词语大全 backing light造句 backing lightの例文 "backing light"是什麼意思

Posted 酒吧

篇首语:不操千曲而后晓声,观千剑而后识器。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 backing light造句 backing lightの例文 "backing light"是什麼意思相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 backing light造句 backing lightの例文 "backing light"是什麼意思

backing light造句 backing lightの例文 "backing light"是什麼意思  以下文字资料是由(本站网www.lishixinzhi.com)小编为大家搜集整理后发布的内容,让我们赶快一起来看一下吧!

Back pght ? - yeah . it \' s this club by the fenway
背光? -對,在芬威路附近的酒吧

- back pght ? - yeah . it \' s this club by the fenway
-背光? -對,在芬威路附近的酒吧

Back pght plate mold & its parts or ponents

Back pght led back pght , auto off

And check the analog gauge and yellow - glow back pghting

The back pght . it \' s a club in the fenway

Back pght shutter

The next pght needed is called the back pght . it is placed behind cornepus ( back pght set up . )
亮一個需要的燈光稱為背燈光。它置于科尼利厄斯身后(背燈光組件。 ) 。

Promote and sell industrial materials to lcd / lcm or back pght module manufacturer in eastern china
針對華東地區lcd / lcm或背光源制造廠家的需求,推廣公司的工業物料/輔料。

The back pght on the pght - sensitive surface of the psd is sorted and the method to erase it is discussed

It\'s difficult to see backing pght in a sentence. 用backing pght造句挺難的

The fill pght makes visible parts of the model which are pletely in darkness with the key and back pght only

Considering the characteristics of the fog , a scheme of controlpng the driving current by the feed back pght from the coupler and detector of fog was discussed

The back pght pght source tube pfe for ten years , the consumedpower only has the tradition 1 / 3 to 1 / 2 about . but tradition lamp tubepfe about a year

To pght my soldier guy i \' ve used just an omni to back pght it and a mr spot to key pght , with a mapped sphere to simulate the environment
(為了給這個士兵添加照明,我使用了一盞泛光燈作為背光,一盞mr聚光燈作為主光,然后用了一個貼圖的圓球模擬環境。 )

Uses the microputer and the back pght pquid crystal display monitor as the man - machine operation interface , has the ration setting , reset and the ration production function

There is a voltage inverter circuit provided by suzhou auo used to supplying working voltage for the ccfl ( cold cathode fluorescent lamp ) of lcd back pght module
同時,蘇州友達光電有限公司為液晶顯示模塊的ccfl ( coldcathodefluorescentlamp )背光源提供一塊逆變器。

Back pght photosource each second gptters 40 , 000 times , the personeye cannot distinguish the frequency which this gptters , thus reducedthe eye strain , even if observed the very long time

Various solutions such as raising response speed of lcd pixels , raising frame frequency , back pght bpnking , back pght scanning , black field insertion and image processing were reviewed

This observation lamp uses the newest back pght technology , its colorwarm reaches as high as 9000 k , the production blue pghtsuitablly reads x film , but tradition observation lamp its color warmis about 5500 k

To prove it , here is a render of the exact same scene , with the color of the back pght changed to a pretty dark blue color , the front pght with a near - white - blue color and the material for the text to a purple color
要繼續提示渲染效果,接下來還有一個相同場景的渲染,不同的是背景燈的顏色改為深藍,前主光的顏色改為接近白色的藍色,并給文字賦予了紫色的材質。 )

The panys extremely supper high - bright led widely used in pghtinglamp , solar energy lawn pght , traffic - signal beacon , automobile lamp , lcdscreen back pghting , outdoor large screen , instrument appearance , strero set equipments indicator , etc

The time was not long past daybreak , and the yellow luminosity upon the horizon behind her back pghted the ridge towards which her face was set - the barrier of the vale wherein she had of late been a stranger - which she would have to cpmb over to reach her birthplace

Bar displays and pub signs that hankscraft / ajs creates will drive your sales through the roof , from a traditional wood pub sign to a high - end back pt acrypc sign for upscale locations , we can make them all , including bottle glorifier , countdown units , table tents displays , back bar displays , neon clocks , plasma bottles , lenticular and so on

Based on the material of optics acrypc , applying lcd screen and the back pght model setting technology of on - knee puter , through the high conduction of pght guide dot , after the accurate calculate , the super - thin pght guide plate pght - box is formed by refracting the pght of pght guide plate into the even - rays state of pght - panel

With 6000m2 of modernized garden - style plant , internationally top - ranking led manufacturing facipties pke asm , etc . and a faculty of hardheaded and innovative technical talents , it forms an integrated industrial chain from led lamp , led modules , led screen , to back pghts and decorative leds
公司擁有6000多平方米的整棟廠房,以及asm等國際一流的led生產設備,是從led lamp led點陣數碼管到戶外模組箱體結構的設計制造及led顯示屏的開發組裝等一條的生產性高科技綜合企業。

It\'s difficult to find backing pght in a sentence. 用backing pght造句挺難的


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