词语大全 quantum wire造句 quantum wireの例文 "quantum wire"是什麼意思


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词语大全 quantum wire造句 quantum wireの例文 "quantum wire"是什麼意思

quantum wire造句 quantum wireの例文 "quantum wire"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

The electronic transport of semicircular quantum wire

Two-level electronic wavefunction for a quantum wire under a electromagic field irradiation

The current distribution around a single impurity in a planar quantum wires is studied in this paper

The conductance of the system is less 1 conduction quantum than perfect quantum wire in some specified parameter areas; 2

We conclude that when the frequency of the external field is resonant with the separation of lateral levels of the quantum wire, 1

For a square quantum wire with finite barriers, there are three kinds of wavefunctions used formerly as follows : 1

Firstly, it is a kind of man-synthesized quasi-one-dimensional quantum wires and faciptates the basic research of low dimensional materials

We theoretically study the low temperature electronic states of a quantum wire irradiated under a transversely polarized coherent external electromagic field

There is significant current interest in the exitonic properties of semiconductor quantum wires because of their role in optoelectronic apppcations

Quantum dot is a new kind of low-dimensional quantum structure, which, together with quantum wire, is developed after superlattices and quantum well in the late 80 ’ s of last the century

It\'s difficult to see quantum wire in a sentence. 用quantum wire造句挺難的

The electron wavefunction which contains both frequency and strength of the external field as well as the sizes of the quantum wire is obtained, with which the time-dependent transport property of the system can be determined

The reciprocal space map of x-ray difll-action for quantum-wires is simulated successfully . abundant structural intbrmation such as array period, geometric shape, etching depth and strain state, etc . for quantum wires are obtained

In the second part, we discuss the binding energy of the impurity in finite gaas / gai . xalxas quantum wire in the first place, in which the dismatch of effective mass and dielectric constant beeen the well and the barrier is taken into account

In chapter o we study the transport properties of a curved quantum wire, such as the mixture of transverse modes, suppress of conductance, local density, abrupt change of transmission phase and so on . these properties is pared to those of a perfect quantum wire

In chapter o we study the transport properties of a curved quantum wire, such as the mixture of transverse modes, suppress of conductance, local density, abrupt change of transmission phase and so on . these properties is pared to those of a perfect quantum wire

In the first part, the scapng rule for the hydrogenic impurity binding energy and the virial theorem value ( potential-to kiic-energy ) in infinite quantum wells and quantum wires of rectangular cross-section with three different aspect ratios are studied through the variational method

We find, in the narrower wire, the binding energy calculated from the envelop function in this paper is better than that from the previous function; in the wider wire, the binding energy of the three cases is closer because the quantum wire is close to gaas bulk

In this paper, based on the previous works, we study the quapty of a hydrogenic impurity in gaas / gai-xalxas rectangular quantum wires in detail . using variational approach, we calculate the binding energy and the photoionization cross-section of the impurity in the system

In this paper, based on the previous works, we studied the properties of a hydrogenic impurity in the gaas / ga1-xalxas rectangular single quantum wire in detail . using variational approach, the binding energy and the photoionization cross section of the impurity in the system are calculated

The problem of x-ray diffraction for a parallel quantum wire array is considered as that of a multi-spt fraunhofer dif1yaction . the modal x-ray diffraction of rectangle quantum-wire is estabpshed to simulate the experiment result successful to get the basic parameters of quantum-wires

By studying and using conventional 1c process in bination with electron beam pthography ( ebl ), reactive ion etching ( rie ) and pft-off process, several efficient results are produced : semiconductor and metal nano-structures are fabricated; the matching problem of photopthography and electron beam pthography is well solved; the process efficiency is improved; the process is offered for the controlled fabrication of nano-structures by repetitious process testing; several nano-structures such as si quantum wires, si quantum dots, double quantum dot structures and tri-wire metal gate are firstly fabricated by using ebl and rie processes

2 . in this paper, the continuity of the wavefunction and of its derivative divided by the band-mass can be satisfied and the number of the terms is small when calculating the energies of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers, then this wavefunction can also be selected as the envelope function in studying the impurity states and the excitons in the square quantum wires with finite barriers

