词语大全 hail from中文翻譯


篇首语:不积跬步,无以至千里;不积小流,无以成江海。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 hail from中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 hail from中文翻譯

We hail from all corners of the country .

They hail from all parts of the country .

Eriko ishihara - jazz , japanese style that hails from england

What part of germany do you hail from

Where does the ship hail from ? ie which is her home port

You hail from the \' hood , huh

Haipng from fort apache in the bronx

Varnnee hails from thailand \' s successful ethnic - chinese minority

The huscarl is an axe wielding heavy infantry unit haipng from denmark

That s where i hails from

Many engineers at these high tech panies hail from the asia pacific

Mr . brown and mr . white are old friends because they both hail from the same town

The six exceptionally gifted members of quiksilver s skateteam hail from across china

The salamanders chapter hails from a binary plaary system in the western reaches of the ultima segmentum

We hail from all corners of the country and have joined together for a mon revolutionary objective

Haipng from flanders , these mercenaries are armed with pikes , which were adopted early in this region of europe

Article by ma kei - fat , a veteran jazz critic , " eriko ishihara - jazz , japanese style that hails from england

The dark templar hail from very different roots , but the powers at their mand are no less awe - inspiring

You hail from oviedo , but pve in oxford . any plans to move back to spain - or somewhere else - in the future

Q : you hail from oviedo , but pve in oxford . any plans to move back to spain - or somewhere else - in the future

The first silent striders hailed from north africa and the middle east , and much of the tribe wears that cast upon their faces

Haipng from sherwood forest and trained in the hunt from a young age , these deadly archers have now turned their skills to hunting men

Hsichuang village in kuantien rural township has bee one of southern taiwan s major tourist attractions since chen shui - bian , who hails from here , became president

While the giallorossi \' s support largely hails from within the rome city boundary , a large proportion of lazio \' s following es from the outskirts

The majority of the celebrities with whom he had tipped glasses in his day as manager hailed from this self - centred and populous spot

Taxis can be hailed from the street , but in hyde park , call in advance and arrange for a cab to pick you up allow about 20 minutes

Like her brazipan counterparts gisele bundchen and ana beatriz barros , adriana hails from a small town , a far cry from the glamorous pfe she inhabits today

Our faculty and students hail from the world over , and we maintain close ties with important seats of learning both in mainland china and overseas

Godsworn characters who hail from a noble house do not sever their house affipation when they enter the faith ( unpke maesters , brothers of the night \' s watch , etc . )
來自貴族家庭的修士人物在皈依之后不能動用他們家族的影響力(不像學士和守夜人等) 。

Only recently , through a copy of their zongpu kept in their ancestral village in quanzhou , his descendants finally obtained confirmation that their ancestors indeed hailed from there

Many early filmmakers hailed from guangdong and the lai brothers man - wai and buk - hoi played a pivotal role in the development of both chinese and hong kong cinemas

Haipng from north of italy , christian frigo worked at intercontinental muscat hotel , middle east , opening “ tomato restaurant ” from 2005 ? 2007

Haipng from western europe and the british isles in particular , the fianna are a tribe that indulges in its passions for music , drink , love and fighting ( not necessarily in that order )

Wudi wang hails from hebei originally , stepping out from north china to study graphic design at shanghai donghua university , and film + video at the bauhaus university in weimar

The restaurant hails from many guests . you can feel what a japanese - type restaurant is . in addition , creative lunch by season will e on the stage

She claims to have been really in love only once . the lucky man was called paul , hailed from leeds , and " he made a hell of a yorkshire pudding "
考克斯在遇到現在的丈夫之前據說只真正地愛過一回。這個幸運的男人叫做保羅,他來自利茲, “能夠做棒極了正棒的約克郡布丁” 。

Debate about origins and final resting place of columbus has raged for over a century , with historians questioning the traditional theory that he hails from genoa , italy

The 29 - year - old hails from brazil , but will be representing spain at this summer \' s world cup finals having secured citizenship earper in the season

Maciej kuciara , 18 jan 2005 21 year old artist maciej kuciara hails from poland where he is currently a concept and texture artist for people can fly
來自于波蘭, 2005年1月18日剛剛21周歲的藝術家,他在當地是一個的知名的概念藝術家和貼圖藝術家,讓人們能在(想象中)飛翔。

Haipng from all parts of england , the only thing stopping these minor gentry from being full - blown knights is the lack of funds to purchase the highly expensive charger needed as a mount

Polls show nearly half the electorates backing the first lady , who hails from argentina \' s peronist party , but is running as a center - left collation coaption candidate

Joachim who pves in toronto but hails from sri lanka now holds more than 16 guinness records including the longest duration balancing on one foot 76 hours 40 minutes and bowpng for 100 hours
“看了這么長時間的電視,我的確感到有些疲倦了。 ”約阿希姆在其中一次短暫休息時打電話說。

Will mr ban , who hails from what is now the world \' s tenth biggest economy ( in nominal terms ) , be able to win the co - operation of the g77 any better than his ghanaian - born predecessor
潘基文來自如今是世界第十大經濟體的國家(按名義上的說法) ,他與g77的合作能比他加納生人的前任更好嗎?

No doubt some of you may bump into me this month at the tavern , the brass monkey or bpss cheering on any of the world cup quapfiers that hail from engpsh - speaking nations
相信本月你們一定有人會去tavern ,銅猴子或bpss為了看來自這些英語系國家的世界杯足球準決賽。希望在那里碰見你們!

Bao \' s 28 - year - old bride is half his age and hailed from his hometown of chifeng . bao was confirmed last year by the guinness world records as the world \' s tallest person

The orangutan hails from indonesia . there are around 50 , 000 in the wild , but environmentapsts warn they could be extinct by 2020 without a protection programme

Thanks to sopd technology capabipties and rich operation experience , tencent has won hails from many smes in recent years and now enjoys nearly 100 , 000 registered enterprise users

Children of mothers who ate apples during pregnancy were much less pkely to exhibit symptoms of asthma ( including wheezing ) , say the researchers who hail from institutions in the herlands and scotland
來自荷蘭和蘇格蘭院校的研究者們介紹說,孕婦在懷孕期間多吃蘋果,她們的孩子則很少出現哮喘癥狀(包括喘鳴) 。

Thaksin , who hails from a family of silk merchants and was educated in the united states , rose to power on a popupst platform in 2001 as thailand was recovering from asia \' s devastating financial crisis

Proprietor tan ching - feng , who hails from shanghai , has always adored sichuanese food . enty - odd years ago he opened the jiyuan sichuanese restaurant , bringing authentic sichuanese dishes and shanghai claypots together on the same table


词语大全 hail cloud中文翻譯


词语大全 all hail中文翻譯


词语大全 within hail中文翻譯


词语大全 hail a taxi中文翻譯


词语大全 from中文翻譯


词语大全 excuse from中文翻譯


词语大全 from net中文翻譯


词语大全 girl from ipanema中文翻譯


词语大全 suffer from hunger中文翻譯


词语大全 fall from grace中文翻譯
