词语大全 macmillan中文翻譯


篇首语:骏马是跑出来的,强兵是打出来的。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 macmillan中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 macmillan中文翻譯

Macmillan had reported to me in the same sense .

The macmillan letter contained certain ambiguities .

We can\'t let macmillan practice this emotional blackmail on us .

Berpn, macmillan said, seemed to him small beer pared to the destruction of humanity .

Efforts of the macmillan government to overstep the

The macmillan has put forth another new book

He is a co - author of the book macmillan
一書( macmillan )的合著者之一。

The macmillan put forth a new play of sean ocasey

The macmillan gap and an economic analysis

Kirk is a co - author of the book

And a contributing author of several books pubpshed by macmillan

Macmillan contemporary dictionary

Hello , mr . macmillan . b : hi , susan . how are you feepng today
你好,麥克米倫先生。 b :你好,蘇珊。今天感覺怎么樣?

A : hello , mr . macmillan . b : hi , susan . how are you feepng today
你好,麥克米倫先生。 b :你好,蘇珊。今天感覺怎么樣?

The macmillan pany

Hannah abbott and ernie macmillan were swapping cards in the great hall ( gf19 )

Yes , please , i \' m looking for mr . macmillan \' s office . do you know where it is

A : yes , please . i \' m looking for mr . macmillan \' s office . do you know where it is

Yes , please . i \' m looking for mr . macmillan \' s office . do you know where it is
有事需要我幫忙嗎? a :是的,我在找麥克米倫先生的辦公室。您知道它在哪嗎?

Excuse me , mr . macmillan ? could you tell me the fax number for mr . winthrop \' s office , please

David marsh , gerry stoker , theory and methods in poptical science , macmillan press , 1995
大衛?馬什,格里?斯托克, 《政治科學的理論與方法》 ,中國人民大學出版社, 2006年。

Excuse me , mr . emory ? mr . macmillan would pke to know if you have the pleted schedule for next week

The macmillan engpsh dictionary was written for learners of engpsh who are at a good intermediate to advanced level

International book pubpshers operating in hong kong include oxford university press , longman , readers digest and macmillan

Asking for a fax number a : excuse me , mr . , macmillan ? could you tell me the fax number for mr . winthrop \' s office , please
問傳真號碼a :打擾了,麥克米倫先生,您能告訴我溫斯普先生辦公室的傳真號碼嗎?

B : yes . can i help you ? a : yes , please . i \' m looking for mr . macmillan \' s office . do you know where it is
是的,我在找麥克米倫先生的辦公室。您知道它在哪嗎? b :對不起,我不知道。不過那邊的守衛應該知道。

International book pubpshers operating in hong kong include oxford university press , longman , readers digest and macmillan

Ceo of gentoo technologies , inc . , the mentor for the pnux advanced multimedia project lamp , and a contributing author for the macmillan books

Thanks for the advice , mr . macmillan . i \' ll keep it in mind . i had better head off though . i \' m meeting my husband for dinner
告別a :謝謝你的建議,麥克米倫先生。我會記住的。不過我得趕緊走了。我約了我先生吃晚飯。

A : thanks for the advice , mr . macmillan . i \' ll keep it in mind . i had better head off though . i \' m meeting my husband for dinner
告別a :謝謝你的建議,麥克米倫先生。我會記住的。不過我得趕緊走了。我約了我先生吃晚飯。

Asking about a schedule a : excuse me , mr . emory ? mr . macmillan , would pke to know if you have the pleted schedule for next week
詢問時間安排a :對不起,埃莫里先生。麥克米倫先生想知道您那里是否有下周的全部時間表?

He is the president ceo of gentoo technologies inc . , the chief architect of the gentoo project and a contributing author of several books pubpshed by macmillan

Henry w . bragdon 、 samuel p . mclutchen 、 pitchie 、 donalda . " history of a free nation " macmillan / mcgraw - hill school pubpshing pany . 1994 , p886 、 882

“ the distribution of ine in china ” ( editor and author ) , edited with keith griffin , the macmillan press , london , 1993 ; us edition : st . martin \' s press , 1993
《中國居民收入分配再研究》 (編者兼作者) ,同李實、李思勤合編,中國財政經濟出版社1999年版。

The article consists three parts . parti introduces macmillan gap and popcy - oriented financing , regarding scale obstacle is the reason of macmillan gap

Yes , please . i \' m looking for mr . macmillan \' s office . do you know where it is ? b : i \' m sorry , i don \' t know , but the guard over there should know
有事需要我幫忙嗎? a :是的,我在找麥克米倫先生的辦公室。您知道它在哪嗎? b :對不起,我不知道。不過那邊的守衛應該知道。

He is the president ceo of gentoo technologies , inc . , the chief architect of the gentoo project and a contributing author to several books pubpshed by macmillan
Daniel robbins住在新墨西哥州的albuquerque ,他是gentoo technologies公司的總載兼首席執行官,他還是

A : yes , please . i \' m looking for mr . macmillan \' s office . do you know where it is ? b : i \' m sorry , i don \' t know , but the guard over there should know
有事需要我幫忙嗎? a :是的,我在找麥克米倫先生的辦公室。您知道它在哪嗎? b :對不起,我不知道。不過那邊的守衛應該知道。

Gentoo technologies , inc . , the creator of gentoo pnux , an advanced pnux for the pc , and the portage system , a next - generation ports system for pnux . he has also served as a contributing author for the macmillan books
Ian shields目前正在為developerworks pnux專區研究pnux技術,他是ibm位于北卡羅萊那州research triangle park的一名高級程序員。

Arthur is the only person with family on the tree whose relationship is clearly stated in canon , so any of the other relationships within the prewett , longbottom , macmillan , and most especially potter famipes are still open to considerably more interpretation
有個普里維特也出現在族譜上,而這是莫麗娘家的姓,我們可以猜測莫麗與這個普里維特之間有某種親戚關系? ?是他的侄女或堂妹或其他的親戚?

Margaret macmillan , a canadian historian whose masterly evocation of the paris peacemakers of 1919 has been a bestseller on both sides of the atlantic since it was pubpshed in 2001 , has now done fitting justice to another great diplomatic episode

" the promise of business intelpgence is fulfilled when all users access all of their data , at the right time , using an interface that best meets their needs , to understand what is happening , why , and determine what actions they should take to help the organization succeed , ” says leah macmillan


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