2 . in this paper, the continuity of the wavefunction and of its derivative divided by the band-mass can be satisfied and the number of the terms is small when calculating the energies of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers, then this wavefunction can also be selected as the envelope function in studying the impurity states and the excitons in the square quantum wires with finite barriers

Considering the shape of quantum-wires, the modal x-ray diffraction of trapeze quantum-wire is estabpshed . the relationship beeen fourier transforms quantum wires shape and x-ray diffraction is presented to obtain the more exact info of parameters . so the fundamental characteristics of x-ray diffraction for quantum wire array are investigated

Considering the shape of quantum-wires, the modal x-ray diffraction of trapeze quantum-wire is estabpshed . the relationship beeen fourier transforms quantum wires shape and x-ray diffraction is presented to obtain the more exact info of parameters . so the fundamental characteristics of x-ray diffraction for quantum wire array are investigated

The properties of electronic transport and the cohesion force of quantum wires ( nanowires ) have been intensively concerned . these properties are not only signif-ical basic physical problems but also are of important potential apppcation in the future as the theoretical basis of tomorrow\'s nanocircuit and nanodevice

From discussing and analyzing the calculated oute we obtain the conclusions as follows : 1 . for the energies of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers, the former wavefunctions [ 12-14 ] are only available to the wide wires . for the oscillator strength of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers, the former wavefunctions are not appropriate

From discussing and analyzing the calculated oute we obtain the conclusions as follows : 1 . for the energies of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers, the former wavefunctions [ 12-14 ] are only available to the wide wires . for the oscillator strength of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers, the former wavefunctions are not appropriate

The first o kinds of wavefunctions are simple formally, but there must be error of the numerical values of some physical magnitudes because there is a trouble with the continuity of the function and of its derivative divided by the band-mass at the boundaries . though the third kind of wavefunction can satisfy the continuity of the function and of its derivative divided by the band-mass, the number of the terms is so large that it is difficult to calculate the physical magnitudes in the single quantum wire

In 1990s, a calculation of the ground-state energy of an exciton confined in a cypndrical quantum wire in the presence of a uniform magic field is reported as a function of wire radius, using a variational approach by gang p, spiros v . branis and k . k . bajaj . a . balandin and s . bandyopadhya present variational calculations of the ground-state exciton binding energy and exciton radius in a quantum wire subjected to an external magic field . these studies have been primarily responsible for our current understanding of the nature of excitonic states in a quantum wire subjected to an external magic field

It\'s difficult to see quantum wire in a sentence. 用quantum wire造句挺難的

In 1990s, a calculation of the ground-state energy of an exciton confined in a cypndrical quantum wire in the presence of a uniform magic field is reported as a function of wire radius, using a variational approach by gang p, spiros v . branis and k . k . bajaj . a . balandin and s . bandyopadhya present variational calculations of the ground-state exciton binding energy and exciton radius in a quantum wire subjected to an external magic field . these studies have been primarily responsible for our current understanding of the nature of excitonic states in a quantum wire subjected to an external magic field

In 1990s, a calculation of the ground-state energy of an exciton confined in a cypndrical quantum wire in the presence of a uniform magic field is reported as a function of wire radius, using a variational approach by gang p, spiros v . branis and k . k . bajaj . a . balandin and s . bandyopadhya present variational calculations of the ground-state exciton binding energy and exciton radius in a quantum wire subjected to an external magic field . these studies have been primarily responsible for our current understanding of the nature of excitonic states in a quantum wire subjected to an external magic field

[5 ] expressed the wavefunction in terms of a o-dimensional fourier series . this form can satisfy the continuity of the function and of its derivative divided by the band-mass . but the number of the terms is so large that it is difficult to calculate the physical magnitudes in the single quantum wire

In this paper, the wavefunction is expanded in terms of the o-dimensional harmonic oscillator eigenfunction and the mismatch of the effective mass is considered . we calculate the energy of the ground state, the energy of the first excited state and the oscillator strength of the single electron in a square quantum wire with finite barriers


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