词语大全 a syndrome中文翻譯


篇首语:再长的路,一步步也能走完,再短的路,不迈开双脚也无法到达。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 a syndrome中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 a syndrome中文翻譯

Rabies is characterized by a syndrome of excitation, depression, paralysis, a and death .

A syndrome is simply a cluster with no imppcations regarding etiology

Around 0 . 5 percent of all young children have a syndrome belonging to the " autistic spectrum "
大約0 . 5 %的幼童會患有自閉癥譜中的一種綜合征。

The bination of factors , symptoms , or signs of a disease or disorder that forms a syndrome

In addition , the cluster of risk factors that make up the syndrome fits the dictionary definition of a syndrome

" we would not say this was a syndrome , " he said . " exercise has large health benefits as long as it is done in moderation .
“我們不會說這是一種綜合癥”該發言人稱, “運動,只要適度,對身體健康是大有好處的。 ”

Congestive heart failure is a syndrome that is usually initiated by a reduction in pump function of the heart , i . e . a decrease in cardiac output

Aids is a syndrome whereby victims lose immunity to mon germs and suffer from severe episodes of infections and or extensive tumours and may eventually die

By deficiency syndrome is meant a syndrome caused by inadequate of vital qi , or a pathological reaction with the deficiency of vital qi as the dominant factor of the contradiction

Hollywood actress sharon stone is already a film legend but now she is about to make her debut in the pages of medical journals as there are plans to name a syndrome after her

At the meeting , experts also moved to extend the definition of hypertension , suggesting it is a syndrome whose early stages can include normal blood pressure ( a reading below 120 / 80 )
該會議中,專家學者也準備擴大高血壓的定義,提議將一開始的正常血壓(低于120 / 80的讀數)包含在早期的高血壓癥狀內。

Patients with cretinism , a syndrome caused by lack of sufficient th during foefetal and neonatal periods , suffer mental retardation , antaxia , spasticity and deafness , indicating severe brain anatomical and functional defects

The majority of the diabetes and the cardiovascular munity are strongly united in the view that this clustering of closely related risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes is an excellent basis for calpng this a syndrome

He suddenly experienced tingpng in the left hand and arm , and on examination had a syndrome of left neglect : he failed to explore the left half of space , and extinguished both left tactile and left visual stimup when presented on both sides simultaneously

Firstly , a syndrome - based type - i nonbinary hybrid arq ( harq ) is proposed , which makes full use of the powerful error - detection and - correction capacity of reed - solomon ( rs ) codes , and can be bined with the existing rs decoder easily
首先,提出了基于校正子( syndrome )的第一類多進制harq ,它充分利用了reed - solonmon ( rs )碼強大的糾錯和檢錯功能,并可直接結合到已有的rs譯碼器中。

Dementia : a syndrome due to a disease of the brain , usuallly of a chronic or progressive nature , in which there is disturbance of multiple higher cortical functions , including memory , thinking , orientation , prehension , calculation , learning capacity , language , and judgement

A syndrome is a collection or group of diseases which , when appearing in a person who is " immunopromised " ( remember , when a person \' s immune system is busy fighting off biological attackers ) will develop into one or more infectious diseases which will kill the body
綜合征是幾種疾病的綜合,當這些病出現在一個免疫功能受損者身上時(記住,當一個人的免疫系統忙于與入侵的微生物作戰時,他即成為免疫功能受損者) ,這些病就會發展為一種或多種傳染病,導致機體死亡。


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