

In view of o layers , the prototype of the crime and the model of the crime , the author separates " act " into three concepts : natural act , criminal act and act in criminal law
筆者從犯罪原型與犯罪模型的兩個不同層面,將“行為”分為“自然行為” 、 “犯罪行為”和“刑法上的行為”三個概念。

Emphasizes ethological studies of natural behavior patterns and their analysis in laboratory work , with contributions from field biology ( mammology , primatology ) , sociobiology , and parative psychology
強調自然行為的動物行為學研究和實驗室分析,以及田野生物學(哺乳動物學、靈長類動物學) 、社會生物學和比較心理學的相關研究。

It emphasizes ethological studies of natural behavior patterns and their analysis in laboratory work , with contributions from field biology ( mammology , primatology ) , sociobiology , and parative psychology
它強調在自然行為模式上及實驗室工作分析方面的動物行為研究,加上野生生物學(哺乳動物學,靈長類動物學) ,社會生物學及比較心理學的貢獻。

As natural as any and every natural act of a nature expressed or understood executed in natured nature by natural creatures in accordance with his , her and their natured natures , of dissimilar similarity

Firstly , the author refers that the premises of defining " act " is the change of research thinking manner and discusses concept separation based on o layers , the prototype of the crime and the model of the crime , with an eye of fact - value segregative duapstic thinking way
筆者首先指出界定“行為”概念的前提是要轉換研究該問題的思維方式,并就事實?價值分離的二元思維下的犯罪原型和犯罪模型層面的劃分問題作了具體論述,然后分別就不同層面的行為概念? “自然行為” 、 “犯罪行為” 、 “刑法上的行為”的具體內涵提出了筆者的見解。

Holding , acting , omission are the names of the category acts in criminal law . we should cognize and prehend the meaning of " the act in criminal law " in view of criterion : the kind of " act " is a kind of lawful formulating which lawmakers draw based on certain principle and a set of criterion elements which are man - made to protect some kinds of the profit in law . " the act in criminal law " is not equal to various natural act , criminal act which people do
“持有” 、 “作為” 、 “不作為”都是“刑法上的行為”中的類行為名稱,我們應該從規范層面來認識和理解“刑法上的行為”的內涵,這一類“行為”是立法者基于一定原則下作的法律擬制,是對某種法益的保護為核心所人為設置出的規范要素的集合體,切莫與行為人實際實施的形形色色的具體自然行為、犯罪行為混為一談。


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