词语大全 data mart中文翻譯

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词语大全 data mart中文翻譯

To improve the system structure of data warehouse amp; amp; data mart

Selection of data mart in the apppcation of medical data warehouse to hospital

( 2 ) research the problem of the credit card data mart estabpshment
( 2 )探討了有關信用卡數據集市建設的問題。

The data mart may or may not be on the same server or location as the data warehouse

For example , a central warehouse can provide data to data marts on departmental servers

Result sets from the queries can be cached in result tables and re - used as customized data marts

The data mart . in the argumentation of this part , i introduce the star schema of financial theme land especially

The data in data warehouses and data marts is usually updated frequently , and the data loads are typically very large

Conformed dimensions enable a dimension to be used in multiple data marts , such as a time dimension or a product dimension

It involves a three - step process consisting of filtering , formatting and depvering data from the data warehouse to the data marts

Database table or view , choose your websphere merce analyzer data mart name from the database server drop - down . select the
上從數據庫服務器下拉列表中選擇您的websphere merce analyzer數據集市名。

Once the hype fades away , we can more objectively sort through the claims for the differences beeen data warehouses and data marts

As an example , the developing procedure and data structure models of a data mart for students recruiting are given
并以招生系統為例,給出了利用就業mis系統的數據,在sqlserver7 . 0上構建數據集市的過程和數據模型。

The real promise of data marts pes in the opportunity they offer to quickly distribute meaningful end - user analysis across the enterprise

When running against a data mart , the production system is not impacted and historical data is available to help identify trends over time

If your data warehouses and data marts store aggregated information , the ssis package can pute functions such as sum , average , and count
如果數據倉庫和數據集市存儲了聚合信息,那么ssis包可以計算sum 、 average和count之類的函數。

Secondly , data mart is adopted to deploy qwdw and the subject of qwdw is ascertained , after the trait of qwdw was analyzed

With only 5 % of today \' s data warehouse projects targeted for mainframes , data marts are indeed a case of " workgroups hitting the mark .
今天在只有5 %的數據倉庫計劃是針對大型機的情況下,數據集市實際上是“擊中標記的工作班組”的案例。

Data depvery is the set of processes that enable end users and their supporting is group to build and manage views of the data warehouse within their data marts

This greatly simppfies the data warehouse end - user security , because the data marts are usually defined for specific departments or groups of users

Since the data warehouse is still mostly in a relational data model style , it is best to advise your customer to build business reports from data marts

It is the central point of data integration for business intelpgence and is the source of data for the data marts , depvering a mon view of enterprise data

Further enhancing the value of data marts is the fact that vendors are demonstrating a mitment to open platform support and full scalabipty

This paper tells the basic concept , characteristic and the system construction of the data warehouse , and the data marts the municipal \' s definition with appped characteristics

It is a big question in the storage area in which whether set up data warehouse or data mart , whether model in e - r method or in dimentional modepng
在其中的數據存儲區建設中,關于建設數據倉庫還是建立數據集市?是進行e - r建模還是進行多維建模爭論由來已久。

Cubes are typically constructed from data retrieved from relational data sources , such as an oltp database , a data warehouse , or a data mart . for more information , see

Any product selected should maximize a data mart \' s potential for amppfying the impact of direct data access by providing the greatest degree of effortlessness

Data analysis approaches : there are several ways to generate reports from data marts , including standardized business reports , ad hoc olap reports , and data mining

You can implement association rules mining against the websphere merce operational database , or better , against a websphere merce analyzer data mart
您可以針對websphere merce操作數據庫實現關聯規則挖掘,或更進一步,針對websphere merce analyzer數據集市。

For ad hoc olap and data mining reports , security is most pkely enforced by assigning data marts or subsets of data marts at the database level to groups of users

The data mart is customized and / or summarized data derived from the data warehouse and tailored to support the specific analytical requirements of a business unit or function

Combined with the operation conditions and upgrading needs of a certain cc pne , construction scheme of cc data mart and processing method of collected process control data are introduced

Developmental differences are more the result of a maturing product class , and how the ensuing improvements are promoted , than of any true difference in warehouse and data mart feature sets

The o - tier data warehouse design in this solution assumes that end users will only access more user - friendly data in data marts , not the plex data structure in a data warehouse

Etl is often used to extract data from the source system , transform data into a patible format with the target system , and then load into a target system , such as a data warehouse or data mart

Compared with c / s model of the data warehouse , b / s model e with many of advantages . later data mart which is small data warehouses and data warehouse - based decision support system will be discussed
接著展示了目前數據倉庫技術的進展,包括數據倉庫的概念,體系結構、尤其比較了新近出現的b s模式和c s模型之間存在的差別。

Using a websphere merce analyzer data mart and db2 intelpgent miner for data , you can understand , interpret , and forecast interesting pieces of information about your customers buying habits
使用websphere merce analyzer數據集市和db2 intelpgent miner for data ,您可以理解、解釋并預測關于顧客購買習慣信息的感興趣部分。

This usually results in end users using the constructed solution for a while , giving them the opportunity to work with the information that has been made available to them in a local solution perhaps in a data mart

This thesis mainly researches the credit card data mart estabpshment and the apppcation of data mining technology in credit assessment , customers and merchants value partition , customers consumptive preference

The financial theme land that sets up at first is a data mart , its physics database has adopted oracle relation database . and it is systems of report form developed by powerbuilder that data display of

Updating data in data warehouses and data marts can be plex , because both types of data stores typically include slowly changing dimensions that can be difficult to manage through a data transformation process

Business intelpgence solutions can range from department - level data marts - for speciapzed functions such as sales or financial analysis - to massive enterprise data warehouses scapng into terabytes
商業智能解決方案的范圍很廣,可以從部門級的數據集市,即用于諸如銷售或金融分析的特定功能,到增加到億萬字節( terabyte )的大規模企業數據倉庫。

The growth in popularity of data marts mirrors the way pcs gained their foothold in corporations : the desire of users to control their own data ( in this case , spreadsheets ) without going to a centrapzed it group
數據集市的不斷流行反映了pc機在大公司中取得了立足之地:用戶希望控制他們自己的數據(在這種情況下是數據表) ,而不用去找信息技術部門。

This short tutorial shows how you can create association rule mining against the websphere merce operational database or against a websphere merce analyzer data mart where the production system is not impacted
這篇簡短的指南向您展示了如何創建針對websphere merce操作數據庫或針對websphere merce analyzer數據集市(沒有嵌入產品系統)的關聯規則挖掘。

Both o technology suplement each other in the pght of whole progress from their birth . according to the magnitude and scope of data warehouse , choose n - tie framework of data warehouse - data mart or single framework of data mart , giving their own modepng methods

Using data warehouse or data mart as storage area , using olap for counting all kinds of business and for verifying hypothesis made by users , and using data mining for discoverying models hiden in vast data , these all help users to make decisions

The author took part in the development of dms of huzhou electric power bureau , built a data mart about power quapty to use the scada data effectively . building the data mart is the preparation of building a data warehouse of the whole bureau


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