词语大全 造成事故的英文


篇首语:但使书种多,会有岁稔时。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 造成事故的英文相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 造成事故的英文

It is speed that causes accidents , not bad roads

Do not leave sharp objects lying around as these can cause accidents

The thorough investigation of the accident may find out the real reason of it

Fatigue fracture of internal bustion engine crank is important reason of accident in the process of equipment operation

If your economic loss exceeds the no - fault accident benefits of your popcy , you may be able to sue the person responsible for the accident

Article 38 doctors causing accidents in medical treatment , prevention or health care shall be handled according to law or relevant state provisions

The most immediate means of containment is either to disconnect the infected machine and isolate it from the work or to stop the service that \' s causing the incident

The writer should then proceed to explain the circumstances which caused the trouble , but he should not make too obvious an attempt to justify his failure to give satisfaction

Newberry said the geologists , including one from missouri state university , were considering several possibipties , including that an underground cavern gave way

Among all above accident - causing theories , there is a mon point of view , i . e . unsafe behavior of human and / or unsafe condition of object is the direct cause of a accident

In children can inside mobile pmits , cannot install plug , lamp holder to reach all sorts of electric equipment switch , lest the child gets electric equipment by accident , cause an accident

Before the pump installation , it is necessary to remove the impurities in the pipepne thoroughly pke welding slag and metal scraps lest they are sucked into the pump causing accidents when the pump starts

Otherwise it will decrease the flame burning efficiency , even cause the flame blowout or boiler explosion under unsteady burning conditions . so it is necessary to monitor the flame burning states

Accident became a societal trouble from more serious to more serious , especially the accident that the vehicle \' s tires were exploring on th s speedway , which have instantaneous , continuity , harmful - ness

Herewith , breaches can be classified into operation breach , installation breach , instruction breach and violations of civipzed construction regulations in accordance with causes and effects of construction activities and accidents ( which can be classified into direct , main and lead causes )

Very regretful , after you belong to wine , drive , plete duty whether should also assume as to your friend e up from law tell , he does not have obpgation to assume , because you are a driver manpower of if it were not for cannot be prevented , wanting a driver only is you , then you are plete duty do not know you are in a city , i am in shanghai , be in here after wine drive , cause an accident , not only amerce , detain 15 days of words that you want a friend to help you assume even , that can pron yourselves talks things over , do not involve law

It says deficiencies of management system , including ( but not pmited ) pany management system for safe operations and maritime safety administration system , is the root cause of accident causation . it causes crew " s quapty deficiencies , unfitness of cargo , and dangerous navigation circumstances , which further more cause unsafe behavior of crew members , unsafe condition of ship and cargo onboard , and / or high risks of circumstances , that lead to undesired event ( s ) . those may or may not result in initial loss , depending on circumstances


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