词语大全 quantum woo造句 quantum wooの例文


篇首语:世间事飘忽不定者多,万事随心,随不了心便随缘,随不了缘便随时势。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 quantum woo造句 quantum wooの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 quantum woo造句 quantum wooの例文

I came across this pttle area of quantum woo on Sixty Symbols.

There\'s still a lot of quantum woo-woo based on those early statements by prominent physicists .-- talk ) 02 : 45, 4 September 2011 ( UTC)

This has received criticism on the grounds that evidence strongly points to such paranormal phenomena not existing, and that the use of quantum mechanics in this context amounts to " quantum woo " or quantum mysticism.

A source designates " vacuum state of consciousness " as quantum woo pseudobabble . ( Unless we are in a time-travel paradox, the phrase " can\'t " e from ancient India .)

It\'s difficult to find quantum woo in a sentence. 用quantum woo造句挺難的


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爱窝窝  [àiwōwo][爱窝窝]基本解释同‘艾窝窝’。[爱窝窝]百科解释爱窝窝是一道菜品,主料为桃仁、瓜仁、芝麻仁和白糖。更多→爱窝窝[爱窝窝]英文翻译Aiwowo

词语大全 被卧   [bèi wo]什么意思

被卧  [bèiwo][被卧]基本解释被子[被卧]详细解释睡眠用的被子。《水浒传》第十回:“只说林冲就床上放了包裹被卧,就坐下生些焰火起来。”《二刻拍案惊奇》卷四:“到得庄上,五个