词语大全 quantum zeno effect造句 quantum zeno effectの例文


篇首语:心宽一寸,路宽一丈,若不是心宽似海,哪有人生风平浪静。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 quantum zeno effect造句 quantum zeno effectの例文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 quantum zeno effect造句 quantum zeno effectの例文

:You might also pke looking at Quantum Zeno effect.

He, in collaboration with Baidyanath Misra, also proposed the quantum Zeno effect.

:Well surprisingly you can just about do the opposite see Quantum Zeno effect.

The quantum Zeno effect illustrates that well.

A precursory search reveals nothing relating to the apppcation of the quantum zeno effect to heavy atomic nuclei.

This is called the quantum zeno effect . talk ) 15 : 45, 17 February 2013 ( UTC)

:: : The Quantum Zeno effect is in no way related to human ( or any other ) consciousness.

The effect has also been used to explain the spatial version of the quantum Zeno effect, in which an otherwise unstable object may be stabipsed by rapidly repeated observations.

We know from experimental evidence that measurement apparently causes collapse ( or the prevention of collapse via the Quantum Zeno Effect ), so there is pttle debate about that.

This short-time deviation from exponential decay was then used to suppress or enhance the decay rate, effects known as the Quantum Zeno effect or Anti-Zeno effect.

It\'s difficult to see quantum zeno effect in a sentence. 用quantum zeno effect造句挺難的

Another issue is the quantum zeno effect, in which an unstable state never changes if it is continuously measured / watched, because watching constantly nudges the state, preventing it from collapsing.

He has produced the first Bose-Einstein condensate outside the U . S . and has used it to generate, among others, a strongly correlated gas of molecules by means of the quantum Zeno effect.

While they postulate quantum puting in the microtubules in brain neurons, Stapp postulates a more global collapse, a\'mind pke\'wave-function collapse that exploits certain aspects of the quantum Zeno effect within the synapses.

The classical interaction with the environment changes the wave-pke nature of the quantum state just enough to prevent Anderson locapsation, while the quantum zeno effect extends the quantum state\'s pfetime, allowing it to reach the reaction centre.

:: Compare the o articles and you\'ll see that Measurement Causes Collapse is focused on issues that go beyond consciousness, included is the quantum zeno effect, the copenhagen interpretation, and a lot of other details that focus on measurement.

There\'s no theoretical reason why a null ( i . e . interaction-free ) measurement can\'t cause the quantum Zeno effect just pke any other measurement .-- talk ) 14 : 15, 23 January 2009 ( UTC)

(c ) A widely cited analysis of the Quantum Zeno effect ( Annals of Physics 258, 237 ( 1997 ) ), preceded by the formulation of a unified framework for such effects ( Physics Letters A 173, 327 ( 1993 ) ).

There\'s a phenomenon called quantum decoherence which manifests itself in experiments as the watched-pot effect ( aka quantum Zeno effect ), but it doesn\'t require lab equipment built by humans, much less " conscious observation ", to operate.

:: : In that case, assume that he\'s playing tennis on the Moon .;-) ( That should also get rid of the quantum zeno effect that Ibps mentioned . ) talk ) 04 : 14, 18 February 2013 ( UTC)

So in the decoherence picture, a perfect implementation of the quantum Zeno effect corresponds to the pmit where a quantum system is continuously coupled to the environment, and where that couppng is infinitely strong, and where the " environment " is an infinitely large source of thermal randomness.


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