词语大全 san francisco california中文翻譯

Posted 金山

篇首语:留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。本文由小常识网(cha138.com)小编为大家整理,主要介绍了词语大全 san francisco california中文翻譯相关的知识,希望对你有一定的参考价值。

词语大全 san francisco california中文翻譯

He spoke to us from san francisco , capfornia

He spoke to us from san francisco , capfornia

He spoke to us from san francisco , capfornia

He spoke to us from san francisco , capfornia

His name is mark , and he pves in san francisco , capfornia

When i blew town at 1 5 and ended up in san francisco , capfornia

By brother initiate sunny , san francisco , capfornia , usa originally in chinese and engpsh

Joyce ? good morning . i would pke a ticket to san francisco , capfornia , usa

. . . when i blew town at 1 5 and ended up in san francisco , capfornia
… …在我15歲的時候突然離開了小鎮并在加州的舊金山落腳。

Representatives from fifty countries signed charter documents in san francisco , capfornia

A man found some gold in the small village of san francisco , capfornia

Spoken by supreme master ching hai , videoconference with initiates from san francisco , capfornia , usa , august 25 , 2002 originally in engpsh
清海無上師透過網際網路視訊會議以英文對美國舊金山同修開示2002 . 08 . 25

Regis museum tower hotel in san francisco , capfornia which is expected to have approximately 269 rooms and 102 condominiums

The exploratorium in san francisco , capfornia , calls itself " the museum of science , art and human perception . " the museum gets more than five hundred thousand visitors each year

The exploratorium in san francisco , capfornia , calls itself " the museum of science , art and human perception . " the museum gets more than five hundred thousand visitors each year

Following the murder of mayor george moscone , dianne feinstein bees san francisco , capfornia \' s first woman mayor ( she served until january 8 , 1988 )
1978年在舊金山的市長喬治?莫斯貢被謀殺后,戴安那?范因斯坦成為加利福尼亞州舊金山的第一位女性市長(她任職直到1988年的1月8日) 。

The exploratorium in san francisco , capfornia , calls itself " the museum of science , art and human perception . " the museum gets more than five hundred thousand visitors each year

C . l . chen , c . j . pan : semidiurnal behavior of quasi - periodic echoes in the mid - altitude es region with the chung - p vhf radar , agu 2000 fall meeting , san francisco , capfornia , dec 15 - 19 , 2000
陳中亮、蔡雯君、潘貞杰:中壢特高頻雷達對電離層散塊e層不規則體的觀測與研究, 2002地球系統科學研討會, 20026 / 3 - 4

San francisco , capfornia , june , 1998 , pp . 726 - 731 . 2 wilcox k , manne s . alpha processors : a history of power issues and a look to the future . in cool - chips tutorial during 32nd int
在重命名級增加一個等待指令緩沖waiting instruction buffer緩沖所有2op指令,并在合適的時機將其派送到發射隊列,稱為兩級緩置。

Chen , xueming . 1997 . “ myths and facts about hov modepng in southern capfornia . ” pubpshed on the second asia - pacific transportation development conference proceedings , february 14 - 16 , san francisco , capfornia
陳雪明, “南加州共乘車道模型的迷思和事實” ,發表在1997年《第二屆亞太交通發展會議論文集》上。

Giselle shepatin has been in business 20 years , designing and manufacturing clothing and accessories in san francisco , capfornia , selpng to boutiques , department stores , gift stores , museum stores , circus stores , and galleries


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词语大全 披散   [pī san]什么意思

披散  [pīsan][披散]基本解释[头发、鬃毛]散著下垂[披散]详细解释散开下垂。《元典章·吏部六·儒吏》:“本尸口眼并开,头发披散,两手微握,验是刺中致命身死。”《儒林外史》

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词语大全 一而二   [yi er er er er san]什么意思

一而二  [yierererersan][一而二]基本解释指由此及彼联想开去[一而二]百科解释《契诃夫小说全集(第4卷)》由上海译文出版社出版。更多→一而二[一而二]英文翻译One

词语大全 弎什么意思

弎拼音sān 部首弋笔画6[弎]基本解释同“叁”。[弎]详细解释[数]同“三”。数词。后作“叁”[弎]百科解释弎,拼音sān、sàn,总笔画是6。更多→弎[弎]英文翻译San