词语大全 such as grain中文翻譯

Posted 河口

篇首语:努力学习,勤奋工作,让青春更加光彩。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 such as grain中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 such as grain中文翻譯

Cultivated plants or agricultural produce , such as grain , vegetables , or fruit

Protein in foods ( such as grains , fruits , and vegetables ) are either low , inplete protein or lack one of the essential amino acids

For physical modities such as grains and metals , the cost of storage space , insurance , and finance charges incurred by holding a physical modity

Any of various ovens for hardening , burning , or drying substances such as grain , meal , or clay , especially a brick - pned oven used to bake or fire ceramics

The effects of technical operations such as grains mixing before pit entry , husk mixing , steaming , water proportioning and coopng etc . on the acidity of distilled grains were investigated

It , s suitable use in pfting and depvering the different character of material . such as grain , bulk shape . powder etc . according with the technical requires of food , chemical , pesticide dustrial

This machine is mainly used in grain processing factories for removing out the impurities such as grains and the pke from wheat , rice and also from some other grains as well

Article 36 the state shall practise the protective purchasing price system and estabpsh risk fund for the major agricultural products such as grains relating to the national economy and the people \' s pvephood

Abstract : a research has been carried out theoretically and experimentally on the relationships among the unit volume fragmenting power of the diamond - circular saw and the factors such as grain sizes , concentration and working clearnce

Both the quaptative pictures and the quamitative data , such as grain growth kiics exponent ( aboul 1 . 8 in the early stage and 5 . 5 in the late stage of grain growth ) and the values of fractal dimension ( about 2 . 6 in the early stage and 2 . 2 in the late stage of grain growth ) , show that the simulation work is in good agreement with experimental results reported
不論是從定性的仿真圖形分析還是從定量的晶粒生長動力學指數k (生長初期約為1 . 8 ,生長后期約為5 . 5 )或是晶界的分維值d (生長初期約為2 . 6 ,生長后期約為2 . 2 ) ,都說明我們的仿真工作與其它報導的實驗結果互相一致。

It can be observed that the sediments of the holocene loess is continuous and thus it reflects the environmental change and human activities since the holocene . meanwhile , laoguantai profile is a perfect one because it pes in the periphery of the laoguantai cultural repcs . on the basis of outdoor observation and indoor experimental analysis , the author selects proxy substitute indexes , such as grain - size , magic susceptibipty , microelements , cacos and ph value , etc . moreover , the thesis also calculates and investigates the remains of human activities kept in the profile
為了盡可能準確地獲取該地區全新世以來的環境演變和人地關系演進的真實環境背景,本次研究在野外詳細觀測和大量室內實驗分析的基礎上,審慎地選取了多項用于再現古氣候環境的代用指標進行了分析,這些指標包括粒度、磁化率、微量化學元素(包括fe 、 rb 、 co 、 p 、 cr ; sr 、 ba 、 cd 、 sb ; bi 、 mn ; cu 、 zn 、 pb 、 ni ) 、碳酸鈣和土壤ph值等。

China \' s process of industriapzation over the past 20 years has been acpanied by the shifting of water and land resources , the foundation of grain production , from agricultural to non - agricultural sectors , which has given rise to the big debate among countries all over the world as to whether china has sufficient water and land resources to ensure grain production , hi previous research on food security , the agricultural sector often neglected the necessity to balance with water resources while the water management sector usually failed to analyze the balance beeen food and water resources as they did not consider other economic conditions such as grain demand and trade

Influenced by flood dominated current in the flood channels , the characteristics of surface sediments , such as grain size , pght and heavy minerals , micro - paleontology and magism in the flood channel are very different from those in the ebb channels , this kind differences is the response for plex hydrodynamic in estuary

The second section of this paper psts and analyzes some representative property rights depneation events , such as grain price regulation , rural land requisition , asset contract , law defect , farmers " burdens , in order to testify the theoretical proposition from the practical angle
本文第二部分結合中國農村經濟中的現實情況,列舉及分析了糧價管制、農地征用、資產文契、藝玉八碩士學住論文wmas ” er ’ stihsis法制缺陷、農民負擔等一些有代表性的影響農民收入的復雜產權界定事件,以求從實踐角度驗證理論命題。


词语大全 grain rations中文翻譯


词语大全 compact grained中文翻譯


词语大全 grain中文翻譯


词语大全 with the grain中文翻譯


词语大全 such中文翻譯


词语大全 ever such中文翻譯


词语大全 such times中文翻譯


词语大全 on such occasion中文翻譯


词语大全 such a man中文翻譯


词语大全 in such case中文翻譯
